
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
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Zombo Stars

Chapter 12: The Preparation of Heroes

Nikkomam took Ana Cruz, Nikking and Rex to a cave. He had used his light power to create a portal that took them away from the Pedroz Corporation building. He had chosen a cave that was in an isolated mountain, where they could hide and recover.

He placed Ana Cruz, Nikking and Rex on the cave floor and examined them. They were injured and unconscious. They had suffered a lot at the hands of villains.

He used his light power to heal their wounds. He saw their wounds heal and their pain ease. He hoped they would wake up soon.

He also used his light power to light up the cave. He saw that the cave was wide and deep. He saw that there was water, food and blankets in the cave. He recognized the cave as one of his secret hiding places, which he had prepared for emergencies.

He took the blankets and covered Ana Cruz, Nikking and Rex. He took the water and food and placed them beside them. He sat beside them and watched over them.

He thought about what had happened. He thought about how Huguel had betrayed and killed Sebastian Okobe, the God of Destruction. He thought of how Huguel had stolen his power and used it for his artifact.

He thought about what Huguel was planning to do. He thought about how Huguel wanted to alter reality and create his ideal world. He thought of how Huguel wanted to kill the babies destined to be sinful and terrible people inside their mothers' wombs.

He was horrified by Huguel's plan. He was determined to stop Huguel. He became determined to save the world.

He also thought of the Bee Woman. He thought about how it was being used by Huguel as a power source for his artifact. He thought of how she was suffering at the hands of villains.

He remembered her face, her smile, her voice. He remembered how they met, how they became friends, how they fell in love.

He loved her. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to save her.

He decided not to give up. He decided to fight until the end.

He waited for Ana Cruz, Nikking and Rex to wake up. He hoped they were okay. He hoped they would be willing to help him.

He devised a strategy to defeat Huguel and his group, the Villains Anti Heroes X. He gathered what information he had on them and his plan. He prepared the weapons, equipment and resources he had in the cave.

He was ready for war.

The preparation of the heroes was underway. They had escaped the villains and taken refuge in the cave. They had healed and recovered. They had planned and prepared.

Would they be able to find Huguel and his companions? Would they be able to face them? Would they be able to thwart their plan? Will they be able to save the Bee Lady? These questions would be answered in the next chapter of Zombo Stars.

End of chapter 12.