
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Zombo Stars

Chapter 13: The War of Heroes

The war started. Ana Cruz, Rex, Nikking and Nikkomam faced Huguel, Viktor, Gabino, Brenner Souka and Houka in an epic battle. They fought for the fate of the world and the life of the Bee Woman.

They found themselves in an open field, where there was nothing to stop them from attacking each other. They looked at each other with hatred and determination. They prepared for the final showdown.

Huguel held the artifact that allowed altering reality. He had used the power of the God of Destruction to carry it. He was ready to activate his plan.

He said to his companions:

- Are you ready, my friends? Let's end this once and for all. Let's change the world.

He said to his enemies:

- Are you ready, my enemies? Let's see who is the strongest. Let's see who will survive.

He then pressed a button on the artifact and said:

- Let's start.

He then created a wave of energy that came out of the artifact and hit everyone present. He tried to change reality according to his will. He tried to kill the babies destined to be sinners and terrible people inside their mothers' wombs.

But he couldn't. He encountered resistance. He encountered a force that prevented him from carrying out his plan.

That force was light. The light that came from heroes. The light that came from Nikkomam and the Bee Woman.

Nikkomam used his light power to protect his friends and himself from Huguel's energy wave. He used his light power to create a barrier around them. He used his power of light to counter Huguel's will.

Bee Woman used her power of light to protect babies who were in danger. She used her light power to create a connection with them. She used her light power to defend their lives.

The light of heroes was stronger than the energy of villains. The heroes' light was purer than the villains' darkness. The light of heroes was more beautiful than the ugliness of villains.

The light of heroes prevailed over the energy of villains. The Light of Heroes anZombo Stars

Chapter 14: The Battle of the Heroes (continued)

In one opportunity, Ana Cruz took her sword and wounded Huguel's chest, crossing his chest. Huguel didn't react, he just fell to the ground. Ana Cruz looked at him, thinking it was over. But before she could do anything else, Huguel started laughing maniacally.

Ana Cruz looked at Huguel perplexed and said:

- How are you still alive?

Huguel just said:

- I have ten hearts.

Huguel then raised his hand and a light came out of his hand and crossed the sky and ended up in the entire galaxy, causing an explosion. Huguel, still lying on the ground, smiled and said:

- My mission is accomplished.

Then Huguel turned to dust and disappeared.

Viktor, who was beating Nikking and Rex, looked back and saw what Huguel had done. He looked at Nikking and Rex and said:

- Mission Accomplished.

And Viktor also disappeared into dust.

Only Brenner Souka, Houka and Gabino have not disappeared. They were confused and frightened by what they had seen. They didn't know what Huguel had done. They didn't know what was going to happen.

Meanwhile, all the babies in the world and the galaxy destined for sin were killed in their mothers' wombs. Huguel had managed to kill the sinful babies with his artifact. Huguel had managed to alter reality with his plan.

Huguel had won.

Or is it not?

End of chapter 14.