
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Zombo Stars

Chapter 11: The Villains' Betrayal

When Sebastian Okobe was going to attack Ana Cruz, Rex and Nikking, Huguel surprised him with a blow that went through his chest, sucking his power. Huguel said:

- Forgive me, Sebastian Okobe, but I need your power for my plan.

Sebastian Okobe felt his power being drained by Huguel. He became weak and unresponsive. He said:

- How dare you, Huguel? You betrayed me. You used me.

- Yes, I did - Huguel said coldly - You were just a means to an end. You were just an energy source for my artifact.

- Your artifact? - asked Sebastian Okobe with confusion - What does he do?

- He does what no other can do - Huguel said proudly - He allows me to alter reality. It allows me to create my ideal world.

- Your ideal world? - asked Sebastian Okobe with fear - What is your ideal world?

- You'll see soon - Huguel said with a malicious smile - But first, let me get rid of these nuisances.

Huguel finished sucking Sebastian Okobe's power and threw him to the ground, dead. He looked at Ana Cruz, who was stunned and injured. He grabbed Ana Cruz by the hair and threw her against the wall. Ana Cruz landed on her back, blood pouring from her mouth.

Huguel and Viktor stood before Ana Cruz, ready to kill her. They said:

- Goodbye, Ana Cruz. You were a good opponent. But you are no match for us.

- No... - Ana Cruz said with difficulty - Don't kill me...

When Huguel was going to give the final blow to kill Ana Cruz, Nikkomam appeared and took Ana Cruz in his arms. He also picked up Rex and Nikking, who were unconscious on the ground. He used his light power to create a barrier around them.

He looked at Huguel and Viktor with hatred and said:

- You will not touch them. You will not touch her.

He then used his light power to create a portal in mid-air. He said:

- Let's get out of here. Let's go to a safe place.

He then jumped through the portal with Ana Cruz, Rex and Nikking, disappearing from the scene.

Huguel and Viktor were surprised by the appearance of Nikkomam. They didn't expect him to have escaped the room where he was being held and tortured. They didn't expect that he had come all this way to save his friends.

They tried to follow Nikkomam through the portal, but it closed before they could enter. They were frustrated and angry.

- Damn it! - said Huguel - He escaped!

- And now? - asked Viktor - What are we going to do?

- Don't worry - said Huguel - He won't go far. We're going to find him and finish him off. And with her too.

- And your plan? - asked Viktor - Are you still up?

- Of course - said Huguel - Nothing will stop us from carrying out our plan. Nothing will stop us from changing the world.

He held the artifact in his hand and pressed a button. He said:

- Come on, Victor. Let's make history.

He then opened another portal in the air and jumped through it with Viktor, going somewhere else.

The villains' treachery was at work. They had killed the God of Destruction and stolen power from him. They had tried to kill the heroes but were stopped by Nikkomam. They had gone elsewhere to carry out their plan. Would they be able to find Nikkomam and his friends? Would they succeed in altering reality? Would they manage to create their ideal world? These questions would be answered in the next chapter of Zombo Stars.

End of chapter 11.