
Yahweh (Reincarnation of God)

What would you do? If you suddenly found yourself forgotten about your memories? Young sixteen year old Arthur Christ wakes up in the hospital with no recall of what happened, when he asks what happened to him? his gets told that he is lucky he's still alive because apparently he jumped off a building and landed in dumpster. He gets a nightmare and dreams of a beautiful white place full of angels statues, while there he witnesses the joy and glory fade away when a evil person sits in the beautiful golden throne and with his servant the whole once beautiful place turns into darkness and the once beautiful angels turn into demons. In his awake from the nightmare he discovers that there's a monster that wants to kill him in his shock the monster is actually his doctor... Dr. Ackerman. Arthur's life turns upside when he has to move to a new place for his protection, he goes to a new school, makes some new friends. Everything seems so peaceful until monsters from hell come after him, he has no choice but to fight to protect his loved ones... while he discovers that the reason all of this is happening to him it's because he is Yahweh.

Yakusoku_Fantaji · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

The Nightmare Begins

Nightfall came so I was back in my room, I was asleep and dreaming I was in a white room so white there wasn't any other colour but bright white. I was walking I don't know where I was heading I was walking, I was dressed in white clothes more like a white robe actually and also my hair was white.

I must be dead that's what I'm thinking to myself, the place was so long and wide at the same time I just kept going and going. Until I got to another place this place had statues of angels different statues, the other statues spreaded their wings, other statues reached out with their hands and the other ones playing a harp... This place is beautiful I thought. I wonder where must I be?

Next to the statues there was a white chair, a golden chair so big it seemed like an orgre was the owner of that chair. People started showing up out of nowhere, all dressed in white holding gifts in their hands.

They were angels if I wasn't mistaken they were so beautiful, they seemed divine the men were handsome like one of those actors in men's fragrances and the women so beautiful like the one's selling women's expensive perfumes. Seemed like none of them noticed me.

They were in a joyful mood, they were chatting, singing, dancing and others playing music instruments what I saw on those statues it was now happening.

I heard footsteps though I didn't see who was coming but I could tell those footsteps were approaching us, the joy the angels felt began to turn all gloomy and unsettling. The whole room became cold I found myself shivering, my heart pounding so fast I couldn't even catch a single breath... Was I afraid? If so why would I be afraid? I couldn't move it was almost like I was paralyzed, when I looked down to my feet to see what was actually holding me. I saw hands with black ink or paint holding my legs so tight I couldn't move them.

I was still focusing on my legs trying to set them free I kinda missed what was happening in front, once I gave up trying to let the hands let go of me I stood up and faced forward and what I saw explained why I was feeling this way.

Someone stood by the golden chair I couldn't make out that person's face but what I can say is that was pure evil, the angel's heads were now bowing down still I wasn't noticed so I was safe.

"What have you got for me?" the voice was so eerie and so sinister it was pretty scary.

"My Lord, here are your servants giving their selves to you Lord" another voice said but this was different it was more low and subtle.

When I took a close look who was that person who just spoke, I saw a person in dark ash-like robe I couldn't see their face I just saw darkness covered with a hoodie, but what I'm pretty certain I saw was burnt decaying hand touching the golden chair.

The music in the room suddenly changed it became more gothic and metal, it was so loud almost like the screams of people burning. I couldn't stand it I covered my ears, but my ears bled.

"So where is he?" the sinister voice asked.

"Taken care off sire" the subtle voice answered.

"Finally the world will be in a better image my image" the sinister voice said with satisfaction.

"You will is and always will be as you desire" the subtle voice praised.

I was witnessing all of that horror happening, one angel saw me and mouthed words to me.

"What are you doing here? Go away, leave now!" mouths the angel.

I couldn't make out what the angel was saying, well I was kinda preoccupied with my own problems remember the black ink hands. Yep those ones, they were slowly pulling me to the floor.

"Help me!" I whispered.

I saw that the angel ignored me and bowed down, really helpful I kept fighting trying to escape the hands.

"Let me go!" I said loud.

That was my mistake because I think everyone in that room heard and saw me, I stood there frozen not sure what to do.

The white room was now decaying and turning black everything that was beautiful and white, was now black and ugly. I saw the most beautiful angels burn, screaming in agony and turning into skeleton burnt demons with burnt wings. As for the evil sinister guy he stood up, his eyes started to glow red and he just breath fire out of his mouth.

There I was about to get burnt when those hands dragged and pulled me underground, I was so happy even though I falling in an infinite darkness.

To my shock I woke up in my room and I was tired, I was all sweaty and my heart still pounding I couldn't breathe. It was like I was having an asthma attack.