
Yahweh (Reincarnation of God)

What would you do? If you suddenly found yourself forgotten about your memories? Young sixteen year old Arthur Christ wakes up in the hospital with no recall of what happened, when he asks what happened to him? his gets told that he is lucky he's still alive because apparently he jumped off a building and landed in dumpster. He gets a nightmare and dreams of a beautiful white place full of angels statues, while there he witnesses the joy and glory fade away when a evil person sits in the beautiful golden throne and with his servant the whole once beautiful place turns into darkness and the once beautiful angels turn into demons. In his awake from the nightmare he discovers that there's a monster that wants to kill him in his shock the monster is actually his doctor... Dr. Ackerman. Arthur's life turns upside when he has to move to a new place for his protection, he goes to a new school, makes some new friends. Everything seems so peaceful until monsters from hell come after him, he has no choice but to fight to protect his loved ones... while he discovers that the reason all of this is happening to him it's because he is Yahweh.

Yakusoku_Fantaji · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Monster With A Bad Skin

So I woke up and turned on the lights, I was in a private hospital so I had my own room I went to the bathroom to wash my face, after that nightmare I really do need to freshen up, so there I am washing my face staring at the mirror.

The lights start to flicker maybe it was a small glitch I thought, but it wasn't my lights flickered to the point that one exploded. I close the tap and wipe my face with a towel, I go to the door just as I'm about to open I see a shadow by the door busy pacing.

My hand was already in the door handle I slowly let go of the handle hoping that I don't make any sound, by the grace of god I was successful in doing so. I slowly step away from the door everything was smooth but my shoes were squeaky they made a squeak.

The pacing shadow stopped pacing then knocked on the door, I hid and placed my hand in my mouth so that I don't make one mistake then it would be over for me.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Goes the door.

I'm freaking scared out there, I'm barely holding on.

Boom! The door goes flying.

Monstrous scaley hands cletch the door frame, a big scary ugly monster enters I'm hidden under the bathroom sink. I see the feet of this monster and I see torn shoes, whatever that monster was it was definitely human.

A loud growl.

It goes through everything destroying everything it touches and when it doesn't find what it's looking for it roars and destroys that place. It has searched everywhere and didn't find whatever it's looking for.

It stands where I'm hiding it punches the mirror it shatters and it cuts me.

"Ah!" I scream.

It smashed the sink and the water sprays him, it covers it faces as it gets washed away by the water it slips and falls. That opens up my escape I head for it.

When I look at my room everything is destroyed, my bed thrown across the room, my monitor thrown out of the window, my door handle broke off so I don't have an escape. I realized that I am trapped in that room.

The monster comes out of the bathroom it shake it head, maybe trying to regain it's consciousness. Now there I was standing face to face with a monster, it was so big and buffy it only lifted me with it's one hand and it roars.

Sheesh I have to say this guy has one bad breath, I look closely to it's eyes and I recognized it... It was the doctor from earlier today, I read it's name tag. Dr. Ackerman it says.

But this wasn't Dr. Ackerman anymore this all up in my face was a demonic monster, it was so creepy and all wet almost as if it was covered in saliva. It was scaley likes a lizard or a snake, it's face was peeling off the human skin of Dr. Ackerman, so blood was all over his face and it's teeth so black and muddy.

Dr. Ackerman squeezes me I scream obviously, what would you do? When you hear your bones crack, I go unconscious he sniffs me thinking that I'm gone it throws across the door.

I wake up I look closely at it, I see that it's not paying attention to me any more now it's trying to peel off Dr. Ackerman's flesh. It hears a movement in the door, it looks and I act asleep.

It groans.

I open my eyes again, again it's no longer focusing on me now it's busy with peeling it's skin off, disgusting by the way. I take off my squeaky shoes I crawl with my stomach, my bones are cracked and my body is in unimaginable hell of pain.

I struggle to crawl with no place to hide, I have no idea what's going on in my mind. I started praying that's the thing I'm certain I have never done in my life. Not paying attention to Dr. Ackerman there I was flying through the windows.

That was supposed to be the end of me, but I can't explain how but just know that it wasn't. I'm floating in the window my eyes pure white, my whole body shines in white.

"Easy now my child, no need for violence" a deep godly voice from the heavens comes out of me.

The monster growls and roars it comes running to me, it tries to catch me I float little bit from it. I put my thumb on it's forehead.

"Release" I said in my godly voice.

The soul of Dr. Ackerman separates from the monster and the monster falls and turns into ash and disappears into thin air.