
World Hopping Mage Killer

From the power of his world's god, Venator can hop from world to world, offering to kill magic users for gods in exchange for their power. With every new world, a new battle and a new power to gain. And even more magic users to fight with different magic at their disposal. Enjoy! The image cover is not mine, if you own the image, let me know and i will remove it it.

Razedealer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Victory for a Neutral Ally

Venator got up, the injury on his face began disappearing, healing quickly. He looked at the soldiers packed against each other as they tried breaking the dome of ice.

In time, cavalry began charging around the dome as they rammed through once more.

He clenched his hand, orange fire was soon replaced by ice, emanating a dark blue glow as frost began rising from it.

Venator slammed his fist into the grassy ground, in an instant, through the dome sharp pieces of ice shot through as they impaled the crowd of rowdy fighters. The fight turned quiet for a split second as people away from the dome stared in shock.

Gaps started forming in the ranks of soldiers, cavalry relentlessly pushed through the horde while they fought off other horsemen. Through the clearing of soldiers, Venator could see the target, a mage using ice.

In a snap of his fingers, ice shattered all around, dropping the pierced corpses on the ground.

He ran forward, slashing all around while soldiers began engaging him. He slashed around and burned more while cavalry charged at the sides as he advanced towards the distracted mage.

Through the crowd, he arrived at the mage's position. The two locked eyes, soon he turned to Venator, the mage's hands were consumed by frost.

Venator lunged forward, almost rapidly he tried to hit the mage while he fought back, shards of ice slammed into him as pillars were formed in front of him.

Soldiers were torched all around, quickly killed as they approached to fight Venator.

The sword cut through the mage's robes and armor, falling quickly on the ground. The pillars shattered in an instant once he fell.

"One down, a whole lot more to go."

With the mage killed, he charged through the horde, now realizing Venator's presence. Soldiers from all directions quickly became burned, Venator continued moving as he burned more soldiers.

He looked at his bottle while he ran onward, less than half of it's contents were already replenished.

"Hope this makes this easier." Taking off the cover Venator gulped the down the replenished contents.

In seconds he felt a rapid surge of energy strike into him. His focus deepened and the feeling of his energy draining was now gone.

"Alright, now just gotta get some anger and this place is gonna get torched."

In clenched fists he concentrated. Sparks of blue began spawning above the red flame while they spewed.

Slowly, the blue enveloped the red flames.

Bright blue fire burned through more soldiers. The battle was filled with the sound of screams as more soldiers burned from blue flames, burning farther and stronger than before.

He arrived at the new mage, the soldiers began moving away from Venator as he stopped, running away or moving to fight Bellunamien's army.

The mage took out a short sword, prepared to fight Venator with a hand of ice.

The mages ran into each other, their swords smashed against each other in a series of strikes, fire and ice fought one another in the air as the two were locked in combat.

As they locked swords, the mage pushed further, forcing Venator to focus on trying to beat the lock.

The mage wore a grin on his face as he looked at Venator.

In a second, as the sword lock continued, the mage was thrown to the side. Horses moved through the chaotic area, cutting through more soldiers.

Venator stumbled towards the downed mage, now crawling with a large cut on his back.

With a single stab through the chest, the mage was dead.

Venator looked above, still feeling the energy inside him grow. Seeking another mage to hunt down and kill. Many more were still present in the field, soldiers kept running around him, ice pillars and walls to streaks of fire were visible around him.

"How big is this army, and how many are those mages!" He exclaimed in irritation. The blue flames grew in his hands once more, ready to be thrown at his adversaries.

The battle intensified, Venator began running forward, flames pierced through multiple lines of warriors, killing more and more as the fires raged on.

Through the lines of running armored warriors he hunted down more mages as the energy in him continued growing, the remaining cavalry supported, crashing through while they attacked the other mages.

The wall of shields continued holding firm, bombarded by fire, ice, and weapons but still held firm. Spears continued driving through the gaps, the battle raged on despite tremendous losses on the enemy's side.

As he drove his blade into the last mage's chest, soldiers began running away.

"Retreat!" One of the soldiers yelled. Soon large groups of soldiers ran, clamoring against each other in an unorganized crowd, trampling through everything as they ran away from the battle.

the enemy's numbers were far smaller than before, corpses stacked around each other on the field while their comrade's boots ran above them. The last horsemen of the enemy ran away with the rest, away from battle. A mix of wounded or unscathed soldiers continued pushing through each other in the stampede.

With one final concentration, Venator spewed blue flame around. Soldiers fell, aflame and burned to death. Leaving just a few to run.

The field was littered with charred and slashed bodies, the battle has been won.

The wall of shields opened up, returning to their normal formation.

The remaining cavalry approached Venator, swords and lances drawn as they looked down at him. He felt as the energy finally drained out, sensing fatigue once more.

The leading horseman continued staring at him, enclosed in armor while atop an armored stallion, blood coated their armor, bearing dents and slash marks.

"You could have wiped both armies at once, but only chose theirs..." He spoke through his helmet.

The horseman sheathed his sword, the rest followed.

The man glanced one more time at Venator, confused on what to do to the mage.

After seconds of thinking, he ran back to his army, standing in formation. The remaining cavalry joined, leaving Venator.

"Strange, odd that they didn't kill me." Venator thought, walking above the dead he walked away from the battle. Now trying to find the remaining soldiers.

Bellunamien's army, now finished with the battle, began moving away, leaving the corpse covered battle.

"Strange people, odd to spare me. Thank goodness though, don't know how i can knock out or manage to run away from their army." He started moving faster, his body riddled in wounds and burns.

New chapter of today


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