
World Hopping Mage Killer

From the power of his world's god, Venator can hop from world to world, offering to kill magic users for gods in exchange for their power. With every new world, a new battle and a new power to gain. And even more magic users to fight with different magic at their disposal. Enjoy! The image cover is not mine, if you own the image, let me know and i will remove it it.

Razedealer · Fantasy
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47 Chs

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Hours passed, Venator continued on the journey, seeing trickles of blood or pieces of fabric and armor scattered, providing a path to their location.

As he walked, he was alerted to the sound of horses moving.

In the distance, on a paved road, a group of horsemen ran forward, bearing the enemy's flags on them as they ran the opposite direction.

"Are they off to fight the army as well?"

From behind the group, a large number of horses joined in moving rapidly like a wave, fully armored. Some carried swords while others wielded torches. But through the armored soldiers, a few robed individuals ran with them.

"Mages? They really have alot of mages at their disposal...Wonder what their kingdom looks like." Venator abandoned the path, he ran along the grass, following the fleeting silhouettes of the cavalry.

They passed through the destroyed wreckage of their war machine, ignoring it as they moved through quickly, unhindered.

Venator tried his best to keep up, but soon saw their silhouettes disappear.

"Just follow the road."

Through the grass he kept on running, with the energy he had as he ran through the battlefield and burnt wreckage.

On the run, more cavalry charged through the road. Behind them, a rowdy crowd of armored soldiers, wearing leather armor while bearing spears to axes to short swords.

"So many, guess that army earlier wasn't their main one." He pondered.

The run continued as he began walking alongside the soldiers from a far distance, trying to not be seen as they continued rushing onward.

An hour passed of continuing to keep up with the pace, taking short breaks as the soldiers slowed to a walk.

A large pillar of black smoke rose up to the sky in the distance, already visibile even from afar.

"What the?" He looked at the large pillar of smoke as it choked the clouds above.

His pace quickened at the sight. More soldiers ran through the road along with more cavalry, wagons joined with them in the run with soldiers even resting on the wagons.

As he approached further, the sight became clear. The walled city of Bellunamien was aflame, armies marched outside the place as it's walls crumbled and burned. The massive canal was sealed, soldiers fought to try and get atop the castle as arrows fell on them. Streak of flame darted around the field with the walls of ice blocking arrows from hitting.

"So that's where they went." Without a second though, Venator turned to the marching group.

Nearing them, they stopped to see him. Before any could respond, streaks of fire struck the group, destroying the wagons and sending them running around, falling dead in seconds.

"One dead reinforcement, now i need to try and relieve the siege." Tired from running but still standing, Venator ran towards the besieged walls.

The field was chaos, destroyed patchworks and smaller siege engines while catapults and ballistas rested away from the battle, assaulting the walls with their armament.

Venator approached the siege engines, soldiers were arleady running around it. A few mages bearing fire stood by, igniting the boulders and arrows.

His attack began, blue fire crashed into the machine itself as it caught alight, crews were quickly slashed as they ran towards Venator. The mages grouped together upon seeing him, their faces of were uncertainty as they looked at him.

Venator ran forward, the small group quickly dispersed, independently assaulting him as he moved around them. Switching to a hand of ice, pillars formed around as he began dispatching the separated mages.

Their bodies fell and only small patcheso f burned grass remained. Snapping his fingers, the ice shattered.

"Now for the rest." He approached each formidable machine, setting them ablaze quickly.

In minutes the engines and crews were all dead. Only leaving the soldiers on the ground.

Ladders were pushed upwards, leaning onto the wall as the guards desperately pushed them off, fending the invaders out of the wall, arrows flew from both sides as it intensified. Near the steel gate, a large ram similar to the one earlier slowly moved towards it.

"I fended an army off on my own, hope this ain't much different."

Venator ran at the ram, blue fire in hand, soldiers on the rear turned to see him, hastily they split off from the main force, running to Venator.

Soldiers from the ram began running to Venator, surrounding him quickly.

Fire spewed around as soldiers began burning quickly, rapidly taken out the fight, Venator returned to the run towards the ram.

The ram quickly caught fire as he watched, soldiers inside screamed as it stopped. Wooden beams and platforms above came crashing down, destroying the entire weapon.

Soldiers around the walls looked in surprise at the sight of their ram and war machines destroyed.

As they stared, hails of arrows came slamming down unto the soldiers, quickly thinning their numbers as tens to hundreds fell.

An explosion rocked Venator, nearly knocking him off his feet. As he turned ot the other side of the wall, a cloud of grey smoke formed around it, soldiers outside started running into the smoke.

"Oh no, they breached it."

Soldiers from the other side quickly took notice, stopping their assault, they all began running ot the hole.

Venator ran with haste, ice forming in his hand as he thought up a plan.

Sheathing his sword, fire spawned in his hand.

Through the smoke, fire pushed through as soldiers soon came out aflame. The cloud slowly dissipated, revealing the hole that had formed. A large puncture into the wall lay bare.

Behind Venator, soldiers ran towards him. With no other option, he ran inside the large hole. A wall of ice quickly rose from the rubble to the top, continuing to add more walls of ice until the hole was sealed.

Venator breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the warriors outside, as he stared, he felt a sharp poke into his back.

Behind him, Bellunamien's soldiers stood, raising their pikes towards him while soldiers from behind checked the dead bodies of those who entered.

Another chapter of today yes!


Have great days or nights!

And as always, well...Enjoy!

Razedealercreators' thoughts