

"Well, when Casey told me she was leaving, I couldn't help it but to plant a quick kiss on her forehead. I didn't do that as a goodbye, I only wanted to read her mind without her knowledge about it cos she could've stopped me." He looked happy as he talked all that to her.

"Shut up. Just shut up Neel. I can't believe you've ruined me. How dare you show that girl my photos! I hate you sir. What am I going to do now. Oh damn it!"Araxie couldn't hide her worries and tears any longer. She was crying so much which left Neel torn between both regret and sympathy.

"I'm very sorry buddy. I was helpless after trying so many times to read your thoughts but in vain which made me suspicious of you and I started to think that something was fishy about you. That's why."

"Oh just shut up already! How's your sorry going to help me now.... how, huhh? You've ruined everything Neel."All her life she never felt this helpless before.

"What can I do to help you. Let me know if you need my help."Neel said looking apologetic.

"You can't do anything good, after all you're a witch. Witches are the same!"she was now comparing him with Marina before they heard Beryl's voice repeating her words, "witches", behind the closed door which left their faces fallen.

Neel couldn't stop swallowing hard since his heart was beating from her neck. He knew it was all for him. The secret he had kept from everyone could be out. "Oh God."he hoped the king didn't hear it correctly.

"Sir. You... are here?"Araxie asked after getting the door.

"Yes child. I don't know why but I just felt like she's close by."


"I mean my Tia."

"I think it's because I said I know her."she pointed.

"I don't think so. Honestly I've been feeling her presence since I woke up but now, it feels different. I feel like she's next to me."

"Do you feel her presence when in this room or everywhere?"

"Only in this room, that's why I came here."

Araxie couldn't think right anymore. She was wondering if the bead was behind everything that was happening.

"I hope he doesn't ask for it."she breathed.

As her eyes wandered around, she was shocked to see Tia hiding besides the couch. She didn't realize when a word escaped her mouth that she found herself saying, "Tia!"

"Where's she?"Mr Beryl hurried to ask.

She had raised her hand to point to where Tia was and then she remembered she had lie that Tia was still alive. Telling him about that bird would want to go with explanation. She stood quietly figuring out what to lie before she came up with a brilliant idea. "Ahhh.. yes, I didn't mean Tia actually. I wanted to say that Tia's pet followed me here."she said pointing at Tia now.

"Egret. How cute!"Neel said walking towards Tia. He was stopped by Araxie's voice which echoed twice through his eardrums. "Hold on Neel."she said before she rushed and picked her up while kissing her everywhere. "I hope you're not scared dear."she whispered.

"You're crazy Araxie. Look how you're busy talking to a bird."Neel couldn't believe what she was doing.

"Is she really my Tia's pet?"Mr Beryl asked and all Araxie could do was to nod.

"Can I hold her once?"the king seemed like he was emotionally driven since he could feel like he was holding Tia in his arms." He couldn't help it but kiss her wings

For some strange reasons the bead made an alarm. Thanks to Trion who explained everything to Araxie. He told her that sometimes the bead would make an alarm if there's danger in the palace and when someone sends an urgent message to the queen.

"What could've happened in the palace. I hope Trion is doing okay."she breathed before she picked it from her bag.

She was shocked when she found Tia's message.

"Araxie dear,

Please get me from here as soon as possible.

I died out of histeria and it was because of him.

Get me from here otherwise I'll turn into a living mermaid suddenly."

Araxie felt so terrified and confused since a part of her wanted to see Tia turn back into s living mermaid. "I guess this will be the biggest gift I could ever give to Trion. I have to ignore this message so she can come back to life. I'm sorry Tia. I can't help you even if I want to."

She placed the bead on the table.

This time the alarm it made was so louder than before. She had decided she won't attend to it anymore but this noise, she really couldn't ignore it. She even felt like she was being unfair to her best friend.

Getting the bead, she found another message from Tia.

"I must appreciate your love for my son. I know you're ignoring on purpose. You feel like you want to unite us, right. But his love should be your strength and not your weakness. Remember you've already said that I'm alive so.... what will you tell them afterwards. Would you take your words back? They'll all call you a liar and Beryl hates those who lie. He won't be able to help you hereafter and I'm sure you know what it means. Your love story will end before it begins. Think about it Araxie. Everything is in your hands now."

Wait! Was Tia threatening her or blackmailing her emotions?

Now Araxie didn't want to waste any second. She needed to find a way to get Tia from Beryl's hands but how?

She tried to think but couldn't come up with any ideas.

"You seem bothered. Do you need something?"

"Yes. I need to sleep."she hurried to say which sounded weird to both Neel and Mr Beryl.

"Alright dear. We'll leave you to sleep but... I'm taking this bird with me."the king said.

"No!"Araxie found herself refusing.

"No. Why?"he asked with unsatisfied gaze.

"She's naive. You can't take her to your room."

"Don't worry. I promise I won't trouble her. See you in the morning."

"I know you won't harm her but...."Araxie was trying however she could but the king seemed not satisfied with her explanation.

"Is this too much to ask for? Anyway, take her."he said putting Tia in Araxie's hands.

"It's not too much but I really don't want to...."

"Good night child."the king cut in before she could finish talking.

"Thank you sir."she said and Mr Beryl left the room before she turned back to Neel and asked. "Won't you leave as well?" Neel had been staring at her with a questioning gaze for so long. "Why are you staring at me?"she added.

"Something is fishy Araxie, I can tell right from your actions."

"What are you saying now?"

"I'm not joking nor am I wrong about this. I have been trying to read this bird's mind but I failed every time I tried. Something is unusual between this bird and you. What's that you aren't telling me ma'am?"

"Oh God, when will I rest. First it was Mr Beryl and now, it's this witch. Why can't they just let me be. I am feeling sleepy and these people...they aren't letting me sleep in peace."she sighed inwardly. She could think as much as she wanted since she knew Neel could never read her mind even if he wanted to.

"May I ask you something?"she later spoke.


"What do you gain from reading other's minds. It's like you enjoy doing such."

"Haha... I don't enjoy any bit of it but I'm always compelled to do it for the king's safety."

"Oh... I'm sorry Sir."

"It's okay."

"I need to rest."she was sending him out indirectly.

Neel was going to open the door when they saw it opening and just like that the king showed up again. "Did you forget something?"Neel hurried to ask.

"No dear. I was going when I remembered I heard the two of you talk about witches."

Neel's face dropped suddenly, his throat dried and all he could do was clearing it like he was going to say something but no words came out. His heart was beating with the unusual rhythm.

"No... I think you misheard us."Neel said in panic.

"I really heard you correctly. Tell me dear. I hope Malinda isn't back."

"Oh yes. I'll tell you everything."Araxie who had been watching Neel sweat in silence intervened to help. Her words almost gave Beryl a heart attack.

Wait! Was she going to expose him? Neel hoped she wouldn't.

"Tell me."the king insisted.

"Well, I was telling Neel about the novel I last read about witches. It was scary, right Neel? Do you know what those witches did?"

"How would I know?"

"They would run after humans, bite them, suck their blood if not devouring them. That book was very scary that I feared reading it at night as I was afraid of getting awful nightmares."she lie even though lying wasn't her cup of tea. She had to do it and save her new friend, Neel and his job.

"Witches are so evil my dear. I've seen this with my own eyes, I've experienced it too. No one knows them than I do.

Malinda, I'll never forget how you ruined my life. I hate witches."the king was cursing now, little did he know that he was hurting Neel indirectly.

"Good night Araxie. See you tomorrow."Neel excused himself since he couldn't stand that emotional torture. He wasn't blaming anyone though, he knew that his majesty didn't know all about him.

"Wait Neel. You can't leave me here. What if someone sees me coming out of this room at this hour alone. I think you understand what I'm saying."

"Okay my king."

"Hey, how many times do I have to tell you that those titles of yours suffocate me."

"Sorry sir."he quickly apologized.

"Let's go."

It was very early in the morning when Araxie heard a knock echoing behind the closed door. She thought it was Neel again. Maybe she should keep him waiting out there for some good time little did she know it was someone else actually.

"Who's it?"she asked and strangely the person knocked again ignoring her first response.

"I'm coming."she was getting out of bed to get the door.

"Good morning ma'am. Neel wants to meet you urgently. he said you should cover your face and find him in the backyard."

"This soon? Can't he wait?"she wondered but didn't realize she was uttering it out and the woman was listening.

"I will go now."the woman excused herself and left her in the room.

"This old man and his surprises!"she breathed.

"She was going to close the door when she saw the same woman running back to her. "What's happening. Why are you back? And do you perhaps know what's Neel up to?"

"No ma'am... but I've seen his girlfriend and another woman with him out there."

"Oh! Now I get it. I knew that girl would tell her mother."she mumbled.

"Is everything okay ma'am?"the woman asked.

"Yes dear. Thanks for this message and please tell them I'm coming.."

Sure ma'am."

Picking up her bead, Araxie headed outside looking very determined to join the battlefield with the witches. Her bead was all she had at the moment.

Would she win this battle?

What will happen if Marina finds out that Araxie was actually alive?

Still thinking of what to do, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Good morning Araxie."it was her friend Betty. She was the second person Araxie had befriended at the palace after Leon - the young boy who showed Araxie to the king's room.