

"I think I'm just looking my mind. I mean how on Earth could Casey be in love with this middle aged man. He looks to be in his 40's."she thought.

"You're scaring me. What's taking your mind?"Neel could see that Araxie was busy thinking about something though she didn't want to share it with him. He could see how bothered she seemed.

"How old are you?"she later asked without thinking it through.

"Why?"Maybe Neel found it strange.

"Nothing. I just want to know. "

"So... you've been busy calculating my age from your mind and when you didn't seem to get it right you decided to ask, am I right?"

All along Araxie was looking for what to lie and now, he was giving her an option.

"Yes (said with a smile), I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't."


There was silence between them again. Araxie couldn't stop thinking about the information Neel just told her about his girlfriend. She needed to know it all but how, when Neel looked focused on his cup of coffee.

"Neel. What's your girlfriend's name."she asked interfering in his thoughtful mind.

"Casey."he said putting his cup down.

"What!" Araxie couldn't believe her ears.

"What. Why do you look shocked like you've seen a ghost?"

"No. It's nothing. I'm just thinking if I could maybe know her."she lied.

Wait! Why did she choose to lie?

"Oh sure."

"Yes. But could you please tell me her mother's name."

"Why are you asking so many questions like a detective. I hope you aren't spying on me!"

"Not really. Why would I spy on you. I've just known you so, it's not possible."

"Enough girl. I was kidding anyway. Her mother is Marina."

Araxie's heart skipped a beat on hearing him say such. She was this time indeed shocked that it became impossible to hide her shocked expression from this man.

"Do you know her?"he was looking into her eyes which were widely open at the moment since she got a shock of her life.

"No. I'm hearing these names for the first time. I'm shocked by the fact that witches really exist. This is really great, don't you think?"

"Forget about it."

"Sure."she said taking three steps away.

"Hold on Araxie. Why do you look bothered suddenly? I hope I didn't offend you in any of this."

"Me, bothered, never! I'm fine sir."

"Hey, don't embarrass me by calling me sir. Now what's the difference between my Lord and I because yesterday I heard you address him as sir. You can call me Neel or something else but not with that title."

"Alright then."

Of course she was bothered and hurt as well. She was hurt that her sister, Casey never liked her to the extent that she never mentioned her name to her friends. "Did she hate me this much? Perhaps it's the reason she didn't tell him about me?"she wondered without realizing she was still in front of this man.

"There's something you aren't telling me Araxie. You can trust me with anything."Neel insisted.

"She didn't tell him about my existence or why should I tell you anything?"she reminded herself.

"Tell me."

Looking seemingly angry Araxie ran straight to the king's chamber.

"Good morning sir."she greeted when she realized he was already awake too though still laid down.

"Good morning my dear. How did your first night go? I hope you slept well?"

"Yes sir. I had a good night"

"Thank you for returning my life back to me. I'm so happy that I can get up, star at the morning sunrise just like others. Thank you once again."

"What are you saying Sir. I didn't do anything."

"I know everything."he cut in.

"What! Oh no! I hope he didn't find out that I lied to him about Tia."she panicked.


"Yes. I know that you've decided to stay until I'm fully recovered, haven't you?'

"Sure sir."

That day in the evening when Araxie was going to sleep, she found a note on her bed but this time it wasn't Trion's handwriting but someone else's. "Find me in the backyard. I have a surprise for you."she was wondering who could've done that when she saw the writer's name and the back of a small paper.

"Neel with my surprise! I don't get it."she breathed before moving outside to see for herself. Maybe he had lost his mind or something."She just hoped he wasn't crushing on her.

Wandering her eyes around the backyard, she saw her sister, Casey seated next to Neel and they seemed to be enjoying the conversation. "Oh my God, it's really her!"her lips fell open.

Maybe they were waiting for her because there was an extra chair.

"She knows here as well. She has come all the way here for this old man and that too, at this hour of the night!" Everything was both shocking and surprising for Araxie.

"She must not see me."she swallowed her breath. "But how would I handle Neel now. I'm sure he invited her here just because I wanted to meet and see her. What do I do now."she was left wondering.

Meanwhile when Casey asked Neel what was so urgent that he called her over and since he didn't know anything about this twist, he told her everything.

"You know what, I've found a new friend. She was so happy to find that I'm in love with you and she asked me if she could get to see you. And you know what, I was like, why not! That's why I invited you over."

"Oh wow. Who's she?"

"Her name is Araxie Rodrigo. Same sun name, right?"

"Araxie Rodrigo! It can't be."Casey breathed.

"Yes. Do you know her?"

"No. I'm only wondering why we share the same name."she lied when actually she was wondering if it could be her sister.

"It happens, don't think too much."

In the meantime Araxie ran back to her room and decided to sleep. Maybe she would lie that she didn't see the notice because she didn't know what to do anymore. She could've disguised as someone else but that would've given Neel a biggest shock of his life and maybe leave lots of questions in his mind -he would surely figure it out that they knew each other which she didn't want to happen.

"I think she doesn't like surprises. I should've been straight with her. Perhaps she could've become excited to come and meet you.

Silly me. I didn't mention it in the note that my girlfriend is here. Maybe that's why she didn't come or she just thought that I wanted to be with her at this hour."he was cursing himself inwardly and was interrupted by Casey's voice, "Neel".


"Do you think your friend is coming?" Casey had waited enough

"I think she didn't read my note. She's a visitor, maybe she hasn't trusted me yet."

"This means I won't see her! No.. I must see her by all means. I must confirm if she's really our Araxie or someone else."she thought.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing."she just lied, giving him a quick weird smile. "Ahhh... I remember you love taking pictures, don't you?"

"Haha... I do. Why?"

"I was wondering if you could've taken her pictures accidentally."

"What do you mean by 'accidentally'. I mean Araxie is my friend now. I don't need to take her photos secretly. Like why should I hide."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."she quickly apologized.

"It's okay."

"Can I look at her if you don't mind. I hope she isn't more beautiful than me that you will dump me for her."she was saying a lot.

Perhaps she was jealous.

"She is.... very gorgeous..."he seemed lost in thoughts for a while before he heard Casey say, "hey. Don't tell me you're already falling for her", with a broken tone.

"No baby. She may be beautiful but that beauty isn't for me. Oh I forgot to tell you that she has a boyfriend already. And even if she didn't have one, I'd still choose you over her because it's only you that completes me and..."

"Say it please. And..."

"I have only one heart and that heart beats for only you Casey. It belongs to you and you alone!"he assured her while kissing her hand softly. His words left Casey blushing around uncontrollably that she found herself saying what she shouldn't have. She was like, I love you Neel."

"Here you go dear."he was handing his phone over to her to see Araxie's photos that he took in the morning when they were having coffee together.

""This is impossible! Oh goodness, it's really her! And what is she doing here. I don't understand how she is related to these people.

Wait! Was Asherah related to these people somehow?

But...why did Araxie fake her death in the first place?

Cunning girl! She looks innocent on face but she's impossible."she was cursing from inside.

There was silence for a while. "I have to go and tell Mom immediately. She shouldn't cancel her deal with Mr Jung."she thought as she gave a phone back to Neel before she said, 'i need to go home now."

"Suddenly! You didn't even comment on my friend's looks."he was teasing her little did he know she wasn't still interested in his jokes. She's got a new mission now.

She had to tell Marina that their puppet was still alive and kicking..

"Won't you say something about her."Neel insisted.

"She's beautiful but I don't like her at all. I hate her."

Wait! Why was she angry now?

"What are you saying dear?"Neel looked confused.

"I'm sorry to say but she looks horrible. I don't believe you just called me here because of her. How could you befriend such simple and unpresentable person. She isn't your class dear."

"I don't get you Casey. Why do you seem angry and what's your problem. And what do you mean by she's not my class. The girl is nice and if you have any problem with it, then it's your problem.

Hold on! Are you feeling insecure now. I hope you aren't burning with envy, are you?"

"Me being jealous, never!"

"You have to trust me baby. I only have feelings for you."Neel assured her but she didn't seem convinced.

"I have to go. Bye."she said before she could disappear.

"Strange!"Neel sighed.

A knock on the door. "Who's it?"Araxie spoke.

Of course she knew it was Neel. She was certain he would come over to scold her after turning him down.

"It's me, Neel."

"And what brings you to my door at this hour of the night. I won't get the door for you. Go and sleep, we'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

"I won't go before telling you something important. Open it please." Araxie could feel mixed emotions in that man's voice.

"What's that which can't wait until tomorrow?"

"Will you open it or not?"there was coldness in his voice that time.

"And if I don't.....?"she was still teasing him when she saw him enter through the closed door.

"W...wh.... what!!"she was shivering already. That was enough to tell that Neel wasn't human but rather something else, but what?

"I'm very sorry but you left me with no choice."he was looking worried.

"You can't be human! What are you?"Araxie asked out of fear.

"Yes, I'm not human and I'm very proud that I'm not one.

Actually, I'm a witch and that's why I'm in love with my fellow witch, who's your sister."he said.

Araxie winked severally on hearing the word sister.

"Sister!"she repeated.

"Yes. I know everything now. I suspected that something was amiss about you especially when I couldn't get access to your mind. But I'm not a fool because I noticed a sudden change on your face when I told you about Casey. I became suspicious that you know her but you had to pretend like you don't. That's why I planned that surprise for you. I needed to see your reaction after meeting her but unfortunately you didn't show up.

I knew that my plan would go to waste if I didn't show her your photos.

Judging by a sudden change of Casey's mood after seeing your pictures, I was able to connect the dots and tell that she really knows you. And to get my doubts cleared, I admit I stooped so low."

"H.. how?"