

What brings you here and why do you look worried Betty -Araxie asked.

"I'm worried for you."

"I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

"Well, the woman is talking tooth and nail outside. She's saying she'd break into the house if you don't come out. She's called everyone and they're all gathered outside waiting for you because she promised to expose you in front of them."

"Betty expected to see Araxie panicking and shivering but no, she heard was,"really?"

""Yes dear. You have to use this window and run away. I'll inform you once the situation has settled down. I have a feeling that this woman is evil. You have to run away dear."

"Don't worry dear. I will handle her but I will need your help."

"And what's that?"

"I want you to promise me you won't scream or fear me after witnessing what I'm about to do. It's something magical you know."

"I promise I won't do anything foolish. All I want is seeing you defeat that woman before everyone no matter what you'll do to get that done. But may I ask you something?"


"Do you perhaps know her? She's saying that you faked your death and disappeared without telling anyone. Is it true?"

"Well... it's a long story my dear. I will tell you everything later but right now, I need to teach that woman a rough lesson."she said and before Betty knew it, Araxie had changed her appearance, the looks, height and size, she really looked different.

"Eeehhh .."Betty's lips fell open on seeing Araxie's new look.

"Let's go."

Just like that they were outside heading to where everyone was. "These witches won't give up on me so easily."she thought inwardly with her gaze fixed on Marina and her daughter, Casey.

"Where's that cheap girl. Aren't you the one I sent to bring Araxie. Where's she now?"Marina was yelling at Betty.

"She's right here."

"What! Are you out of your mind or something? This isn't Araxie. I hope you didn't tell her to escape."

"I'm Araxie ma'am. Greetings."Araxie said in a totally different voice.

"What! Do I look like a fool to both of you? Casey dear, didn't you say you really saw her and it was really her?"

"Sure Mom. I saw her pictures on Neel's phone and I'm sure you know that I can't fail to recognize my enemy."

"I trust you dear. I know you can't make such a mistake."There was emotional drama. Years ago Araxie used to cry over such matters but now, she was getting entertained instead since she got used to such.

Everyone stood astonished since they didn't know what was really going on. Even the king took wasn't understanding anything. "Who's she. I've never seen her anywhere especially not in this palace."Mr Beryl whispered to Neel who whispered back like," it's Araxie. The same Araxie we were with last night."

"But how...."

"Did you forget she has a Queen's bead with her. She can do anything you know."

"But Tia never changed her appearance like this."

"Well it's because their cases are different. Your Tia never faced difficulties since all was well with her ever but as for Araxie, she's going through a rough phase of life and only transforming and disguising herself are the only ways she can deal with these people."

"Hmmmm. I hope this plan saves her today. They shouldn't suspect her at all."the king breathed.

"Don't worry sir. Araxie is a clever girl, she will surely win this battle."Neel found himself taking Araxie's side.

"My son is so lucky."Mr Beryl mumbled.

"He's indeed lucky. I wish I met her before he could."Neel thought.

Wait! Was he falling for Araxie as well?

Of course he was... After seeing how she struggled hard to save him last night by lying to the king, Neel couldn't help it but to fall crazily for her.

"And where's this Neel and his phone. I want to look at the photos myself."Marina said and quickly Casey's eyes wandered around looking for him.

"There he is."

"Oh no!"Araxie breathed. She managed to disguise herself but how could she forget all about the photos. "I'm doomed!"tears suddenly rolled down her face on seeing Neel take out his phone from the pocket.

He was handing over to Marina when it suddenly fell down and before they realized, Tia showed up, picked it up and quickly handed it over to Marina.

"Strange! Tia isn't supporting me today? But why? Did I do anything wrong?"she wondered.

Everyone looked amazed with the bird's actions. Marina took was shocked despite being a witch.

Knowing that all was over for her, Araxie closed her eyes waiting for the worst from her stepmom and was surprised when she heard her say, "it's the same girl",in a defeated tone.

"What! How's this possible. Araxie has been replaced. You have to believe me mother."Casey couldn't believe it.

"Are you telling me that the photos have changed themselves and Araxie was replaced?"she was scolding her.

"Exactly Mom."

"Have you gone mad child? How's that possible. I can't do that despite being a witch so, how could a mere human do that. It's simply impossible."

"I'm telling you. Mother, don't you think it's possible that they took the same pictures so they can fool us?"

"No. I don't think so because they didn't know we were coming over. It's the same reason we came here so early without informing your boyfriend about our surprise visit as I didn't want to give them time to take other photos."

"It's okay if you've chosen not to believe me today."she sounded hurt and all Neel wished at the moment was to comfort her but there was no way he could do so.

"Thank you so much Tia. I know it's you who saved me today. I'm sure the phone didn't drop accidentally, you did it intentionally just to save me." She was a bit relieved though she didn't know what Marina would do next because she wasn't the kind of woman who could accept defeat so easily. Judging by how she was humiliated before everyone, Araxie was sure that Marina wouldn't take it lightly and give up on the matter.

"What if she decides to destroy t-these people. Oh no."her heart raced so hard at the thought.

She knew very well to what extent her stepmom could go to just to defeat her enemies. "Dear God, please don't let these people suffer because of me. I hope she doesn't get them involved."she prayed softly.

Feeling seemingly unconvinced, Marina broke into the house using her magic, checked everywhere but couldn't find Araxie or any of her belongings and that's when she came outside with fallen face and shoulders. "Let's go."that was all she said while grabbing her daughter's hand to leave before Casey spoke,"hold on Mom."

"What's left to say now."Marina refused to let go of her hand. She had heard enough.

"I know you're behind all this Neel. I can't believe you've helped Araxie and betrayed me like this. How dare you do this to me! I hate you. I can't believe you've turned out to be a cheat."Casey cursed while crying, the thing that her mom Marina never liked.

Letting go of Casey's hand, Marina walked some few steps backwards before she raised her hand to slap Araxie but suddenly she was blocked by a muscular hand. "Don't you dare raise a hand at my wife. I've watched you while you enjoyed humiliating her but not anymore. I can't tolerate anyone who misbehaves with my dear wife, never. I've been quiet thinking you would sort your misunderstandings and leave peacefully but no, you still want to cause more trouble and scenes but lemme make myself clear that I won't stand any more insults to my wife."It was Neel's voice as he dropped Marina's hand down.

"What!"Casey couldn't ignore how shockingly all these words hit her heart.

"Wife. Why's Neel acting like this moreover in Casey's presence?"Araxie too seemed shocked. She also didn't know what Neel was up to at the moment. "Is he doing this on purpose to hurt her. But why'd he want to hurt her? Oh gosh, I can't seem to understand any of this. What's wrong with her."she was left puzzled.

"Tell me all this is a lie Neel. You can't do this to me you know that. You never told me you had a wife."Casey cried.

"I'm sure he's doing this to make Casey realize her feelings for him.

Sometimes your stubbornness can evoke more love from your partner."

Wait! Didn't Casey say she disliked Neel a while ago?Why was she hurt when he said all that?

"Answer me Neel. Tell me you're kidding me dear."she was shaking him so hard to speak up before she noticed that he had raised his hand to hit her.

"I don't believe this. I really can't!"she couldn't believe his sudden actions.

"I loved you so much Casey, I loved you more than myself but today,.... I can't believe you accused me of something I didn't do. What kind of magic do I have that replaced someone in photos."

"Enough. I've heard enough already. You might've been fooling everyone around you and maybe hid your true nature from them but don't forget that fact that I know everything. I know a lot about you, from hair to toes. So, better be careful before choosing to be on my bad side."she was threatening him now.

"Does she too know he's a witch? Oh no."Araxie hoped Marina could take her daughter away as soon as possible otherwise she'd end up exposing Neel.

She wished she had her bead but unfortunately she had left it inside the house.

"I'm done for now!"that was all Neel could think of at the moment.

"Let's go dear. This man here doesn't deserve your love. I will find you a nice one who would love and respect you always. You should forget this horrible married man after all all humans are the same!"Marina cursed coldly.

"You're mistaken mother. Perhaps you don't know it all. Actually this man isn't a human. He's a witch."

Neel's eyes fell widely open while his lips looked to be struggling to say something before Araxie intervened as usual to save her friend. Earlier he saved her from getting slapped.

"What are you saying madam. Are you trying to prove that you know my husband more than I do, huhh? Tell me young lady, what gives you the courage to talk ill about him. Don't mistake my simplicity as stupidity. I was quiet because I didn't want to say anything since you were talking about me but now.... how dare you drag my husband into this. I'm afraid you might end up seeing my roughness. How dare you call my husband a witch! Do you know what that means? Do you even know it. Witches are selfish and always with bad intentions but my Neel, he's the best husband any woman could ever ask for.

I think you should get lost before I lose my temper."

"He may be your husband but it's so sad he doesn't share his secrets with you. He's hiding his true self behind the human mask. Anyway I'm happy for both of you. Let's go mother."Casey said rubbing off tears from her face before they disappeared.

Though the situation was r solved, the king was left with lots of unanswered questions at heart. He couldn't understand why the girl accused Neel of such a serious matter.

"Wow. I'm very proud of you today. I'm certainly sure that no harm will ever come to my son as long as you're with him."Mr Beryl praised as they were having lunch.

Neel who stood quietly since he wasn't enjoying the meals because his heart was beating more like Christmas drums just stared at the king expecting him to ask something. Deep inside his heart, was admiring this damsel Araxie's beauty because she was back in her original looks.

"You're indeed a heroine Araxie. You always step in to save me whenever I'm in any sort of danger. Thank you for saving me today. I love you. I really love you Araxie."Neel thought.

"Neel. Did you also notice how that woman resembled Malinda? I almost mistook her for that witch."

"I did Sir."that was all he replied.

"I'm perfectly sure they're related somehow, don't you think?"

"Sure sir."

Maybe the king didn't take that girl's words so serious. He could've asked him about it because he had so many chances to, but he didn't.

Wait! Is it possible that he knew everything?