

After landing before Malinda's castle, Trion found himself surrounded by Malinda's hungry zombies who wanted nothing else from him except his blood.

No matter how powerful he was, he wasn't going to defeat a thousand zombies that Malinda had set free on him. -He was a merman after all so even Malinda's men wanted to slaughter him and have their hands on the precious pearls inside of him.

"We'll become billionaires at a young age. All we have to do is let the zombies kill him and then....oh my God! All his pearls will be ours, we'll sell them and make good money...uuuhhh!"Trion would hear Malinda's men rejoicing.

He felt like killing them one by one but he realized he didn't have time for that- the zombies were getting closer to him.

"Oh heavens, why didn't I remember bringing Araxie's bead with me."he breathed in fear but he still had to try anyway even when he knew he wouldn't fight them all.

Elsewhere, Araxie was resting on her bed because she still didn't feel well after giving birth and now, she had lost her mind when Malinda took away her child before she could hold her in her arms. "What the hell do you want from me old woman? What have I ever wronged you?"she cursed while she cried pools and pools of tears which didn't seem enough.

"Sitting here won't help me. I wonder what Malinda is doing to my baby girl and Trion."she thought and then got her bead to ask. She later fell shocked with her hands on her mouth since she couldn't believe what she saw. The zombies had attacked Trion and were hungrily sucking his blood- no wonder she had been feeling restless since Trion's departure!

"Oh heavens please give me courage and strength to deal with Malinda. I have to save both my baby and husband."she mumbled and then kissed her son before closing the door.

She never wanted to tell anyone but then she remembered she was leaving her son behind. Who knows what Malinda would do next once she defeats her.

"I will come along with you. You can't fight them alone in this condition."Andie insisted.

"It's alright but somebody very powerful must stay behind with my baby. I don't want to take risks."

"I will stay behind with the baby don't worry but all of you must promise me that you'll bring my son back safe and sound." king Beryl said.

Would they save him anyway? Araxie wondered in fear but she still seemed confident that they'd save her husband and the baby.

"Let's go."

It didn't take long before the whole squad landed in Malinda's compound. Their arrival rubbed a smile off Malinda's face as she saw death approaching her.

"They won't leave me with life."she heavily breathed.

Summoning their swords and daggers, everyone began fighting and before Malinda noticed, her zombies were no more.

"How did they kill them in just a second?

What are you waiting for..attack."she commanded her men who looked scared of Araxie's killing tactics.

Some of them surrendered their weapons and the rest who chose to remain royal to Malinda left Araxie and her team with no other choice but to kill them on the scene.

"I can't believe y'all turned out to be good for nothing! What do I do now."Malinda looked around scratching her head to come up with an idea but before she could, her sister Marina stabbed her straight on the chest where the sword went straight to the heart and just like that, Malinda took her last breath.

It's true that she still had another life to live but that wasn't possible anymore after she was killed by her twin sister and the life she could've lived was added onto Marina's.

"Thank you so much Mother. Because of you we have our baby back. I really can't thank you enough."Araxie was on her knees thanking Marina who was all covered in Malinda's blood.

"Yes Mother.... it's because of you that we've got rid of Malinda for good. I know it wasn't easy for you to choose between us and your sister. Thank you so much."


You two stop embarrassing me. I haven't done anything because any other Mother would've done the same."

On reaching home will smiley faces, the king could tell that they must've defeated Malinda.

"Thank God you're alright my dear son.

I'm very sorry that all this happened because of me."King Beryl looked apologetic.

Since all was well again, they decided to throw a grand naming ceremony for the twins where the baby girl was named Mahi Jackson while the boy, Scott Jackson!

Peace was back in the palace till Trion started behaving like a zombie due to the venom they left in him.

This came as a disappointment on Araxie's side, who was fully prepared to return back to the sea as she had missed the merpeople so much.

No one had an idea on how to handle him because every time they came nearer to him, he tried biting them.

It was a testing moment for everyone since Araxie's bead had also ran out of ideas.

It was after everyone was left helpless that Marina thought of seeking help from the witch's tree and luckily for her the Giant witch that had fallen asleep since the blood rain, had just woke up.

"Hmmm! I must say you're timing is perfect. How did you know that I would come around today."

"I didn't know about this your majesty.

It's a coincidence I think."Marina quickly said. She didn't want her highness to think that she had been keeping an eye on her because the consequences of such were more like hell.

"Oh. It must be a good one, isn't it?"

"It surely is my lady."

"So... how can I help you Marina.

And why did you come alone?"


My son-in-law was bitten by zombies and now he's behaving like them. I'm afraid he might turn into one any time soon."