

No secret can be hidden forever. It can take ages but it would surely be revealed someday and that's what happened to these two love bird's secret love story.

Well, some months later, after everything had fallen back into place, after peace was restored in the palace, Andie and his secret girlfriend Aurora felt it was the right time to bring their relationship in the open and tell everyone about it and finally get married because that's what they both wanted despite the fact that they were scared as they didn't know how Sara would react on hearing the news about their relationship as she had at one point crushed on Andie and she told her sister Aurora about it.

They were left surprised when she embraced the good news with a broad and sincere smile on her face.

"Finally my big sister is going to marry the man of her dreams...

I'm so happy. I mean, what else do I need.

Of course her happiness is mine too.

I love her lots "Sara spoke in a low murmur whisper as tears streamed down her pretty face. Soon memories of her happy moments with her sister summoned into her mind. Aurora wasn't going to die but she felt she'd miss her once she's married.

People rejoice on hearing such news but it was a different case with Sara!

Were her tears really tears of joy like she said? Andie hoped they were not torturing her mentally. The way she left the living room said something else.

Feeling lonely in the room, Sara wondered how she'd spend the coming nights alone. She had gotten fond of sharing a room with her sister with whom she would jazz with, share her pain and sorrows with.

Her sister had been someone whom she always ran to whenever she wanted comfort. She was all she had. The most amazing part was that their mother treated them equally which made them feel like they were twins but now, her twin sister was going to prioritize someone else.

She was going to put Andie above her. She was going to shift to his bedroom after getting married to him.

"I'm not sad that you're getting married to Andie, it's just that I don't feel like letting you go because once I do so, your husband will be your everything instead of me.

Come on Sara.

Why am I thinking this way. I should be happy for her. What am I doing here even. I should go downstairs and help with the preparations."she quickly wiped off her tears while she stood up to leave. It was then when she saw her sister's reflection from the mirror. Aurora who had been leaning against the wall next to the door then walked towards her sister Sara and hugged her while she promised to keep her close to herself no matter what. Aurora had heard everything Sara mumbled to herself. The only way to calm her down was to promise her that she'd never leave her perhaps it'd save the day.

"I'm not going anywhere sweetheart. Andie and I will stay right here with you even after we're married. You know he can't abandon his duty and just go.King Beryl by then had appointed Andie as one of the top royal officials due to his bravery and zeal to work. The was a strong and faithful person any king could ever ask for that's why King Beryl added him to his secret bodyguards.

It was obvious that Andie would not let go of his job like that and even if he tried to, King Beryl would never have allowed him to because the little time he had served him, the king had already noticed the perfection in him. He was just like his brother Neel. They didn't only share the same womb and looks, their capacity was also the same.

Elsewhere Araxie was too excited about her childhood friend, Aurora that she couldn't wait to see her again. She was excited about going back on land for Andie and Aurora's wedding. And the sweetest part was that she'd get to meet her daughter again.

With their baby boy in a small portable tank, Araxie swam leaving Trion behind for he was still busy with something. She swam as strong waves made it impossible for Araxie to swim for she was still new in the field.

She was struggling to catch her balance when a big shark hit the tank with it's tail and just like that, it slipped out of her hands and was washed away by the strong waves due to strong sea breezes.

Swimming, following the tank, Araxie realized that the shark was following her up. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she recalled what Trion told her about sharks some time back,- He had warned her to stay away from them for they were sworn enemies. Their enemity came into existence right from the beginning as sharks wanted to be the monarchs of the Sea but merpeople took that title instead, leaving the sharks very angry and furious ever since.

While in the middle of a small meeting with the merpeople, Trion felt restless not knowing the reason why. He had no idea that Araxie had left with the baby after waiting for him to come out of a meeting but in vain.

"I have to go. Babu please take good care of everything here in the palace till I return.

I will come back but I can't guarantee that it'd be soon. And... don't fail to notify me in case of any emergency, huhh?"

"Okay my Lord."Babu replied bowing his head a little.

Trion ran straight to his cave where he expected to find Araxie but she wasn't there nor was the baby.

"Where did she go? Did she leave without informing me?

Oh no, I hope she's not in some kind of danger."he spoke in a low murmur whisper as he looked around for Tia and then he remembered that her long time favorite friend and a helper was no longer in a bird form.

"Where should I start looking for them now."

Wandering his eyes around, Trion saw Araxie's bead. She had left it behind perhaps it wasn't intentional or maybe her mind had warned her about the danger ahead. Could she have left it behind so that Trion could easily find them? Of course not, if she had known, she would've taken the bead along with. Moreso she would've stopped it beforehand.

Leaving it behind could've been a good thing but unfortunately Araxie alone could command the bead while in and around the Sea.

"Am I maybe over thinking it? Could she have reached safely?

I should go and check."

It didn't take long before Trion landed inside his father's magnificent castle which was then, decorated like paradise for Andie and Aurora's wedding.

The way he appeared in the room was enough for them to tell that something was really wrong and seeing him without his family (Araxie and the son, Scott).

"What's wrong son? Where's Araxie... and this look on your face....

Tell us what has happened?"Tia quickly asked but received no response.

Trion didn't want to say anything that would ruin or postpone these love bird's wedding because he knew that Aurora wouldn't marry once she got to know about her best friend's disappearance.

"It's nothing."he lied.

Everyone almost believed him but then his eyes betrayed him because he began to cry the very moment he held his daughter, Mahi in his arms.

She looked just like her twin brother,Scott who was by then missing.

"Where's your mother and brother? I came hoping to find them here but they aren't here either... where could they be?"Trion found himself mumbling things to his daughter who only knew how to smile.

Mahi was taking time to grow at the rate of humans while Scott grew bigger and taller every day.