

The next time Araxie opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by her family members whom she considered strangers because of her memory loss. Trion had left without informing them about it and they all thought she was okay but were shocked when she said she didn't know them.

"W-what are you saying. How can you not remember us?"Sara chuckled knowing that Araxie was pretending or something, which turned out to be true when she looked shocked on seeing the egg.

"What kind of a hen layed such a big egg?"She asked not knowing that she was actually that hen!

"It's...."Casey was about to tell her that it was hers and before she could, Tia stopped her.

"Don't tell her. She isn't going to believe you."

Meanwhile Trion, Andie and Neel invaded Malinda's house from different entrances and on seeing that she had no choice, she appeared before them looking ready to fight but surprisingly none of them wanted to waste his time on her.

"It looks like you're ready to fight but that's not why we're here.

Where's my egg?"Trion said angrily.

Oh, I'm scared....

The prince on the land and a king of the sea is angry. You're done for Malinda."she mimicked in Trion's voice which made Trion's blood boil inside his veins.

"I said I didn't come to fight with you. Just show me my egg."this time Trion barked like never before.


Slow down please. This attitude of yours won't work on me.

And anyways, I'd surely give back your egg but what's the point when y'all will turn blue on touching it.

Moreso, your wife is going to deliver the baby today and do you know what the most interesting part is,- she doesn't remember about the egg and the father of her children.

I've brainwashed her with what I wanted her to believe and now, it would be impossible to convince her again."

Anyway, was it true that Araxie would give birth soon? - Trion hoped it wasn't true but unfortunately it was.

Araxie was seated, having tea with the rest when cramps started to eat her up like nothing. Yes, it was almost time for her to deliver her baby.

On seeing her in such a condition, Tia, Marina and Judith did the needful and rushed her to the hospital where they waited for Trion to show up with the egg but in vain.

Meanwhile when Trion learned that it was time for his wife to deliver the baby and that the egg was urgently needed, he made it and pushed Malinda onto the egg who turned blue instantly. That punishment was enough to weaken her.

Leaving Malinda in so much pain, they magically lifted the egg straight home where they were told that Araxie had been taken to the hospital to deliver.

They could've taken the egg to the hospital but no! They knew they'd scare away all the patients and their doctors as it was abnormal for a human to lay eggs.

So without wasting any time Trion teleported straight to the hospital and picked his wife from there without informing his family as he knew they wouldn't support his decision to let Araxie deliver from home.

"Doctor... how's the patient?"Marina who was sick worried asked.

"I came here to ask you about the patient as well. Where did she go?"the doctor asked.

"What do you mean by that? Tell us doctor.

"I'm very sorry but I can't seem to find her. She's missing."the doctor said, which sounded like a joke to Tia and everybody else. Judging by the condition she was in, they were fully convinced that she couldn't leave the room.

"I think we should inform Trion about this."Casey said looking so worried.

Making a call to Trion, they all breathed with relief on finding that Araxie was at home.

"We're very sorry doctor. "Well... we've found the lady."Sara apologized to the doctor before they left.

It didn't take long before Araxie pushed out a bouncing baby girl and on its arrival, the egg hatched instantly and from it came a stunningly beautiful baby boy but that wasn't all, the most surprising part was that everything came out holding something.

For a girl, she was holding something moon-like whilst the boy held something in form of a sword..

Happiness was back in the palace after a long time and Araxie had regained her lost memory following the hatching of the egg.

Everything was going smoothly till Malinda showed up and created a scene by taking away the baby girl and threatened to kill her if they annoyed her.

"How did she get healed?"Neel wondered. He had no idea that if the hatching of the egg could bring back the lost memory, it was as simple as drinking water for the poison to vanish from Malinda's body too.

"I wish she had died and left us in peace!"Marina mumbled.

It wasn't like she hated her twin sister, she liked her but everything that Malinda was doing felt so disgusting to Marina and this fact would never have allowed them to sit on the same table.

"How dare you lay your hand on my grandchild! How dare you!"Marina cursed and before they knew it, Malinda was already gone.

"W-where did she go to?they all looked shocked.

"Why all these tests Lord? Why can't we live in peace like other.

Whenever there's happiness in this house, you tend to send this evil and crazy woman other to ruin it. I don't normally pray to you but please... protect my daughter. Araxie has her whole faith in you and you can't betray her like this. You can't shatter away her Faith."Trion was crying like a little kid.

"No. This can't be happening. You have to promise me that you'll bring our baby back, won't you?"Araxie said in a voice mixed up with different emotions.

"Don't worry baby. I promise I will bring her back safe and sound."Trion said kissing her forehead before he vanished from the house.