
Wild Power

A normal highschool students' trip turned into a disastrous event. When an accident occured with an unknown substance that will change his life forever. A student who would experience an unexpected turned of events will about to begin. Can he survive with all the hardships and challenges that he will experience from now on? How far he can go to keep the darkness engulfed the peaceful life knows of? What would you do if you're in this kind of situation? Will you continue to become strong to protect your friends or you'll give up? I am a newbie writer please bare with me, it's from my pure imagination and determination my apologies for slow updates I'll work with it . --Please send some power stones and your reviews are much appreciated--

pintre_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Examination day

Peter looked around and he didn't see where that voice came from. It was so crowded because numerous students are gathered for this entrance exam fro the Blackboard Jungle.

Who is the person behind that voice? That's the question that needs an answer on his mind.

-"It's so crowded."

-"I wanna go home."

-"I hope I can pass this exam."

-"What kind of exam is it? "

This is the words that he can hear in this crowded.

But what's more surprising is that there are so many hybrid person applying in this academy. It feels like they didn't come from the outside world in the first place. So this is the amount of the victim of that spray, all of the residents here are merged with the animals they hated, loved, afraid to, and accidentally sprayed with that substance.

Mr. Dave walks in front of them. "Okay! Okay! Time to your practical exam. I will explain it to you, this exam is divided into 3 categories team mission, race, and combat that will determine your rank on the result of this test." Mr. Dave clearly explained it to them.

Peter looked at his scaled arms and starts warming up. After a minutes of warming up it's nos the time for them to be grouped.

The right side of examiners ~

Clapp~ "I will now divide yourself into 3 person per group. It doesn't matter who's your member as long as it's three per group." Mr. Dave said in excitement.

Peter realized something." Crap! I don't know who to choose. " He said to himself. He's panicking because he's new around the Citadel and he knows nothing about it nor on its people.

"You there!" Someone called him.

He looked at the person who called him. It's approaching and it feels like he wants to team with him.

"You seems so lonely." The person said to him."You don't have a teammates aren't you?" He added and kinda teasing him.

Scratch- Scratch- "..." Peter scratch his head and he can't say anything because it's true.

His eyes started to sparkle. "Ohh! If that's the case... I am here to save you! Be thankful." He said while low-key shaming him because of his loneliness.

Nod~ Nod~

Peter just nod and accepted him as his teammate.

They looked around and searching for the last person on their team. On thus crowded place someone took their attention. It's a girl wit spikey hair and she's being left behind she seems to be afraid on the crowd. They approach her.

He tapped her shoulder. "Hey! What's wrong?" The new member of Peter's team asked in a curious tone.

She removed his hand and step back." W... What?! What are you doing? W... Why are you touching me?" She said and her voice is trembling. She seems that she's afraid to him.

Peter approach her. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you. We just wanted to team up with you. Can you please join with us?" He slowly said with caution while giving his hand to her.

She was shocked on what she heard.

This is the first time that she ever asked to be on someone's team. Even she's a little child she's not good with others presence she was getting bullied because of her spikey hair. That's why she doesn't know what to do and how to react on their offer to her.

She's reaching Peter's hand slowly. "Uh... uhmm... Can i ask why?" She asked in a cautious tone.

He hold up her hand and looked at her in the eyes. "Because... I saw your potential to become stronger." Peter said in excitement.

"First, we need to introduce ourselves, I am Peter my hybrid animal is Horned Anaconda I currently don't know how my hybrid power works and I am here to learn about this all I can do is this...and this..." He showed that his grip strength was strong and have a razor sharp fangs. After Peter starts the introduction. He looked at him and give the sign that it's his turn.

He saw the signal."Ohh I'm Arvin Panzee, my hybrid is a Chimpanzee."He said in a prideful tone after he introduced himself. "Also my IQ level is two times higher than a normal adult person." He added.

"Ohhh! A.. All of y... your hybrid is amazing." She's so surprised about their hybrids. "I am Chloe Rodentia, my hybrid is 'Porcupine' I can shoot spikey hair from distance and i can use it as a weapon a spear, fencing sword, and an arrow." She said with a little bit of confidence and pride on her tone.

After they introduced their names and hybrids, they started conducting a plan on how they can be use their hybrid powers to pass.

The exam is about to start.


Attention! Attention!

"To all of the students who will take the practical and written please go to your respective examination site the entrance exam will now begin in five minutes.It sounds like it's the voice of Ms. Shelia.

Mr. Dave took the mic and continue the explanation."I will explain where's the place you will take your exam. It will be held at the forest near the boarder of the Citadel, you will be able to pass the exam once you captured the target hybrid animal they have the mark on their body the more the hybrid animals dangerous is the more points you will get. That's why it is a team match you need to help each other in order to succeed I highly discourage those who thinks they will win if they will fight alone. Your team needs to acquire 100 points in order to pass the first stage. You will be given a special stone break it if you want to surrender, if you're in danger, if you can't continue due to your fatigue. We will monitor you and if you ever happened to lose you stone and need an immediate help, the 'Sanctuary Hounds' will rush towards your position and will rescue you. They are all scattered in the woods and waiting for orders. The time limit is three days. That's all I wish you all the best of luck in the name of Supreme One." After Mr. Dave's explanations everyone is fired up and are all determined to do their best without failures.

Five minutes later~

All of the members are all in their own groups and starts to move.

"It's time, guys. We can do this."

Peter and his teammates pick up their stuffs and starts to move.

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