
Chapter 157

I looked at Lucifer. 'You had better, Samael. I want your marks on my skin, and I plan on leaving bite marks all over your body tonight. Fair warning. I want to see if your body tastes as smoky as your voice does.'

I could see the flames leaping in his eyes as I heard his answer. 'Oh, you had better make good on that promise, Ariane.'

'Come back and I will.'

He gave me a slow smile that promised so many sinful things. He was Lucifer after all, and he knew all about sinful pleasures. He turned his attention to Sharon. 

"Come, my newest plaything. I've never had a mortal as a plaything so I'm curious to see how much you can take before I'm down to just your soul. MAZE!" 

Lucifer's voice deepened and rang like a bell in the room. There was a rumble and in a puff of black smoke, a devastatingly gorgeous woman stood next to Lucifer. Long black hair, tanned skin, curves in all the right places and legs for miles. I heard Tony whistle low and when I glanced at him, he was eye-fucking her and I saw the obvious signs of how turned on he was. 

"Down boy. She'll eat you alive."

"God but so worth it." Tony gave me a glance.

"Nope. I mean it, literally. She's a demon and while she can give an amazing fuck, she'd eat your soul when she's done."

Tony swallowed but I saw his hard-on deflate. "She's definitely sexy as shit though."

"Oh, no argument there. And she's very talented in that area, with men and women. But she's deadly."

I walked over to Lucifer and the woman next to him. "Mazikeen. It's so great to see you girl!"

She grinned and grabbed me in a big hug. "Ariane. I've missed all your antics. Deadly bitch. Lucifer caught me up on how your life's changed and girl, you more than deserve it. You're the only one to ever grant mercy to demons, besides being hot as hell. I know you have those guys," she gestured to Loki, Bucky, and Thor as they came up behind me, "but my offer still stands, sexy girl."

"What offer does she speak of, my pet?"

I grinned. "To fuck me all night long."

I saw the shock and then curiosity go across their faces. I shook my head. "Sorry boys. Strictly into dick here. I can admit Maze is a sexy sexy woman but that's as far as it goes. And yes Maze, I know you have an extremely talented tongue since you were the one who taught me how to kiss, but I much prefer my guys here." I winked at her.

"No offense taken girl. I would too. They're quite scrumptious. Especially the dark one that thinks like Lucifer." She gestured to Loki.

"I know guys love some girl-on-girl action and I love you boys to death and beyond, but that's going to be the one thing I can't indulge you on. If I'm gonna fuck someone it's gotta be a male."

Maze grinned. "So, what do you need from me, girl?"

Lucifer spoke first. "I have a little project for you, Maze my dear." 

He gestured and Sharon was pulled forward. Maze eyed her hungrily like you would a good piece of steak.

"We've been given the chance for some new fun. Ariane here has gifted us with this mortal woman for our… pleasures. And once her body dies, her soul is still ours until we get tired of her. Which in this case will be the far side of never."

"Ohhhh I knew I loved you for a reason, Ariane. This'll be so much fun." She looked at me. "Anything I can't do?"

"Nope. She is 100% yours. All I ask is that every moment of the rest of her and her soul's existence is pure torture. Bitch wanted to kill my babies."

Maze's eyes got wide. "You pregnant?"

I nodded and looked at my husbands. "Yep. Triplets. One baby from each."

Maze was taller than me and she snatched me up and spun me in a circle. "Yay! I get to be Aunt Maze!"

"Yes, yes you do." I was laughing as Maze put me down. 

She looked at Sharon with narrowed eyes. "And this… mortal… tried to hurt them?"

I sobered and looked at Sharon. "Yes, Maze. Luci can fill you in on everything she's done to me to make my life a horror show. She's as bad as Daniel, and in some ways, even worse."

Maze's eyes fired red, and her face morphed until it was her true demon face as Lucifer mentally filled her in. I heard some gasps from my family behind me and I heard Sharon whimper. Maze was PISSED! Her mortal look never slipped unintentionally like this.

"She dared!" Maze's voice was a fiery hiss. "Oh, you foolish mortal. You'll wish you could die by the time I'm done with you." She looked at Lucifer. "Please tell me you're giving her to me."

Lucifer nodded. "Oh yes, Mazikeen. She's all yours. I know how much you liked Ariane and I know your… creativity will keep you occupied with her for eons."

"Awesome! I have some great ideas. Come with me, my new toy. We have so many new things I want to try."

Sharon screamed as Maze grabbed her arm and in a swirl of smoke they disappeared.

Lucifer looked at me. "Maze will do all you could dream of and more. Your vengeance is fulfilled. Be at rest, Ariane. Until we see each other again, dear one."

"Until then, my dearest Luci."

There was a rush of flames and with a final wink, Lucifer was gone. I looked down and the purple lighting was gone too. I looked around at everyone. "Let's go home."

Everyone nodded and I slid us all back to the tower. As we appeared back in the living room I pitched forward as my body gave out. Odin shocked everyone by catching me and lifting me in his arms.

"Your magic took a great toll on your energy. You will be extremely tired and need rest." He looked at Loki and Thor. "Loki, lead me to your room, Thor get her food. Things with protein to rebuild her energy." Odin gazed at me in wonder and reverence. I saw the shock on Loki and Thor's faces as they saw how Odin was looking at me. "I have never seen a mortal call the vengeance energies and ride them as she did. She was caught in the spell of vengeance and did it perfectly. And she survived the release of power. There are Asgardians that have not survived it. My son's… I am in awe of your wife. I have faith she will make a great Queen and do wonders for future of Asgard."

"Thank you, Dad. She continues to surprise us every day. If you will follow me, I will show you to our room."

I was barely keeping my eyes open, and I was exhausted but I leaned up and gave Odin a kiss on the cheek. 

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Father. But you're the sweetest for saying so." I yawed, but even in my exhausted state I could feel the physical power in Odin's body. "I see now where Loki and Thor get their strength from. You Asgardians are a strong bunch."

I felt Odin's laughter rumble through his chest. "You are about spent my child and I don't think you are thinking clearly."

"Sorry Dad. She is always this way, tired or refreshed. It is just who she is and is a reason we love her so. She challenges us, keeps us on our toes, and melts us with love and praise. She loves and accepts us unconditionally. She even loves and desires my Frost Giant form. I had not expected that. I do not think I could survive without her at this point. To lose her would destroy me."

"I understand, my son. More than you realize. Only knowing my sons and my kingdom needed is what kept me from being utterly lost and destroyed after the death of your mother."

"I'm sorry that we couldn't have been there for you more during that time. But thank you for coming today and standing with us. I was not expecting that, but I appreciated it all the same."

"Of course, my son. You are family. She is your wife, our future Queen, and she holds your child. Any affront on her is an affront on our family and I will not stand to the side."

My eyes flew open as I saw Loki grab Odin in a fierce hug after Odin set me down on the bed. I watched as they held each other.

"I do love you, Father. I always have. I know I have made you ashamed of me in the past. I wanted so much to make you proud that I over-reached and shamed you instead. I will spend my life making up for that, striving to make you proud once again."

"Oh, my son. You have made some wrong choices and I grieved for those. But only by doing and failing are we able to learn and grow. I have always loved you, and it matters not that you are Frost Giant. You are my son. And I am always proud of you. You have always had an intelligence and strength to you. I knew you would find your path. And you have. You have the most magnificent woman as your wife and the child you have made together will be strong, caring, and just. I do not regret ever bringing you home as my son. I was always proud of you. Even in your wrong decisions. And I am very proud of you now, my son."

I watched as Loki broke down and smiled at how lovingly Odin held him. Their family was repairing fast, and it warmed my heart. Odin looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you, Daughter, for giving me my family back and bringing yourself and my grandchildren into it. Now rest my child. Sleep and recharge."

"Yes Father." I saw his smile widen as sleep rolled me under.