
Chapter 156

I smiled. "Have I told you how much I love your dark sadistic side, Luci? Especially when it's not aimed at me?"

"Why no, you haven't, Mon Cheri. But we can go into that later. I'm curious to see what you're planning for the little bitch."

"What number are we at, Luci?"


"Thank you. Now where was I. Oh yeah. You broke out of your prison after I stupidly saved your ass. But instead of being smart and running away, you broke into the Tower and drugged Bucky.

You hurt my husband by using him to hurt me. You tried to hurt me not only physically by having him beat me, but you also tried to hurt me mentally by me knowing that it was my soulmate beating me to death, without ever knowing he was drugged. If it had worked, he would've had to live with the fact he was the one that killed me. And if I know my Bionic Man, he wouldn't have lived for long.

You tried to kill or harm my babies, even though that was more an accident than anything since you didn't know about them. But it still counts.

Where are we at, Luci?"


I nodded. "Eight times you were stupid. Eight times you worked to sign your death warrant. And eight times you have wronged everyone in this room, Lucifer and Crowley included. Eight times you have wrong the Allfather, the King of Asgard and all its inhabitants of that realm. You brought pain and suffering to his sons as well as placed his grandchildren in danger. 

Eight times you brought this into motion. And eight times I call vengeance on you, you fucking harpy-faced fuckwad twatwaffle BITCH!"

My power flared and purple light filled the room as I invoked the power of vengeance. "Just to prove I'm a fairer bitch than you, I'll ask each person in this room if they'll show you mercy. If even one give you mercy, I'll spare your life from my vengeance."

White light filled the room for a second, dimming my purple energy. Suddenly Odin, the Allfather in all his power and glory, stood next to his sons, the coldest look I'd ever seen in my life on his face.

"I stand here to pass judgement as well. My family and kingdom has been wronged b this woman and I am here to claim our part in the retribution of it."

I bowed to Odin. "Welcome ,Father. I'll begin the vengeance offer of mercy with you." My voice rang through the room, deeper than it had ever been, as the magic of the ritual took hold.

"Odin, known as Allfather of the Nine Realms, ruling King of Asgard, do you grant this one named Sharon Carter mercy?"


"Loki, God of Mischief, Prince and future King of Asgard, do you grant her mercy?"

"Fuck no."

"Thor, God of Thunder, Prince and future King of Asgard, do you grant her mercy?"

"NO!" Thor's voice rumbled like thunder through the room.

"James Barnes, so known as Winter Soldier, do you grant her mercy?"

"That's a hard NO, Doll!"

I turned to Crowley. 

"Crowley, once named Fergus MacLeod, ruling King of Hell, do you grant her mercy?"

"Oh, I think not."

"Samael, fallen Archangel of Heaven, known on Earth as Lucifer Morningstar, do you grant her mercy?"

"I love the sound of my true name from your lips. I grant no mercy to this woman."

I turned to my Avengers family. Sharon looked at them pleadingly. They were her last hope. She hadn't expected mercy from Odin or my husbands or Crowley or Lucifer. But she hoped she would have some with the Avengers. I knew it was a faint hope, but the magic of vengeance required ne to ask each one. 

"Anthony Stark, so named Iron Man, do you grant her mercy?"

"Fuck you, Sharon. No mercy from me."

"Natasha Romanoff, so named Black Widow, do you grant her mercy?"

"Not for this bitch."

"Wanda Maximoff, so named Scarlet by me, do you grant her mercy?"


"Vision, once named Jarvis, do you grant her mercy?"

"No. She deserves none."

I could see Sharon getting more and more desperate as more and more Avengers said no mercy. I knew she was pinning her hopes on Steve.

"Clint Barton, so named Hawkeye, do you grant her mercy?"

"Not a chance in hell."

"Dr. Bruce Banner and co-habitor so named Hulk, do either of you grant her mercy?"

"It's a no from both of us."

"Samuel Wilson, so named The Falcon, do you grant her mercy?"

"Fuck her. Nope. Let the bitch fry."

I turned to the last person in the room, my heart aching for what I was about to ask him. I already knew his answer and it put my vengeance as a stain on his soul. I still felt like it was my fault he was changed forever from this.

"Steven Rodgers, so named Capitan America, do you grant her mercy?

Steve looked hard at Sharon and paused. I saw hope flare in her eyes. She knew his kindness and his quest for right and honor. I instinctively knew his pause was deliberate. He wanted her to feel hope before he killed it. He wanted her to hurt like she hurt him and for how she hurt me.

"No. I do not grant her mercy."

I turned to Sharon as shock filled her face, shock and terror. Black, green, red, and purple flames danced over my skin, covering me in fire.

"Sharon Carter, you have found no mercy here. I call vengeance upon you for the wrongs done to me, my family, and my children." 

I grinned, barring my teeth. She swallowed and tried to give a false sense of bravery, just basically being her bitchy self.

"So what. What're you gonna do about it? Nothing."

"Oh, my dear dumbass who never learns. But this time you will. My sentence is this…." I looked at Lucifer. He just gazed at me patiently. I stared deep into his eyes as I gave her my sentence.

"I am releasing you as a mortal woman to Samael, known as Satan, for his tender administration. He is to make you suffer torment on your mortal body until it expires. Then he is to torment your soul until his heart's content. For I know nothing I could do would ever be equal to the amount of pain, suffering, humiliation, and anguish that he can give you to avenge me. In your own stupidity you have angered the one being that will wholly delight in your pain, a being that has made known love for the person you have hurt and made to suffer. Enjoy your eternity of torment, bitch."

My power flared and the flames around me roared and then with a flash that blinded everyone, my judgement against her was sealed. When my eyes cleared, I was still staring at Lucifer. The fire in his eyes made me soaking wet. He was looking at me like I was his favorite candy. 

"Oh, my dearest one. You have given me such an amazing gift. One I'll take great pleasure in exacting your revenge on." 

He licked his lips at me and for the first time I heard his smoky voice in my head. 'I'll get her settled and then I'll be back tonight. I want to have your flames on my skin. I'll give you four the pleasure you seek. This I vow."

God, it was like Lucifer and Loki took lessons from the same teacher on making women combust with their voices. Both men were absolutely sinful and mouthwatering.