
Way Back To Neverland

In the quiet cotton factory town where Asher Blackwood and Henry Williams reside, peculiar occurrences begin to unfold, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. Whispers in the shadows suggest the hand of Neverland, an enigmatic force lurking in the periphery of their lives. Soon, these whispers lead to a cataclysmic event that sends Asher and Henry fleeing for their lives. Their journey takes them to the elusive realm of EverGreen, a place steeped in secrets and the arcane. There, they encounter the enigmatic Yuan Xhin, a master of magic who becomes their mentor. Asher's newfound power is an inferno of black flames, while Henry discovers an astonishing ability to mend and heal. Burning with a fervent desire for revenge against Neverland, Asher and Henry embark on a thrilling odyssey, encountering wondrous and perilous creatures of magic along the way. Amidst the dazzling tapestry of their adventures, Asher finds himself drawn to Alexia Grey, a remarkable individual untouched by magic's embrace. In the midst of a mesmerizing magic festival, Asher's skills flourish, revealing the depths of his newfound powers and unraveling the secrets of his own past. But as the story unfolds, a shattering tragedy befalls Alexia, casting a haunting shadow over their newfound knowledge. As the dust settles and shocking truths come to light, the future remains uncertain. What lies ahead for Asher and Henry? Will vengeance consume them, or will they find a path through the labyrinth of magic and mysteries that surround them? The journey has only just begun, and the answers are concealed in the depths of an ever-unfolding enigma.

InkDreamer07 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 17 - Water Magic

After a period of perseverance, Henry's diligence paid off. In the quiet sanctuary of the library, he stumbled upon a person who seemed to hold the key to the knowledge they so desperately sought.

Henry eased himself into a chair placed beside the elderly scholar. The man, aged around 80, sported a shiny bald head, and a snowy-white beard that flowed gracefully down to his chest. His face, a canvas of memories etched by the hands of time, bore deep wrinkles that whispered tales of wisdom and countless hours spent poring over ancient tomes. Today, however, his aged hands traced the secrets of an age-old book, his eyes intent on deciphering the enigmas it held.

"Hello! Hope you're doing well, sir," Henry greeted him, his voice filled with the respect due to someone of the scholar's stature.

In a voice as soft as the morning mist, the elderly man replied, "Hello, yes, I am fine. Sorry, I didn't recognize you."

Asher joined in, breaking the ice with a warm smile. "That's because we haven't met before."

Curiosity brimming in his eyes, the old man inquired, "How can I help you?"

Henry, never one to beat around the bush, got straight to the point. "We need some information about Neverland."

The old scholar furrowed his brow, clearly deep in thought. After a moment's contemplation, he posed a curious question of his own. "What is it that you seek in Neverland?"

"We want to go to Neverland," Henry replied with resolve. "And we're searching for someone who can guide us on how to get there."

The old man, now lost in thought, eventually rose from his chair. "Follow me; let's talk about it outside."

They trailed the elderly scholar as he made his way toward the exit of the library. His steps were measured, a stroll that contrasted sharply with the urgency of their quest. As Asher, Henry, and Alexia followed behind, Asher couldn't help but grumble in hushed tones, "Damn, he walks so slow. It'll take us an eternity to get there."

Alexia, amused by Asher's impatience, stifled a laugh and whispered back, "Shush, and keep walking."

As they walked, the old man couldn't help but notice Asher's unusual black hand. It stood out amidst his otherwise ordinary appearance. With genuine concern, he asked, "What happened to your hand, son?"

Asher hesitated for a moment as if contemplating how much to reveal. Finally, he offered a cryptic response. "It... It's just a mark."

The old man nodded, choosing not to press further into a matter that held deeper significance.

At last, their slow progress led them to a location not far from the library itself. Due to their plodding pace, what should have been a brief journey felt like a considerable trek. The old man broke the silence, announcing, "Here we are."

His home was nestled amidst fields of lush, green grass. The fields stretched as far as the eye could see, a testament to the old man's dedication and care.

Alexia couldn't help but admire their surroundings and voiced her curiosity. "They're beautiful, but how do you take care of them?"

The old man chuckled warmly and replied, "I tend to them, and they remain safe."

Eager to return to the purpose of their visit, Henry gently reminded the old man, "You were about to tell us something."

With a good-natured laugh, the scholar acknowledged his lapse of memory. "Oh, sorry, I forgot. Haha, it's okay."

Curiosity now sated, he turned his attention to their identities, asking, "Can you introduce yourselves?"

Henry was quick to oblige. "I am Henry Williams. He is Asher Blackwood, and she is Alexia Gray."

The old man, still with a friendly disposition, nodded warmly and said, "Nice to meet you all. I am Balinor Jack. Come, let's have a seat."

He led them to a pleasant area behind his home. A wooden table and chairs stood there, offering a serene view of the fields. It was a tranquil setting, far removed from the clamour of the bustling town they had just left behind.

Curiosity burning in his eyes, the old man couldn't resist inquiring further. "Why do you want to go to Neverland?"

Asher, his eyes reflecting a deep, smouldering resolve, replied resolutely, "We want to take revenge on them. They destroyed our towns and killed thousands of innocent people."

The old man, while taking in Asher's palpable magical presence, nodded in understanding. "That's great. I can sense your magical pressure. It means you have already awakened your magic."

Asher confirmed with pride, "Yes, we have. I possess Black Flames magic at stage 7, and Henry possesses two magics—stage 5 healing and stage 5 electric magic."

The old man, visibly impressed

, commented, "One with stage 7 and one with dual magic. My two wishes were granted in a single day. Do you know how to use magic?"

Asher nodded confidently. "Yes, we do. Henry has recently awakened his electric magic, so he's still learning. But I can use mine."

The old man turned his gaze to Alexia, who had been silently observing the conversation. "What about this young girl?"

Alexia, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness, replied, "I am magicless. I don't have any magic."

Henry, seizing an opportunity to gain more insight, asked, "You mentioned that your two wishes were granted."

The old man, his eyes twinkling with a hint of satisfaction, responded, "It was my dream to see a person who possesses stage 7 magic and is also a dual magic user, and now both are granted at the same time."

Intrigued by the old man's existence, Asher couldn't resist probing further. "I see. Anyway, what magic do you possess?"

The old man's response carried an air of mystery. "Magic? How did you know I possess magic?"

Asher explained, "Those who've awakened their magic can sense magical pressure."

The old man was taken aback by Asher's insight but couldn't help but commend it. "Well, my magic is water magic at stage 6."

Asher, thoroughly impressed, exclaimed, "That's an awesome, old man."

Eager for a challenge, the old man proposed, "Why don't we have a duel? You two against me."

Henry, showing a healthy dose of scepticism, inquired, "Are you sure you can handle both of us?"

With unshakable confidence, the old man replied, "Don't take me lightly."

With that, he rose from his seat and began to walk toward a nearby field. Asher and Henry followed anticipation hanging in the air. Alexia, still seated, watched their every move, her gaze fixed on the unfolding events. As they ventured further into the field, the old man eventually came to a halt, turning to face them with a grin that hinted at his hidden strength. He instructed them to get ready, igniting an air of anticipation as Asher unsheathed his katana, and Henry prepared for the impending clash of magic.

The old man beckoned them, his eyes brimming with anticipation. "Okay, come at me."

Henry, still cautious, leaned in to whisper to Asher, "Don't go too hard."

Asher nodded in agreement. "Okay."

Henry initiated their assault with a small electric jolt, intending to test the old man's capabilities. To their astonishment, the old man effortlessly deflected it using only his bare hands. Asher and Henry exchanged incredulous glances, taken aback by the unexpected display of power.

Unfazed, the old man chided, "I said not to go easy on me."

In a blur of motion, the old man appeared right in front of Henry, employing a move reminiscent of Dark Blizzard. With a swift kick to Henry's abdomen, he sent the young man tumbling backwards. Before Asher could react, the old man had deflected his incoming slash with ease, his bare hands displaying a startling proficiency in combat. Asher was struck by a heavy punch that sent him reeling, the force behind it leaving him momentarily stunned.

The old man taunted, "Is that all you've got? I am disappointed."

With those words, he began to saunter back toward his house, seemingly unimpressed by their efforts. Anger flaring within him, Asher rapidly rose to his feet. In an instant, he summoned the Demonic katana, allowing it to expand into its full, imposing form. The old man, sensing the impending danger, turned back just in time to witness the enormity of the impending attack.

"Water magic, stage 6, activate!" the old man declared urgently.

In response to his command, a towering wall of water materialized in front of him. The ground trembled as the colossal black slash sliced through the earth, carrying with it a tempestuous gust of wind that howled toward the old man. The slash descended upon the barrier of water, its sheer force shaking the very foundations of their battlefield.

The old man, his brow furrowed with intense concentration, struggled to maintain the water barrier against the relentless force of Asher's attack. The wind, carrying the full weight of the black slash, slammed into him with ferocious power. The old man was knocked backwards, his body tumbling through the air before hitting the ground with a resounding thud.


Authors note: hope you enjoy it.