
Way Back To Neverland

In the quiet cotton factory town where Asher Blackwood and Henry Williams reside, peculiar occurrences begin to unfold, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. Whispers in the shadows suggest the hand of Neverland, an enigmatic force lurking in the periphery of their lives. Soon, these whispers lead to a cataclysmic event that sends Asher and Henry fleeing for their lives. Their journey takes them to the elusive realm of EverGreen, a place steeped in secrets and the arcane. There, they encounter the enigmatic Yuan Xhin, a master of magic who becomes their mentor. Asher's newfound power is an inferno of black flames, while Henry discovers an astonishing ability to mend and heal. Burning with a fervent desire for revenge against Neverland, Asher and Henry embark on a thrilling odyssey, encountering wondrous and perilous creatures of magic along the way. Amidst the dazzling tapestry of their adventures, Asher finds himself drawn to Alexia Grey, a remarkable individual untouched by magic's embrace. In the midst of a mesmerizing magic festival, Asher's skills flourish, revealing the depths of his newfound powers and unraveling the secrets of his own past. But as the story unfolds, a shattering tragedy befalls Alexia, casting a haunting shadow over their newfound knowledge. As the dust settles and shocking truths come to light, the future remains uncertain. What lies ahead for Asher and Henry? Will vengeance consume them, or will they find a path through the labyrinth of magic and mysteries that surround them? The journey has only just begun, and the answers are concealed in the depths of an ever-unfolding enigma.

InkDreamer07 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 18 - Stages

The old man was knocked backwards, his body tumbling through the air before hitting the ground with a resounding thud.

A small, jagged cut adorned the old man's face, and scarlet beads of blood trickled slowly from the wound. His expression, a blend of astonishment and confusion, seemed locked to fathom the inexplicable events that had just transpired. Close by, Alexia sprung into action, her eyes unwaveringly fixed on the unfolding scene. Without hesitation, she dashed towards the injured elder, followed swiftly by Henry and Asher, their faces etched with concern and worry.

Approaching the fallen man, Asher gently extended his hand to aid the old man to his feet, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. He inquired with heartfelt worry, "Are you alright?"

Still reeling from the shock of the unexpected attack, the old man managed to nod faintly, his voice trembling slightly as he responded, "Yes, I am okay. But at what stage did you release that attack on me?"

Asher, his confusion mirroring the old man's, replied candidly, "I don't quite understand what you mean. My magic is at stage 7."

Seeking clarity, the old man elaborated, "I meant, at which stage did you activate your magic before launching the attack?"

Asher's bewilderment persisted as he answered, "I didn't activate any specific stage beforehand. I just unleashed a standard attack."

The old man's disbelief was palpable as he exclaimed, "You delivered an attack of that magnitude at your base stage?"

Henry, sensing the urgency of the situation, interjected, "We're genuinely puzzled by this notion of 'stages.'"

Recognizing the need to bridge this gap in understanding, the old man motioned for them to return to their seats. "Of course, let's sit down and delve into this concept."

They resumed their positions, and the old man embarked on his elucidation. "Allow me to clarify the concept of magic stages. As you mentioned, you possess stage 7 magic, which inherently grants you access to stages 6, 5, and so on. Now, permit me to illustrate how this operates."

The old man rose to his feet and extended his hand toward the nearby field, his concentration evident in the focused gaze he cast upon it. "Water Magic, Stage 4, activate."

A minute, compact sphere of water began to take shape in the palm of his hand, its presence accompanied by a growing pressure, a testament to the magic's mounting strength. He proceeded, "Water Magic, Stage 5, activated."

The water sphere expanded in size, its form growing more substantial. Without wavering, he declared, "Water Magic, Stage 6, activated."

Before their eyes, the water ball surged in size, doubling in magnitude. This simple demonstration underscored the principle of escalation in power with each successive stage. Asher couldn't help but express his wonderment, his voice filled with awe, "Wow, that's truly remarkable."

Ever inquisitive, Alexia inquired further, her curiosity piqued, "You also made mention of the 'ground state.' Could you elucidate its meaning?"

The old man provided a concise explanation. "The ground state signifies the utilization of your magic without engaging any particular stage. Essentially, it represents your basic, unrefined magic. In my case, I had to activate stage 6 to counter your attack."

Henry, nodding in comprehension, remarked, "I see."

Empowered by their growing understanding, the old man suggested, "Why don't you give it a try, Asher?"

Eager to explore this new facet of magic, Asher brandished his katana and initiated his magic. "Black Flames, Stage 1, activate."

The flames within his katana, originally larger than his form, 'Demonic katana' surged upward, their fiery tendrils reaching impressive heights. He proceeded, "Stage 2, activate."

The flames intensified, their brilliance soaring to even greater heights. As he prepared to advance further, he boldly declared, "Stage 3, activate."

Yet, as the power surged through his katana, a sudden transformation occurred. His weapon began to melt under the overwhelming might of the fiery energy. Swiftly realizing the perilous situation, Asher halted the process, willing the flames to retreat into his katana.

The old man, having witnessed Asher's display of Black Flame magic, couldn't help but offer a word of caution. "As far as I know, Black Flame magic is exceptionally destructive. It can even harm its user, so you must exercise great care."

Asher, nodding in agreement, responded, "Yes, that's precisely why I rely on my katana. I don't wield it with my bare hands."

With Asher's turn now complete, Henry eagerly stepped forward. He sought the old man's guidance and announced, "Alright, it's my turn."

The old man, ready to offer his assistance, encouraged him. "Very well, go ahead."

Henry initiated his magic, calling upon his Electric magic. "Electric magic, Stage 1, activate," he intoned. A jolt of electricity began to coalesce around his hand, crackling and swirling with energy. It was a promising start.

However, as he attempted to progress further by activating Stage 4, a sudden and unexpected occurrence transpired. The electric jolt surrounding his hand abruptly dissipated into the air, leaving him bewildered and disheartened.

Henry, puzzled by this turn of events, turned to the old man for insight. "What just happened?"

The old man, his gaze contemplative, replied with measured words, "It seems you are not yet strong enough to open Stage 4."

Asher, still curious, interjected, "But is it possible that his electric magic is at Stage 3?"

The old man shook his head, dispelling that notion. "No, it doesn't work that way. If his magic were at Stage 3, it wouldn't simply disappear unless he intentionally dispelled it."

Determined to grow stronger, Henry sought the old man's guidance, asking, "How can I become stronger, then?"

The old man, with the weight of wisdom in his voice, offered his advice. "Becoming stronger requires rigorous training and dedication. some techniques that can aid your progress, there are limits to what I can teach you. Ultimately, your strength will be a reflection of your effort and perseverance."

Henry and Asher absorbed the old man's words, recognizing that their journey to harnessing their magic was a path paved with hard work and commitment.

As their discussion on magic stages drew to a close, Alexia's curiosity began to simmer once more. Unable to suppress her inquisitiveness, she ventured, "You didn't tell us about Neverland."

The old man, his eyes veiled with mysteries yet to be unveiled, responded enigmatically, "I will tell you, but not at this moment."

Intrigued by his cryptic reply, Asher leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Then when will you share this information with us?"

The old man, a beacon of patience and wisdom, replied, "Be patient. I will impart this knowledge, but first, focus on honing your skills."

Henry, with a touch of urgency in his voice, urged, "We don't have much time. We're only here for three days."

Unyielding in his resolve, the old man reassured them, "Three days provide ample opportunity. Meet me here tomorrow morning, and I shall await your arrival."

Henry nodded, acknowledging the plan. "Very well, sir. We will be here."

With their business concluded for now, they bid the old man farewell, turning to embark on their journey back to the guest house. Along the way, Asher's discerning eyes caught sight of an aged katana displayed within an antique shop, its presence tugging at his senses.

Eagerly, he turned to Henry and suggested, "Hey, let's investigate that. I'm quite interested in that katana."

Henry, the pragmatic thinker, issued a cautionary reminder, "Bear in mind, our finances are limited. If it's excessively costly, we might have to pass."

Asher concurred, replying, "Understood. Let's have a look, nonetheless."

As they entered the quaint shop, Asher gingerly lifted the dusty katana from its resting place. The black leather sheath that enveloped it bore a testament to its age, adorned with a meticulously crafted dragon that hinted at stories untold. The hilt, a blend of black and red, bore the markings of time and neglect, indicating that it had languished in this shop for many years. With a gentle slide, Asher removed the cover, revealing a gleaming white blade, untarnished by the passage of years.

The carving of a dragon adorned the blade with intricate details, and the word "devil" had been etched into its surface. Asher, inexplicably drawn to the blade's mystique, carried it over to the shopkeeper, inquiring about its cost. "Excuse me, how much does this katana cost?"

The shopkeeper, assessing the potential buyers, responded, "It's priced at 10 shillings."

Henry, ever the shrewd negotiator, interjected, "That seems a bit steep for an old katana, doesn't it?"

The shopkeeper, willing to entertain a bargain, conceded, "Very well, for you, I can make it 7 shillings."

Henry, seizing the opportunity, proposed a counteroffer. "Here's a proposition. We'll offer you this katana in exchange for 3 shillings."

The shopkeeper mulled over the offer for a brief moment before finally agreeing, "Alright, deal accepted."

With the transaction neatly settled, they handed over the agreed-upon sum and departed the store, Asher's newly acquired katana in hand. Intrigued by their friend's purchase, Alexia examined the weapon and remarked, "There's something eerie about it. I can't explain it, but I sense an unsettling darkness emanating from it."

Henry, sharing her disquiet, chimed in, "I concur. There's an odd sensation surrounding it."

Asher, his attraction to the katana as enigmatic as the blade itself, responded with a shrug, "I can't put my finger on it, but the moment I laid eyes on it, I felt an undeniable pull.
