
Way Back To Neverland

In the quiet cotton factory town where Asher Blackwood and Henry Williams reside, peculiar occurrences begin to unfold, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. Whispers in the shadows suggest the hand of Neverland, an enigmatic force lurking in the periphery of their lives. Soon, these whispers lead to a cataclysmic event that sends Asher and Henry fleeing for their lives. Their journey takes them to the elusive realm of EverGreen, a place steeped in secrets and the arcane. There, they encounter the enigmatic Yuan Xhin, a master of magic who becomes their mentor. Asher's newfound power is an inferno of black flames, while Henry discovers an astonishing ability to mend and heal. Burning with a fervent desire for revenge against Neverland, Asher and Henry embark on a thrilling odyssey, encountering wondrous and perilous creatures of magic along the way. Amidst the dazzling tapestry of their adventures, Asher finds himself drawn to Alexia Grey, a remarkable individual untouched by magic's embrace. In the midst of a mesmerizing magic festival, Asher's skills flourish, revealing the depths of his newfound powers and unraveling the secrets of his own past. But as the story unfolds, a shattering tragedy befalls Alexia, casting a haunting shadow over their newfound knowledge. As the dust settles and shocking truths come to light, the future remains uncertain. What lies ahead for Asher and Henry? Will vengeance consume them, or will they find a path through the labyrinth of magic and mysteries that surround them? The journey has only just begun, and the answers are concealed in the depths of an ever-unfolding enigma.

InkDreamer07 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 16 - Moon

The forest around them remained eerily silent, shrouded in an unsettling stillness that seemed to echo the uncertainty lurking within Asher. Despite the daunting quietude, his gaze was unwavering, searching for any sign of his friends. They had survived the cataclysmic clash with the King, but he couldn't shake the feeling that another danger loomed in the shadows, threatening to engulf them once more.

His eyes flickered as he finally spotted them, a distant yet reassuring sight. His heart raced with concern, but the toll of their recent battle weighed heavily on him. Each step toward his friends felt like an insurmountable obstacle, his drained body rebelling against his determination. Still, his resolve pushed him forward, one laborious step at a time.

Finally, he reached the spot where he had last seen Alexia and Henry. A rush of relief, cool and soothing, washed over him as he saw them safe and relatively unharmed. Henry, his face etched with pain beneath a persistent grin, was awake and seemingly in good spirits.

Henry, still grinning through the pain, couldn't help but ask, his curiosity piqued, "Where were you, and what was that blast?"

Asher, weariness etched in every line of his face, couldn't help but reply with a triumphant note in his voice, "The king has been put to rest, and the blast just now was a collision of his magic and mine. But in the end, I won."

Henry, ever practical, began tending to his wounds, as he was the least injured among them. Asher, recognizing the need for rest, settled down beside him and ignited a small fire. The temperature had taken a chilly turn, and thick mist descended from the sky, adding an eerie ambience to their surroundings.

As Henry's capable hands worked their magic, Asher noticed that exhaustion had claimed him, pulling him into the realm of slumber. The evening descended gently upon them, and when Asher awoke once more, he found Alexia fully alert, her wounds tended to by Henry's skilled care. She greeted him warmly, her voice a balm to his worried soul.

Alexia's concern for him was evident as she asked, "Good evening. How are you feeling?"

Asher's voice carried the weight of his worry as he replied, "I'm good. I was so worried about you. It felt like the end of the world when you fell into the river."

Alexia's laughter was a sweet melody, her blush a testament to her affection. "It's cold, isn't it? I've lost my coat," she admitted with a shy smile.

Ever the gentleman, Asher offered her his jacket, despite wearing only a thin shirt beneath. Concerned for him, she stammered, "But what about you?"

Asher's reassurance came with a soft smile. "I'll be okay. When I feel cold, I have my flames. Besides, this jacket isn't in the best condition."

Grateful, Alexia accepted his jacket, expressing her thanks. "Thank you, and it's totally fine," she said, her gaze filled with gratitude and warmth.

Just then, Henry returned, holding a large black rabbit in his hand. He posed a simple yet crucial question, "Is anyone hungry?"

Asher's stomach answered the query with an audible growl, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh man, I was about to die!"

Amusement danced in the eyes of Alexia and Henry as they shared a laugh. Together, they cooked the rabbit over sticks using Asher's flames, which emitted intense heat but no light. The full moon above served as their only source of illumination, casting silvery rays upon their makeshift camp.

After their meal, the reality of their situation began to sink in. They had lost nearly everything during their battle with the King, save for the map, which Henry had wisely carried with him. Alexia, ever resourceful, ignited a fire using two sticks and some dried grass, a skill she had honed during her days as a hunter.

Impressed by her expertise, Asher couldn't help but inquire, "Wow, how did you do that?"

Alexia's eyes sparkled with pride as she explained, "I learned these survival techniques during my missions as a hunter. Sometimes, it took two to three days and nights, and you had to rely on such skills to make it through."

With the evening transitioning into the night, they recognized the importance of maintaining a watchful eye. They devised a plan to take shifts, ensuring that two would sleep while one remained awake to guard against potential threats. They agreed to rotate every two hours, ensuring that their makeshift camp remained secure.

Henry, always reliable, volunteered for the first shift, and Alexia followed suit. When it was Asher's turn to stand sentinel, he noticed late-night Alexia sitting against a tree. The once-vibrant forest, now mostly burned, revealed a clear night sky above. Alexia was gazing at the full moon, her thoughts lost in its tranquil glow.

Asher, moving to join her, whispered, "Why are you awake?"

Alexia's gaze remained fixed on the moon as she replied, her voice carrying a hint of wonder, "I find the moon beautiful."

Asher, ever observant, agreed wholeheartedly. "Yes, it's beautiful, but not more than you," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

A soft chuckle escaped Alexia's lips as she continued to gaze at the moon. She spoke with a serene smile, "I like the moon because it guides people at night when no one is willing to help you. It gives you light in the darkest hours when you are all alone."

Asher nodded in agreement, the bond between them deepening with each passing moment. "Yes, you're right," he affirmed, a sense of peace settling within him.

Yet, amidst the moon's gentle radiance, a wave of guilt surged within Alexia. She couldn't help but admit, her voice tinged with remorse, "I'm sorry. I made you so worried. Because of me, you had to fight the king, and now we're in this situation."

Asher, his touch gentle, placed his hand on her cheek, his eyes filled with understanding and reassurance. "It's not your fault," he murmured, wiping away a tear that glistened in her eye. With a soft smile, he settled back down to rest, leaving Alexia with a profound sense of comfort and security, even in the face of uncertainty

The next morning, the trio was up early, ready to continue their journey. With only the map as their guide, Henry gathered them around to explain their plan. As they set off on what was expected to be a four-day trek, Asher couldn't help but inquire about Henry's newfound magic.

Henry admitted with a wince, "My body isn't taking to this new magic too kindly. My arms hurt each time I use it."

Asher, ever the encouraging friend, chimed in, "You just need more practice, buddy. It's likely because your muscles aren't used to it yet."

Henry nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, you're probably right."

Four days of relentless walking under the sun's gentle morning rays eventually led them to the outskirts of a town. With a sense of relief, Henry exclaimed, "We're here, guys!"

Alexia couldn't help but express her gratitude, "Thank God!"

Upon entering the town, an irresistible aroma from the nearby bakery filled the air, drawing them in. The streets buzzed with activity as people bustled about, and headed to their workplaces. Asher, overcome by the sweet scent of baked goods, dashed over to purchase some delectable sweet buns. They each indulged in the delightful treats.

As he savoured a mouthful of the delicious bun, Asher couldn't contain his enthusiasm, "These are amazing!"

Alexia wholeheartedly agreed, "Yeah, they're really good."

Henry, ever mindful of their mission, suggested they take a moment to rest. He reminded them, "Don't forget why we're here, guys."

Asher nodded in agreement, his mouth still filled with the remnants of the sweet bun. "Don't worry, I remember."

Following Henry's lead, they approached a friendly local and inquired about a place to stay. The helpful resident explained that many rest houses in town offered accommodations for free, courtesy of the government. These rest houses not only provided shelter but also included meals for up to three days, a gesture intended to assist travellers and traders who frequented the town due to its bustling factories.

The news filled them with a sense of gratitude, and they followed the local's directions to one such rest house. It was a quaint building with white-washed walls and a red-tiled roof, nestled amidst a peaceful garden.

Upon entering the rest house, they were greeted by a welcoming manager who offered them a warm smile. They exchanged a few words with him,

Without hesitation, the manager led them to a comfortable room where they could rest and freshen up. The room was simple but cosy, with wooden furniture and soft, clean bedding. After settling in, they were pleasantly surprised when the manager returned with plates of hot, home-cooked food.

The aroma of the freshly prepared meal filled the room, and their tired bodies welcomed the nourishment. As they enjoyed their dinner, the manager left them to their meal, promising to be available if they needed anything else. The only things they paid for were the tips of the manager.

Later that evening, they decided to explore the town in search of the mysterious place mentioned in the book. Henry's mission was to find someone knowledgeable who could assist them on their quest. As they wandered through the charming streets, they couldn't help but feel the town's unique charm.

Eventually, their exploration led them to a library, a place that often held a wealth of knowledge. It seemed like the perfect spot to begin their search. Inside, Henry diligently combed through books and questioned the librarian about any information related to the enigmatic place described in the book.

After some time, Henry's persistence paid off. He came across a person in the library, an elderly scholar who appeared to possess the knowledge they sought....
