
Chapter 9

Holy shit! I'm here just for a few seconds, and I am already sweating like crazy. I know that I will be teleported to a lower plan, aka hell, but I was not prepared for it—too much fire and lava in here.

Lucky for me, the company was kind enough not to let me die of the heat by creating a thin layer of protection around my body. While it helped me survive this place, it did not help me with the heat.

The target is in the massive clearing to the west from the mission description. This area is relatively safe and free of vermin. However, this area is not danger-free. The rats will get in here if I am not careful, and I need to search for another safe zone.

I put down my bag and started to put the tent together. A minute later, I have a tent for me to sleep in. I have a few days' worth of food inside my bag that I buy at the last minute. I have three hours of preparation time from each mission, and I decide to use that time to go back home to buy as much food as I can.

I take my Desert Eagle and put it in my holster before getting out of the tent. I'm ready.


|3rd POV|

If people see what Gabriel is doing, they will think that he is suicidal. Currently, he is surrounded by enemies and fighting the target of his mission, a Demon Rat. A demon that has the shape of a rat the size of a child's three-wheel bike.

Gabriel is on top of a massive boulder and fires all his cantrips and spells at the incoming horde. There are thirty of the demonic rats coming at him. Gabriel uses his Eldritch Blast at multiple demons coming at him, He uses his Burning Hands to kill any Rat Demon that is able to reach him, and when the Demon Rat hits him, Gabriel casts a Hellish Rebuke to kill them.

However, after fighting the demon rats for ten minutes, he learned something. The demon rats were attracted to the smell of blood. This is why his Prestidigitation spell is so important. He uses this skill to attract the demon rats to other places by creating a strong smell of blood coming from the other side of the battlefield and also cleaning his body, so the blood odor does not attract other demon rats.

"You get Eldritch Blast! You get Eldritch Blast! Everyone gets Eldritch Blast!"

Gabriel has a wide grin on his face every time he casts his Eldritch Blast. Gabriel did something that he did not know he had. He likes when his adrenaline rises like this. He likes when his heart is pumping; he just becomes an adrenaline junkie or, in this case, a battle maniac.


Gabriel looks at his shoulder and sees a rat gnawing on his shoulder. He cast a Hellish Rebuke with a mental command, and suddenly the rats catch on fire. When the rat falls to the ground screaming in pain, Gabriel takes his pistol and shoots the rat in the head.

After shooting the rat on the ground, Gabriel jumps high just in time as the rat tries to bite his legs. With a quick mental command, his hand now coated with fire, and when he landed on the rat, Gabriel pushed down his hand, burning the rat into ashes.

After killing the rat underneath him, Gabriel looks around to search for another target, but he releases a sigh when there is none. Gabriel sits down on the ground and picks his phone from his pocket.

"Thirty-seven rats. Nine hundred and sixty-three more to go. However, I need to make a new plan. This boulder is a great place to defend, but it was in the middle of a massive clearing. I needed a place where I did not need to worry about my back."

After searching for a few minutes, Gabriel arrives on a cliff above what looks like a massive lava pool.

"I can use this. I just need to gather enough stone to create a wall that can hold the rats."

Gabriel looks around and walks toward the stone nearby. He stacked the stones one by one and created a wall that surrounds the point where he would stand.

After a few hours, he finally created a two-meter tall wall made of stone and a platform behind the wall where Gabriel could stand. Gabriel knows that he can do all this in a few hours because of his newly upgraded physical body.

If he does not have the perk, he would need to create a wall around him all day.

"The wall is done. I don't know how sturdy this wall is, but it was good enough for now. Maybe I should get some cement next time I get here. For now, I need to rest. Thirty-minute should be enough."

Gabriel's spell and cantrips were already refilled, and he only needed to rest his body. He takes out beef jerky, bread, and some water bottles from his bag then eats them.

'Hmmm, should I make a trap?' Gabriel thought while chewing the beef jerky. 'I'm really regretting not bringing a shovel.'

After thirty minutes of rest, Gabriel gets up and stands on the platform he built before casting prestidigitation on the stone not too far away from the wall. The smell of blood emitted from the stone attracts a horde of rats. A minute later, Gabriel can see a group of rats coming at him.

With a smirk, Gabriel points his finger and says.

"Eldritch Blast!"

Thank you for reading! If you want to support me and read more chapters please visit my P@treon!


Ryusenkacreators' thoughts