
Chapter 10

"Just fuck off already!"

I snap at the rat chewing on my arms and throw its corpse at the other rats coming at me. I have been doing this for three days, and I have already killed more than five hundred demonic rats. All of those killings get me something.

Not only do my cantrips grow in power but also grow in number. I can now cast seventy Eldritch Blast and Prestidigitation. His spells also grow in power and number. Originally I could only cast two spells before I needed to rest, but after I train in secret, I can cast twelve of them when I reach this place, but now I can now cast twenty-seven of them.

Now I can cast another spell.

"Expeditious Retreat"

My entire body is filled with power at my command, and I dodge all the incoming attacks while firing my Eldritch Blast. This spell lets me move at high speed for three minutes. After the duration is over, I need to wait for five minutes before I can use it again.

Combine this spell with my Burning Hands spell; I can kill many rats with it. With my physical strength and my hands coated with fire damage, I can kill the Demon Rats with a single hit.

"Eldritch Blast!"

After dodging another attack, I cast another Eldritch Blast to kill three Demon Rat in the distance. I got something called Eldritch Invocations. This gives me an upgrade and bonus spell that I can use. This is another upgrade I get from leveling up.

I got Mask of Many Faces and Eldritch Spear. Mask of Many Faces let me cast Disguise Self without any cost and in an instant. Eldritch Spear upgraded my Eldritch Blast range by quite a lot.

While I cannot use the Disguise Self here, I know that it will be useful in the future.

"Haaaaa. That's all of them."

I sit down on the ground and see there are no Rats left. That should be my six-hundredths kills. I guess I understand the reason why this mission is very popular with a newbie. This mission is too difficult, and the reward is only one hundred points.

However, it is worth it if only for the EXP I got. However, I did not only get an EXP, but I also felt my body get stronger. Body Talent lets my body continue to grow infinitely, and right now, I think I can be considered a Brute 2 or maybe Brute 3.

I did not only spend my day here hunting after all. I also spend my day here training. After eating my dinner, I continue to train my body by using all the rocks around me.

I take my phone and see that my five minutes rest has been over.

"Let's finish this mission. I already get bored with beef jerky and bread. I want some burgers."


|3rd POV|

Gabriel roars and stabs his knife at the rat in front of him before firing Eldritch Blast at another group of Demon Rats coming at him. The knife in his hand is the item that he created using the prestidigitation spell. It did not last more than fifteen minutes, but it was enough for him.

After the cooldown of his Burning Hands is over, Gabriel throws away his knife, which immediately disappears, and activates his spell. Gabriel charges at the incoming Demon Rats again with his hand burning with a blood-red fire.

With a smile on his face, he punched through a horde of demonic rats that came his way. This is the fifth day of his stay in this place, and he wants to finish his mission before he reaches a week's time.

"Eat this! Eldritch Blast!"

A beam of crackling energy streaks a group of demonic rats from the tip of Gabriel's finger. It did not kill all of them, but it did kill most of them. Gabriel appears in front of the injured demon and uses his hand to burn them.

After burning them, Gabriel blocks the incoming rat using his hand and his hand to turn all of them into ashes. He then jumps high to dodge the Rats coming at him and then points his finger at them before firing another Eldritch Blast.

When he lands on the ground, he twists his body to dodge another attack from the demonic rat, but this time he takes two rats with his hands and sees them turn into ashes. He then uses his leg to kick another rat that is coming at him.

When five rats jump, reach him, and bite his shoulder, neck, and ankle, Gabriel activates his Hellish Rebuke and sees the rats get burned to ashes.

Gabriel continues to fight his way through the horde of Rats, and when he is cornered, he casts prestidigitation and creates a strong odor of blood coming from the other direction of him. When the smell of blood spreads out, the demon rats change their direction.

With them changing their direction, cast five continuous Eldritch Blast and see all of the rats die. With all the rats dying, the phone in Gabriel's pocket vibrates. He takes a deep breath before taking his phone and seeing what kind of notification he gets.

|Congratulations! You were successful in completing the 'Pest Control' mission! You will be teleported in three hours. Please make sure you have all your belongings before the teleportation time.|

After reading the notification, Gabriel smirks at first before laughing out loud.

"I did it!"

Thank you for reading! If you want to support me and read more chapters please visit my P@treon!


Ryusenkacreators' thoughts