
Chapter 8

Wooo! I'm really glad that I got that upgrade. My body is growing very fast. I can be considered a Brute if we go by the power classification of this world. Speaking of Power Classification, there are twelve power classifications in this world.

Mover, Shaker, Brute, Breaker, Master, Tinker, Blaster, Thinker, Striker, Changer, Trump, and Stranger.

Mover is an ability that grants a cape enhanced speed or mobility. Shaker is an ability with an area of effect. Brute is an ability that grants a cape enhanced strength or durability. Breaker is an ability that allows a cape to shift into another state. Master is an ability that allows a cape to control others or create minions. Tinker is an ability that allows a cape to create or alter devices with futuristic technology. Blaster is a long-ranged, offensive ability. Thinker is an ability that focuses on information gathering. Striker is a melee/touch-based ability. Changer is an ability that allows a cape to alter its form or appearance. Trump is an ability that allows a cape to manipulate powers in some capacity. Stranger is an ability that focuses on stealth and/or infiltration.

I already see what classification the PRT gives to me. Blaster 4 because of my Eldritch Blast. However, because of my new upgrade, I can be considered a Brute 1 or maybe 2. I can punch through metal just fine if I want to and if I punch a human skull with all my might? There will be chunks of meat spraying out of their skull.

I think I'm ready to take some Quest in the guildhall. This will be the last day before my deadline, and I did not want to get punished by the company. I have a feeling that it will not be pleasant.

It has been almost a week since I arrived in this world, and I must say that my progress is great. While I need to consume all of my Starting Gold coins, I can use them to gain more points and even buy a house in this city.

I already gathered two hundred more points from all the contracts I gathered from the meth-head of this city. There are too many of them in this city because of the Merchant's forceful 'recruitment' of forcing their drug into other people's mouths.

While I can get a massive amount of points from selling all of my money to the Meth-Head, I cannot do that with my current situation. I have yet to have a steady income of this world money. Unless the company sells this world money, I cannot spend my current money willy nilly.

I press the portal button on my phone, and a second later, a portal appears in front of me. I take my gun and the bullet inside my bag before walking through the portal.

Just like before, I can see a massive room filled with many people walking around. I walk toward the receptionist's desk and say.

"Excuse me"

"Welcome to the Guild Hall. Do you want to buy a perk or take a mission?"

"The latter. I want to take a mission, please."

"I see. You can take them from the board over there and bring them to us. We will register your ID into the system."

"I see."

I nod my head, give her my thanks and walk toward the board. I look around for a few minutes before noticing something. The mission is divided into groups. I don't know how the company classifies them, but they are divided depending on their difficulty.

Right now, I'm in front of the board that has a mission that is not very popular. Why? It did not give many rewards, but the difficulty is relatively high for beginners.

"Why does no one want to take those quests, I wonder."

"Because they did not think about the future."

I look to my side and see a massive eyeball floating toward me. Huh. This is the first time I have talked with an alien.


"Yes. Most of them only think of a quick way to gain points. These missions are posted for you to train. Many veteran agents regret their decision not to take those missions when they are a newbie like you."

"What? Why?"

"A newbie is the only one who can take these quests. The one that can take these quests is the one that still has some debt to the company. The company is greedy, but they are willing to let their agent grow by throwing a quest that lets them grow. Why do you think they only take one hundred points every month instead of taking half of your reward from the quest? Because they want you not to think about the debt. They want you to grow, and in return help, the company gathers more clients."

"I see."

I look at the floating eyeball next to me and say.

"Thank you for your advice, sir."

"Heh. Call me Har-Luk. Anyway, good luck with your mission. There are many agents that lose their lives because of their greed and recklessness."

"I will remember your words."

I nod my head, the quest paper, and walk toward the receptionist's desk. I place the quest paper and my phone on the desk when I arrive.

"I will take this mission, please."

The young woman sitting behind the desk took the paper and my phone before saying.

"This is an extermination of a demonic race in the lower plane. The lower plane where lord Asmodeus rule has been infested with a rodent demon. They are mindless creatures that spawn from the lower plane's unstable demonic energy. Your job is to hunt a thousand of them. You do not have any time limit, and you can use any weapon, item, or skill you have. The only thing you need to do is to kill a thousand of them. After killing them, you will be rewarded with one hundred points. Are you sure you want this mission?"


"Very well."

The woman behind the desk types something and gives me a small medallion before saying.

"Take this medallion to the transportation room. You can take the third door on the left side of the guildhall, and you will arrive in the transportation room."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it, and happy hunting!"

Thank you for reading! If you want to support me and read more chapters please visit my P@treon!


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