
Chapter Four

seriously is this how you behave" Emily asked, "This is the reason, you're still single" I turned to face her , she was lying on the bed with her hand popped on her head, "How can I enter a stranger's car", I asked her, "you said you have meet him before so....he's no more a stranger to you"  "Really.. I asked,  I don't even know him that well, so he is still a stranger to me"  "Then get to know him" she said, I stare at her, "you sound as if it is so easy"  "of course it is easy" she stood up, " let me teach you how, when you meet him, try getting into a discussion ask him some simple question, he won't refuse answering you, I heaved a deep sigh before breaking it to her "he asked me out for Dinner"  " oh my word...really, what was your answer, I hope you didn't refuse or else.... "hey Emily calm down, don't shout" I tried to quiet her, "so...she looked curiously at me, " I accepted, so quit looking at me like that and dress up, were going out", " oh yes!! she jump up excitedly, " Am happy for you sis"  "Alright, I have heard" " just wait, she said, you're going to fall deeply in love" she giggled before going to change. " Where are we going, she asked me when we walked down the street,  "we are going to sort things out" I responded, "Am going to give the damn shirt seller a pieces of my mind and after that....Mrs Boston"  "sound like fun", Emily said walking beside me.." Hi there" a man in His mid forties greeted us, he was the shirt seller, I and mum has already bought some cloth here, "Did you girls come to collect your mum money, I told her I would pay her later but now she sends her daughter, gosh"  "Really your even owing her on the cloth she ask you to keep for her" I said I'm anger, "not like that Rebecca, you see that cloth was really expensive and so Mrs Boston paid the right amount....." so you sold it to her" I completed the word for him, "Don't be angry you should try to understand"  "understand what, tell me, that she asked you to keep a cloth for her and you sold it, selling it to that disgusting woman" I was filled with anger, Emily collect the money from him I order her, "OK Mr, hand over my aunt money to me right now or else..." I told you girl later " he said with a sheepish smile, I held him by the collar, " I don't respect elders who don't act like one and I make sure I deal with them mercilessly , so hand the money gently or...you regret it" I warned releasing him, he staggered to his feet, " OK OK, he said going into his shop, he came out handing the money to Emily, "take it and leave my shop, he barked in anger, " Don't talk harshly on us because you're the one at fault, don't make me lose my anger on you" looking at him now I feel like crushing him, " you should try to give everyone the respect they deserves no matter who the person is, Emily let's go" I beckon to her, turning to leave, "you know every poor people should know their limit, and you if you continue like that you will never get married" I was stuck with his words, how dare him, I turned moving into his shop,throwing every single dress I saw on the floor, he kept on yelling for me to stop, people gathered to watch us, I didn't care about them, even if we are poor he doesn't have the right to disrespect us, we have our own right,turning to him now in anger and grabbing him again on his collar, "we never go to bed hungry or starve, we work hard just  like every other individual and I know that we are better than so many lazy one's and people like you who doesn't worth anything, I pushed him on the floor leaving him there to cause all he want, grabbing Emily hand now, we headed home.