
Chapter Three

Emily! I called, I thought your were going to arrive tomorrow" I asked surprisedly, "yeah, I wanted to surprise you guys", yeah and I was really surprise, I rushed toward her giving her a warm hug, my unpredictable cousin" we both laughed, she moved hugging my mum, "what did Mrs Boston did, oh God how much I  hate that woman" she voiced angrily, "Oh stop it now, you don't have to hate her" mum tried to calm her, because she knew what Emily could do if she was angry, " I can't calm down when my sweet Aunt is not happy", mum stood up "I would just go and collect my money back later but for now, am preparing your favourite food since you decided to surprise us unexpectedly, so you girls gossip all you want now, but first Rebecca!, mum called, help Emily pack her bags" mum said before walking downstairs, I couldn't wait for my cousin to gist me, "when we are done with packing your going to give me all the latest gist" " and you too, she said smiling, "and I hope you now have a boyfriend" she eyed me, "shhhh, mum would chop your head off if she hears that from you" I laugh, "Tell me and stop pretending Rebecca" Emily said grinning, " I don't have"  " Oh you are lying "she gave me a slap on my back, " ouch! am not" she looked at me as if I have two head, "you're  being serious" she made a face which made me laugh, "yeah I am" " OK but...you have a crush right"  "No I don't", she stared at me weirdly, before throwing a pillow at me " Your the same Rebecca years back"  "maybe" I answered before throwing back the pillow at her. i prepared for school the next day, with Emily help telling me what makeup, dress to put on, how I should pack my hair, I laughed through all these section, because I know how stubborn and persistence she could be, she said that maybe it was because how I dress that I haven't found a suitable boyfriend "Emily you don't have to escort me, you have done enough for me this morning", I said to prevent her from escorting me, " Oh yes, I have to, Am your cousin and I need to make sure you enter a suitable bus to school " she smiled, " your so stubborn"  "yeah I know that" she chuckled, i didn't have s choice but all ow to have her way, now waiting for a bus, the same vehicle stopped in front of us, he wind down his glass, " mind dropping you off today", looking at him now I remember his behavior yesterday, I wasn't his class so their no need,  " Don't bother am entering a commercial bus today"  he stare calmly at me I couldn't resist but stare back. Those  eyes.....I couldn't resist looking at them, "of course she would take a drive" Emily chip in, I turned to stare at her, " move! she  whispered shoving me gently, "I can't I whispered to her, I had my reason",  if he act as if he was not in the same level as I was why did he want on drive me to school I thought  "Rebecca, Emily stare hard at me, I heaved a sigh "OK, I turned to him  "I won't mind" I waved Emily bye before going with him, I wanted to ask him so many question, who he was, his name and everything else, " you can ask me any question you want, I will answer you sincerely" he spoke, I turned in surprise to look at him, how does he know I had a lot of question to ask him, "you look curious and that also explains your behavior today" he turned to look at me before turning to the wheel, "of course am curious who won't be, I don't even know you the man driving me to school",  " Then ask me your question and I will answer you"  he turned looking at me with a smile on his face, a smile which warm me and make me very curious, I felt cold, nervous and.....I don't know, I just wanted to reach toward him and touch his face, to watch him smile down at me, gosh!! how can I be having this kind of feeling from someone I rarely knows,  "Are you OK your sweating, I jerked coming to my sense, " Am...am OK"I replied, why this damn feeling, "what your name" I asked trying to clear the air " my name is Sam "he answered  and here we are" he said, I turned finding out that we were already at my school gate, "um... Thanks " I turned to opened the door, "would you mind having dinner with me, you can ask all your question, and maybe get to know each other", I was short of words, of course I was going to refuse, I have never had dinner with any man or go out with them except my family, I wanted to refuse his request but turning to look at the man seated beside him, he seems harmless and I remember Nancy's word "you are still the same Rebecca years back", you don't have to worry about it, if you don't want to is OK"  he explained "of course, I would like to get to know the mysterious man that drives me to school" I smiled and also made me feel this way I thought silently, "OK thanks, he laughed, I didn't want to break my stare, his smile, the way he laugh then I heard the bell, lesson was about to begin, " Oh, I...I will be leaving, thanks"  he blade me goodbye with a smile on his face before driving off.