

Grabbing the leather folder, I read over the sheets of paper that were inside.


Going over the papers, I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Would you look at that? you offer free health care, dental, even a retirement fund." I said as I snapped the folder shut.

"We give a plethora of benefits to any member of our agency." Colson said, nodding his head.

I shook my head before handing back the folder.

"I'm not interested." I said standing to my feet to get another cup of coffee.

"Mr Cole, I'm sure we can come to an agreement." Agent Coulson said with a small chuckle, as he also stood.

"No…we can't." I said, not turning to look at him, as I poured another cup.

"What is it that will convince you? Just name a price."

A grimace appeared on my face as I turned to look at the man.

"There isn't a price!" I snapped, setting my coffee cup on top of the machine.

"That's the exact reason I won't be joining your little agency. You think everything can be bought with cash, because that all you agencies understand. Money!"

I took a second to cool my emotions.

"When I was in the middle east I saw more times that I could count agency pukes touting around sacks of cash to pay one war lord to fight the other."

"But do you want to know something? Most of the time, those exact warlords are the exact enemy that's planting those roadside bombs, Ambushing our patrols, murdering entire villages of innocent civilians to make examples to others what will happen if you help the Americans!"

"Mr Cole, I can assure you we aren't~"

I ignored his protest and pushed forward.

"And guess what! We know they do it, yet we keep giving them millions!"

"I think there is a misunderstanding here, Mr Cole." Agent Coulson said, raising his hands.

"Yeah, there is. You're trying to recruit the wrong man." I said, grabbing my coffee from the machine then walking past Agent Coulson, without another glance.

Thankfully, he didn't try to follow me to my room.

Last thing I wanted to do was break some shadow agency's little minion.