

Penulis: Dario_Lidford
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Baca novel UN ETERNO FINAL yang ditulis oleh penulis Dario_Lidford yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Un final para el moribundo, un final para los reyes, un final para los soberanos, un final para los humanos, un final para la paz.Todo siempre tiene un fin.Solo el tiempo puede preservar, en todo lo q...


Un final para el moribundo, un final para los reyes, un final para los soberanos, un final para los humanos, un final para la paz. Todo siempre tiene un fin. Solo el tiempo puede preservar, en todo lo que existe y en todo lo que será. El cambio no importa, el cambio desaparece con el tiempo, solo el final preservara. Pero ¿Qué es el final? Adrián se preguntó, mientras miraba a su alrededor, todo loque conocía se habían vuelto parte de este desolado paisaje. ¿Es esto el final? Se siguió preguntando. “No, este no será mi final” - miro al cielo, el cual era rojo sangre, lo miro tan fervientemente, y cerro sus puños con un gran odio. Sus gritos empezaron a salir. ¡Yo decidiré que final quiero para mi vida! ¡Yo decidiré mi propio destino! – Grito hacia el cielo, diciendo que este no será su fin. El será propicio de su propia vida, de su propio final, de su ultimo suspiro.

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Resistance against an Unlucky Break

Note: Technically this story is three interconnected stories that (I hope) can all work by themselves but work best together. I hope you enjoy. [No body's POV] If this world has decided to push you back can you resist it? There are three groups, three siblings and almost infinite problems in a world that seems to push them back. One person's death seems like the starting point but the true starting point starts seeming more and more lost as the story... no... stories continue. ______________________________________________________________________ Reincarnated with a Teddy Bear Stuck in a cave, weaker than ever before. Jeru will have to learn about the world despite all the literal barriers, figurative barriers and everything in between as he fights through creatures without any will left their body and Jeru's will faltering. Is it possible to bring everyone back from the abyss when even he starts out restrained? ______________________________________________________________________ The Ant King Trapped in an ant's body and not just any ant, the newly weakest ant known to Kim. If he has to survive in the life of an ant and protect the colony, then he'll need to figure out what happened that brought him here and how to remove or mitigate the ant's weaknesses including his seemingly waning lifespan? ______________________________________________________________________ A Shift Across Dimension What a beginning, chased by wolves in a forest. Bleeding, tired and sick, a young child stumbles into a village which strangely enough isn't doing much better. Poor, nearly engulfed in a forest. Not a single person here is safe and they have to struggle each day. When trapped in a place where the poor get blood and the rich get poison, can Lycia survive and escape? ______________________________________________________________________ "Luck isn't really a good or bad thing, it's just something that's out of your control. Usually it means coming out of a bad situation with minimal consequences." Can that strangely all-present quote still apply here? Where the world renounces the characters?

Writer_The_Sans · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup

Senhora Gu É Fraca Demais Para Se Defender Sozinha

``` Corria o boato de que Qiao Xi tinha uma constituição fraca — uma beleza doente. Diziam que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias com medicamentos — comendo-os como se fossem doces. Corria o boato de que dez criados a atendiam na cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Qiao jogasse Qiao Xi de volta para o campo e a deixasse se virar sozinha. Qiao Xi: "Estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não posso cuidar de mim mesma. Parece que também gasto dinheiro sem pensar.” Ela olhou para a sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Qiao Xi: “Estão dizendo que essa família rica deixa sua filha usar roupas rasgadas todos os dias?” A rica filha da família Qiao? Ela já tinha o suficiente! Ela não seria mais! Portanto... Carinha escroto: "Sem a família Qiao, você não é nada." Qiao Xi: "Se eu for expulsa da família Qiao, estou acabada." Garota escrota: "Mana, não fique muito decepcionada. Contanto que você se esforce, um dia será elogiada." Qiao Xi: "Cala a boca, eu não conheço traidora como você." O carinha escroto e a garota escrota: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Gu, Gu Zheng, se casou precipitadamente com uma mulher que não tinha nada além da aparência. Qiao Xi: "Alguém está me subestimando?" Um dia, Qiao Xi viu um dos funcionários de Gu Zheng quebrando a cabeça com uma série de números na tela do computador. Como ela estava de bobeira, ela deu uma mão. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelo esforço conjunto dos melhores hackers de elite?! Gu Zheng se aproximava a cada passo. "Qiao Xi, do que mais você está me escondendo? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Ai, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Esse meu corpo é muito frágil!" ```

Qiaoqiao · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
235 Chs

Gods and Glory

What is Right? And what is Wrong? It's the hypocrisy of history written by victors. The Gods are good, the Devil is evil or so we've been told. Those who oppose the rulers in this world shall be persecuted and entitled evil, for they might shatter the false peace established. There never will be true peace, only coexistence. For to live is to devour; To devour is to deplete that which is consumed. This is the fact of life. What makes a Hero? Who deems what deeds be called 'Heroic'? Saving the world? Being chosen by a God? Unbelievable Power and Skill? Spirit of Self-sacrifice? Or Devotion and Bravery? Who knows? Our protagonist shall play the part, starting over again to correct her mistakes. Pit against the tides of fate, struggling to change the future. Her nemesis, victim of a cruel life and the irresponsibility of adults. Sights set on revenge, now he crawls his way back, looking for blood. Watch the contest between wits and brawn, as they fight their way up to victory. In the end, who will prevail? Noble or Peasant? The Hero or the Devil? Mortal versus Immortal. This is a story of Sin, a tale of Trust, a novel of Nobleness, and a chronicle of Magic. ~ fin ~ "I will write my way into another life." - Ann Patchett - Hello everyone~!!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~ Ballisti here. I hope you had a good time reading! This is my very first book, but I've spent quite the time writing and editing this. So I'm a tad bit confident with this. Sadly, I'm only able to put up 2 chapters weekly. The reason is...I'm still a student. School is hard, annoying and a hassle but necessary. So I'm really sorry for the slow updates, but please bear with me~!(๑-﹏-๑) I hope you enjoy reading this ('cuz I sure as hell had so much fun writing this ( • ̀ω•́ )). Thanks~! Special Thanks to : • SweetsTomato • DeJeL • yansusustories Thank you very much for helping me out for the showcasing, dear senpais~!! (っ´▽`)っ Check out their stories too! "What in this world, Oh! Wait a minute, It's another world!" By DeJeL Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10514883206053905/What-in-this-world%2C-Oh!-Wait-a-minute%2C-It's-another-world ~ "Gourmet Emperor : Building A Nation" "Rest in Peace" "Anna's love story" By SweetsTomato Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10797978805168405/Rest-In-Peace https://www.webnovel.com/book/10822061605178205/Anna's-love-story https://www.webnovel.com/book/10822061605178205/Anna's-love-story ~ "OH. MY. FATE?!" "Lovely Writing System" By yansusustories Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10583384206066905/Lovely-Writing-System https://www.webnovel.com/book/10609838905077905/Oh.-My.-Fate%3F! ~ Thanks Webnovel for guiding me on how stories are showcased~!! (awesome app btw) Credits to my friend “Civil” for the cover design~!! Thanks boii ( ^▽^)σ)~O~) Follow him on twitter: @RJSvllaYbnz Follow me on twitter!!! @ballisti_here or Send me an email!!! (no spam please~~ (๑و•̀ω•́)و ) ballisti.here@gmail.com To my parents, thanks for supporting me in this. You da best~!! (๑・ω-)~♥” And to you reader, thanks for reading GoG~!!! \(○^ω^○)/

Authoricht · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs
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