
True God Usopp

With a tragic past a once cowardly child swore to brave whatever dangers he encountered in the future. This is his revenge story and it starts with him meeting a happy-go-lucky boy with a straw hat. (I do not own One piece, nor do I own the cover photo.)

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18 Chs

Cocoyashi Village

In the lower cabin, Usopp toils away at his workbench. The last fight with Kreig had shaken him and revealed a large flaw in his fighting style. He has no finishing moves. Zoro has his swords that are deadly extremely deadly, Luffy is a monster with his fighting intuition and devil fruit powers, and Sanji has a strong combination with his kicks that can give Zoro a run for his money.

There's nothing to be done about it now, he didn't have the technology or the parts to make something so strong and honestly with how pissed he was, he wouldn't trust anything he made. Just as he was about to pack everything up and go for a fly to cool his head, Someone knocks on his door.

Usopp sighs and opens the door to see Zoro leaning against the wall.

"What do you want?" Usopp asked annoyed.

"Want to spar?" Zoro asked with an excited gleam in his eyes. Usopp was about to deny him, when he thought about how frustrated he was just waiting for Nami's island. "Sure, why not."

They both walked in silence to the top deck where Luffy could be seen snoring away in the corner. Once they reached the largest area on the ship, they spread out and stared each other down. Sanji walked out with some fancy looking sushi and raised an eyebrow at the scene.

"Oi, what's going on I just made lunch?" He yelled in a rude tone.

"Can it love cook, we're sparring. We'll eat your shitty cooking afterwords." Zoro yelled back.

"What did you say moss head?" Sanji shouted in anger, but made no move to charge him. He sighed and grabbed a seat to watch the show.

Usopp fiddled with his gun and loaded his non-lethal rounds he made for training and said in a calm tone, "You sure you want to do this? I'm not in the best mood and your obviously not in the best condition."

Zoro grunted at that. His injury from Mihawk still hadn't healed after a week and he was going stir crazy. He needed to fight something and Usopp's bad mood gave him an excuse.

"Quit talking and get on with it!" Zoro said before putting a sword in his mouth. Usopp sighed and transformed into his half-avian form. Silence spread throughout the ship and even Luffy peaked an eye open to watch.

Zoro moved first charging at Usopp with his fastest speed. Usopp decided that it wouldn't be much of a spar if he just ran around so he met him halfway in the blink of an eye.


Claws and swords met with Usopp being forced a step back in the exchange. He snorted and swiped a leg at Zoro's midriff at blinding speed. Zoro cried out being hit in his old wound and his guard dropped giving Usopp a chance to throw a punch that sent him flying into the banister.

"You wanted this Zoro, don't blame me for not going easy on you." Usopp said with a sigh and shot after him. Zoro eased his way up and took an odd stance

"Santoryu," Zoro said before becoming unbalanced and falling to the right. While he was falling his swords still moved towards Usopp. "Toru Nagashi!"

His swords moved in a blur and Usopp panicked trying to block each one. Zoro finally moved past him as two gashes opened up on either one of his arm. Usopp felt a cold sweat drench his body. That move was completely random and if he was at full strength, his speed would make in almost unblockable.

Usopp's wings spread out and decided to charge him with his fastest speed when Luffy called out, "Oi, knock it off. We can't have Zoro die before we get tot he island."

It was then that Usopp noticed a patch of red had dyed Zoro's bandages and sweat was pouring down his face.

"Aye captain," Usopp said before looking at Zoro with a complicated expression and flying off. Luffy kept an eye on Usopp for a minute before closing his eyes going back to sleep. Zoro hobbled his way back to his room with a bottle of sake.

A couple days later they arrived at Cocoyashi Village. The only thing worth mentioning that happened was running into some sea cow that Sanji kicked before it ran away. Other than that it had been smooth sailing.

Luffy stepped off the ship giving out orders, "Usopp I need you to fly around and try to find out where Nami is, Zoro go see a doctor on the island, Sanji your with me."

Everyone nodded and broke away. Usopp took to the air and started his search. The island looked peaceful enough in the air, people were shopping and kids were playing. It would almost look normal if it weren't for the depressed aura in the air. Usopp shook his head and headed for a tower in the distance. Landing on an outer wall he looked down to see an army of fishmen flying a pirate flag on a building that said Arlong Park.

"This must be the crew that's been giving Nami so much trouble." Usopp muttered. Not seeing Nami he flew off into another part of the island. He had heard of the Arlong Pirates before. They were a group of ruthless fishmen that were famous for there brutal treatment of humans. Usopp could only imagine what it would be like with them living on your home island. He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't notice the flash of orange surrounded by marines. He immediately broke into a fast speed and landed on top of a modest home.

"You can't do this, that money was to buy our island." Nami sobbed while being restrained by two marines.

A rat faced marine captain gave a high pitched laugh and said, "I assure you that it's all above aboard. You are cat burglar Nami, aren't you? We are just reclaiming this money from a petty thief."

A blue hair girl shouted out in anger, "Your following Arlongs orders, aren't you? How else could you take away this villages last hope?"

The rat faced marine scowled and said, "You bitch! How dare you question the marines integrity! Men shoot her!"

The mens weapons rose towards her and the girls face paled. Nami shouted with a broken tone, "NOJIKO!"

"Fire!" The Marine captain shouted with glee and dozens of gunshots rang out. But what they saw was an empty space. Nami looked confused and searched wildly with her eyes. She looked up at the roof and her eyes bulged out at the sight. Standing there was a half bird man holding Nojiko by her waist looking disdainfully down at the surrounding marines. Her eyes teared up at the thought that they had come for her, but she froze when his cold eyes landed on her. Loathing filled them as he looked away and didn't spare her another glance. The tears in her eyes took on a new meaning as she looked away from him.

"So the scummy marines are up to their old tricks, huh?" Usopp spat out.

All of the marines finally saw him and nearly jumped at the sight of a bird person. The Captain shouted out, "Who are you? You are interfering with a marine operation!"

Usopp ignored him and glanced at Nojiko, "Are you alright?"

Nojiko who had been clenching her eyes shut finally opened them to see she wasn't dead. She looked up to see Usopp's frightening form and couldn't help but jump a bit in shock. Usopp set her down while staring at her before she remembered the question and said, "Oh, yes thank you for saving me."

"It's fine, I just hate marines that act so pompous and hypocritical." Usopp said loud enough for the surrounding officers to hear.

The soldiers immediately started cursing him but Usopp ignored them choosing instead to say, "So we meet again Nami."

Nami hearing her name sounding so cold in his mouth flinched before muttering out, "Usopp…"

The marine captain was getting annoyed being ignored and said, "Hand over that criminal immediately! Otherwise my men will open fire!"

His words were punctuated by over a dozen guns aimed at him. Usopp scoffed at that before seemingly disappearing and reappearing on the ground about 20 meters away from them. All the officers were shocked at his speed but before they could react three shots rang out striking down three of the gunmen.

The marines gulped at the sight of three of their own dead when a voice rang out, "You think your shitty skills scare me? You all might as well be pointing slingshots at me." Usopp said in a mocking tone.

A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.

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