

"Kill him you fools!" the marine captain shouted. Immediately two marines charged at Usopp with swords, while 5 others aimed their guns in his direction. Usopp's wings flapped down hard and he shot into the air at a fast pace, firing his pistol constantly. The marines soon found out how outclassed they were, bodies dropped all around the yard and blood soaked the ground.

Usopp landed after unloading his gun into them. The remaining marines were terrified but still charged him once more. Usopp put away his pistol and charged towards them as well. Now that the mob had been thinned out to less ten, it was much more manegable and his sharp talons slashed through the rest of the men.

The rat faced marine and the two holding Nami were the only ones left alive afterwards. The marine captain glanced at Nami and motioned to the other two. Two pistols were pressed against Her head as she let out a shriek of terror.

"S-s-stop right t-there." said the marine captain. "B-by order of M-Marine Captain Nezumi, I am p-placing you u-under arrest!" The newly identified Nezumi stuttered out. "L-lay down your w-weapon!"

Usopp stared hard at Nami, his expression never wavering. Nami's face was ghostly pale at this point, she knew that Usopp was the most violent of the Strawhats. Luffy is the one that keeps him grounded since Usopp has such a large amount of respect for his brother. Nobody made a move as silence fell over the area.

"Do it now!" Nezumi yelled getting some of his confidence back since Usopp hasn't immediately attacked them.

"Alright, alright." Usopp sighs and slowly lays his pistol on the ground and stands back up. While he may hate Nami for her betrayal, he doesn't want to hear Luffy complaining that he got her killed.

Nezumi let's out a high pitched laugh and orders one of the marines, "Well? What are you waiting around for? Go cuff him!"

One of the marines nods and hurry's towards Usopp. Handcuffs slap onto Usopp's wrist and he's immediately feels a sensation of powerlessness as he is forced into his human form. He doesn't have time to think much on it as he's brought down by a punch to the side of the head. The other marine joins him as they beat him continuously. Nami begs them to stop but they just knock her out and continue. Nezumi let's this go on for a couple of minutes before calling out to them.

"Drag him back with us! I want to turn him into headquarters. They give great rewards for captured devil fruit users." Nezumi says with a greedy glint in his eyes. He then glances at Nami's still body and says with a nastily laugh, "The girl will fetch a good price to the nobles as well."

They drag Usopp and Nami's unconscious bodies away, with their friends unaware of what's happened.

It was nighttime at the Merry, Luffy was chowing down in celebration. They had found the Merry in a small port on the backside of the island. Just as Luffy was about to grab another piece of meat. He stops and a confused expression appears on his face, "Oi, Sanji have you seen Usopp?"

"He hasn't come back since he left to scout the island. That bastard better not have found a beautiful maiden and left all the work for us!" Sanji shouted with fire in his eyes.

"SHISHISHI," Luffy laughed but before he could comment, the kitchen door opened with a loud bang.

"Your out of sake shit-cook." Zoro said draining the last bottle before throwing it away. A large bandage wrapped around his torso from when he saw the islands doctor.

"Damn Marimo, your supposed to be resting not emptying our supplies." Sanji snapped at Zoro. Luffy fell out of his seat laughing.

"H-el-p…." A weak voice travels through the ship. Luffy immediately stops laughing and runs outside.

"Who is it!" he shouts while searching for the origin of the voice. His eyes landed on a blue haired woman with blood dripping off of her. He rushed towards her and flipped her over. She was in pretty bad shape, jagged cuts ran over her torso, her eyes were swollen almost shit and her left leg was broken. Luffy panicked and just as he was about to pick her up and take her to a doctor she grabbed his arm.

"S-Strawhat…?" The woman whispered weakly. Luffy looked at her confused until she spoke again, "Please..y-you.. have to h-help…them."

"Lady your in bad shape, you might die if I don't get you to a doctor." Luffy shouts in panic.

"N-Nami…and Usopp…t-the Marines…t-they h-have them." She barely gets out. She takes a strained breath before continuing, "T-there..gonna..sell..them…." She doesn't get to finish as she passes in Luffy's arms.

Luffy stares into her eyes as the light leaves them for who knows how long before a hand lands on his shoulder. His head shoots up and Sanji is looking at him with a solemn look. Luffy stands up and picks the woman up.

He carry's her to the ship and lays her down in an unused bed. It would have to do until he could bury her.

"Zoro, Sanji!" His head swivels around to find those two staring back at him. He solemnly says, "Let's go."

"Hai!" They both said and they marched their way into town. On the way they saw two fishmen beating down some villagers.

"Where's the girl? We already dealt with her sister for not telling us, don't make us deal with you the same way!" One of them said.

"Yea, no one leaves the Arlong Pirates, that brat ran off without reporting in too the Boss!" The other shouted while beating one of the men.

Luffy had a dark look in his eyes as he put together what happened, "Zoro, make it fast. We have to save Nami and Usopp."

"Aye, Aye Captain," Zoro said before taking out his three swords. He prayed that the next town had better swords in it. His original two had broken in the fight with Mihawk, but luckily Usopp was a hoarder and kept a couple of swords for his experiments.

He moved swiftly and called out, "Oni-Giri!"

The two fishmen were instantly cut down and Zoro rejoined the other Strawhat pirates, never stopping their pace. The villagers ran and hid, thinking these fools had brought a calamity unto them.

They soon arrived at the marine base, they had found it earlier today. Luffy glanced at the huge doors that led into the large marine base and swung both of his arms back with a fierce look on his face.

Meanwhile with Usopp, he was lying limp in there arms as they dragged him into a cell. He had decided to play dead so that the two guards would let their guard down. Sure enough they had taken off the weird handcuffs that cut off his devil fruit powers so they could switch him to the wall cuffs.

Just as he was about to make a move, a loud bang sounded throughout the marine base. One of the marines looked in that direction and said, "What was that?"

A malicious voice sounded out in answer, "That'd be my Captain."

Usopp instantly transformed and sliced into the both of them with his sharp wings. He stood up to his full height and stretched out the kinks in his neck.

"Looks like Luffy heard what happened," he said before he took off deeper into the base, "Now let's find that rat-faced bastard!"

A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.

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