
Hidden note

Time flies, they had stayed together for 3 months. During those time, they built more understanding and cared towards each other.

Alice life also changed to the better. she used to ride a luxury car, now she had unlimited buses and even trains. she was more mature the before, no longer a spoiled young girl who wore excessive cloths and jewelery, had more friends to kepr her accompany, no longer lonely.

She had her own income as Nick guide her to start her online business, she was no longer a useless lady who relied on others to live. The most important was she was more happy, her life was brighter, smiled painted on her beautiful face, she laughed happily.

She was more fit now, thanks to certain person in her apartment who pushed her to do exercise.

Nick forced her to do afternoon jogging nearly every day, while play badminton and swimming once a week.

She had beem reborn, credit want to the young man who shared placed with her.

With Nick influenced, Alice established closed relationship with their neighbours, especially elders. They often had conversation with the elderly and helped them.Their nick name from the elderd was the lovely young couple. She managed to have friends in her university eventhough not a close one, but enough for her to enjoy her study.

On wednesday, Nick was sent to a branch in other city for a week. She should happy as no one bossed her around nor teased her, she was lost and lonely instead. On saturday, Alice strolled on the park alone , she was dispirited. The elder just finished they Taizi practised saw her and signaled her to come over.

"was your boyfriend not around ?" asked Mrs Long. Nearly everyone in the neighborhood address Nick as her boyfriend and her as his girlfriend. surprisingly, they never bothered to clear up this misunderstanding. Perhaps, they tought the more they denied it, the more people didn't believe, or they might comfortable with those nick name.

" yes, so lonely without him" Alice answer frankly. Suddently,her phone on her pocket was vibrated, she beamed happily and become gloomy the next seconds. Then, She put her phone back to her pocket with downcast eyes. she was not aware that The elders watched her expression her, she was confused when they were gigling.

"Does he need to extend his business trip" Mrs White grilled her politely.

" yup" Alice replied.

" ck.ckc..ck.. sweetie, he only left for few days but you already that lovesick"

teased Mrs White.

"don't worry sweetheart, you will have him back soon, it will be more exciting after short separation"

Mr. Wong winked at her cheekily.

All of them was giggling again.

"I am not lovesick" alise blushed

"come on darling, we are old but we were young once. Don't hide it from us" Alice face turned more red, she was embarassed.

Alice left the group immediately with blushed face , she couldn't stand anylonger with their teases.

Since that time, she kept asking her self wether or not she loved him.

she searched on internet about love, but she still was not convinced. So she searched and wrote down all symptoms of lovesick and fall in love, then she analised her feeling againts her list. Amazingly, most of the symptoms were ticked. " I do fall in love with him, but since when ? most importantly, does he feel the same" Alice questioned her self.

Nick supposed to be back on tuesday, but extended few more days, based on his text message he didn't know how long.

Alice wished to borrow his printer since few days ago. Initially , she would waited for him to come back as she was reluctant to enter his room. But, Due to uncertainty of his arrival,

Alice decided to text him

"boss, can I borrow your printer, please, Urgent, mine is broken "

She sendmt another message after 15 minutes "please boss .. My lord.. double.please.."

almost half an hour after second message, there was still no aswered.

"May be he was very busy" she tried to convinced her self.

he replied an hour later.

"sorry, I was on meeting. Go for it. just don't break it 😉"

Alice replied back


She printed her documents from her laptop then went to Nick room. She was astonished, his room was very tidy, different from her room, a war zone. The wa waiting for the final two documents when she accidently drop a pile of papers from his desk. The papers was scattered everywhere, then she picking them up. She was in the middle of re-arranging the files when she came across a note. It caught her eyes when She was her name on it. She observed the note, her name was in middle of heart shape amongst words of silly, poor, cute, lazy, naive, pretty, dummy around.

She only paid extra attention on her name inside the heart shape. Her heart beat was getting faster.

"why did he put her name on heart shape ? why ? does he like me too? love me ?"

mix feeling aroused, she was happy, anxious, scare, excited.