
Torn Apart.

Mate! He growled viciously, his snow white bushy tail sweeping aganist the earth sending dust particles up...those black eyes squinted towards me, then started stalking my way in a predatory manner but Alpha Wayne was not having it. "No! She is my mate!" he growled back exposing his sharp canines taking on a fighting stance. I didn't know whether is should he running or should I try to pacify the situation. Unfortunately, I was way too scared that my mind was screaming at me to RUN! Have you ever stood at an intersection which left your body feeling two different emotions crawl on your skin at the same time? Fire and ice...my mates clash, the angel and the devil, they can never be in the same space. To have me, either their egos win or my love! The cover image doesn't belong to me and credits go to original owner Stick by to learn more Lots of love from Litto-ways Instagram@littoways

Litto_ways · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

chapter 10

I knew the longer i stayed here, the more my guilt ate me. I had lost five pack members, it wouldn't have been a problem if not for the circumstances they had died in. It wasn't an honourable manner! I sprinted back to the pack to ensure we were well prepared for war, I wasn't going to let my pack members die just like that. I was going to avenge them!

Other pack warriors drew closer in, tightening the security around the perimeters and also to he able to look out for each other incase of any attack.

The thumping of my heart rang in my ears as I neared our settlement...remembering I hadn't had the chance to find out if my mate's father was alive. I was scared what she'd think....but that aside, I had a bigger picture to keep a look on. The pack!

Dawn was fast approaching and I could see the sun peeping behind the dense morning clouds. Reaching th pack house, I realised that all the pack members had come together, it was wide enough and so there was no congestion.

Seeing me, the elders stern faces almost made me roll my eyes but I held that urge in feeling the fear and worry of my pack. I stalked to the confrence room where they also followed me.

We have been warning you about all this but you didn't heed a word to what we said!" the Eldest who was also the Beta during my grandfather's time said glaring hard at me. I really wanted to laugh but I wasn't up to entertain him.

Taking my seat at the Alpha seat, I looked amidst them, scanning and seeing me not getting worked up with how they were behaving with me, they slowly started to back down. The silence dreaded and I enjoyed as they cowered away.....I was already in a very bad mood and I just wanted someone to challenge me.

Most of the time others thought that leaders didn't feel the burden and though that we didn't care but that was where it got worse because we really cared but something's were out of our hands despite having done out best to avert the danger and damage aganist our loved ones.

So, now that we are going to talk like adults, let's begin. The plan we had drafted together to ensure that our pack wasn't in danger has backfired and we have two teams of a total of forty warriors taken away. Five are gone." I introduced this topic because they had been the ones to turn down my plan. I decided to be diplomatic and let us work as per their plan and now this.....they were shamed and I saw how they turned away in shame.

So, does any of you have any other idea to keep the pack safe?" my eyes skimmed through them but no one said a word even after five minutes. Good. Now we are going to go by my plan. The enemy we are dealing with is well known to you all. I had an encounter with me some years back. He has been going around among other packs and breaking them then taking over. Initially, I hadn't been so sure since there had been no movement from his side but I confirmed this some days back and I had an encounter with him today."

My plan is going to have a few adjustments since our allies have been compromised and our pack is the only one left standing."

This sudden knowledge left them aghast.

What? No more packs standing?

How come we didn't know of this?

This is outrageous!!

We can't let this go on?

How dare they betray us?!!

Series of roars of displeasure rang out in the room. Wayne's stayed silent and let them vent all their anger.

I'd love to let you stay discussing this matter but we have more pressing issues. Now, as my plan had been,...." the meeting went on as Wayne explained his strategy. The meeting went on for five hours.

In between, Lorcan also joined along with the Gamma and the other pack warriors. The atmosphere was tense as this was a deadly strategy. They at the moment couldn't make out the numbers they were going to face with in battle and that was where they were at a disadvantage.

I'm sorry to bring this up but what about those that were meant to under go the coming of age ceremony. Tomorrow's the full moon." Beta Lorcan spoke which had the whole room fall into silence.

Wayne's mind ran directly to his mate. Shit!" he had been so immersed in battle strategies that the thought escaped his mind. He was grateful to Lorcan for hinting on it. Now they had to put it into consideration as well.

I can't believe that had escaped our minds! Aloha, what's your say on that?" An elder asked

We are going to have to make adjustments. I can't say we are going to ignore this event because it's important for any werewolf as much as their security!" he started and then went another round of replaning and strategizing. It was a complete headache!

By the time they were done, it was already evening. Wayne felt so tired but all he neede at this moment was his mate. To embrace her and have her scent surround him and soothe his beast that had been craving blood since his encounter with Terror.

Walking through the pack house, he got greetings from the pack members and proceeded to find his mate. There was a faint scent of hers which meant she had been going around the pack house busying herself. But she didn't need to do that!

Alpha?" I heard Lorcan through mindlin and I paused my steps. Luna is in the garden with the pups." he said to me. Thanks!" and I stalked to head to the garden.


I had been cooped up in the room for the whole night and when day came, mom still wanted me to stay indoors. She had refused to tell me of what had kept her awake all night. She couldn't reach father/ brother and she had been tense all the time. Sydney on the other hand had been blank and despite having done all that I could to unnerve her to give a reaction, she gave me those dead and blank eyes..so, being in the room had been suffocating.

I had also heard that my mate was back but he had been busy attending to pack matters. It hit me like no other that just in a few hours, I'd become the Luna of this pack hence I forced myself out of the room and dragged my mom and sister along. I wanted to be productive!

From helping around the pack house to trying to liven up the moods of the little ones who felt suffocated in the pack house, I requested to take them out for a while. And though some parents had been aganist it, surprisingly, when Beta Lorcan came over and asked for what the matter was, he agreed and also assigned twelve pack warriors to be in the outlook.

I was so thankful for his caring attitude towards us and here we were with the children playing with the butterflies in the garden. I had been playing throughout the day with them and I decided to take a seat and watch the energetic little one's chrip around.

I was missing Leila and as for Conner, I had been hoping to talk to my mate for him to forgive him. We were all coming of age soon and we had made a promise to do that together amd endure the pain ajd pleasure of transformation together.

If it could only happen despite our fall out, I'd never ask for anything more than that!

Lost in my own thoughts, Someone sat just beside me to sheild the sun from my skin.

I must agree that you look beautiful under the sun but better under my care." My mate's voice drew me to look at him and I still had to crane my neck to meet his eyes. There was a playfulness to his voice and when my mind replayed what he had said a few seconds ago, I couldn't help my face flashing. I looked away to not embarras myself. Your back?" I spoke my voice soft not wanting him to hear me but also not ready to stand the silence, more afraid if he'd keep teasing me.

I returned at dawn but got a bit busy. Sorry, I didn't come to see you on time!" he apologized and I could feel the pain in his voice. I nodded not wanting to make things hard for him. I understand...things are not easy around here. How is the progress?" I asked and dared to look him in the eyes. His green eyes were dull, not the vibrant green I was used to. Seems he had been up and hadn't yet rested.

Turning around, I looked at the other lady with whom we were watching the little ones. She gulped and her eyes searched mine for answers. I'll be leaving the children in your care." I said to which she nodded silently.

Turning to my mate, he was trying to out on a tough front and I could see through him....it was so heartbreaking.

Let's get you some rest!" I whispered standing up. I offered him my hand despite having wanted not to do so in broad day light, right now he needed a mate's comfort and I was going to provide it to him for the betterment of our pack

Clasping my hands with his, we walked to the pack house and the stares we got from those who saw us were skull drilling. Mostly because they wanted answers to the questions in their heads yet at the same time, they had all those answers.

I helped him back up to his room and as soon as we were near his bed, he pulled me along with him taking me by suprise that I helped in the process. Falling on his hard body, his arms snaked around my waist while I felt his face dive in the space between my neck and shoulder. His hot breathe fanning me as he took deep breathes of my scent.

Wayne?" I really needed to get out of his hold. I have to prepare a bath for you and get you some food. Let me go!" I felt so flustered. It felt so good being in his arms!

Great! What do I really want?

A little bit more....let me hold you longer!" he murmured his lips tainting my skin that it lined with goosebumps.

Bu...but, you must be hungry!" I stuttered.

I'm fine, I'll eat later." he spoke behaving spoilt with me. Even his olvoice didn't sound as commanding as it usually did, this time, it was soft and spoilt. I ought hard not to chuckle.

Ok, a few more minutes and I'll go get food." I made my condition and was answered by a short 'mm' And he shamelessly snuggled more into my embrace. It felt good and I wasn't one to deny what I felt so my hands went around his and started patting his back.

Not knowing, I was slowly lured in to sleep along with my mate in my arms and me in his.

I woke up with a startle smacking myself internally for having fallen asleep. It wasn't time to get comfortable! Looking around the room, it was empty and there was no sign of my mate. I looked outside the window and realised that it was still night so the brand day hadn't yet knocked in.

Sliding out of the bed, I stepped onto the fluffy carpet and went on to see if I could find him around the room but I stepped in my tracks when I noticed the abnormally eriee silence in the premises. Frowning, I went to the door but before I could hold the handle, the door burst open and my mate came in eyes blood shot! I stepped back in shock and gulped down the lump in my throat, his eyes were unfocused and those bloody eyes looked back at me.

Noticing something more, he was covered in blood, from his face, to his ripped clothes, to his still long claws and the scent of blood was so strong in the whole room

Wayne?" I called carefully trying hard not to tremble and his eyes finally focused on me. Are you ok?" I asked and saw how his eyes changed from the vibrant blood red to the dull green from earlier. The next thing was myself in a tight embrace and I could feel my bones could snap if he exerted any more pressure