
Torn Apart.

Mate! He growled viciously, his snow white bushy tail sweeping aganist the earth sending dust particles up...those black eyes squinted towards me, then started stalking my way in a predatory manner but Alpha Wayne was not having it. "No! She is my mate!" he growled back exposing his sharp canines taking on a fighting stance. I didn't know whether is should he running or should I try to pacify the situation. Unfortunately, I was way too scared that my mind was screaming at me to RUN! Have you ever stood at an intersection which left your body feeling two different emotions crawl on your skin at the same time? Fire and ice...my mates clash, the angel and the devil, they can never be in the same space. To have me, either their egos win or my love! The cover image doesn't belong to me and credits go to original owner Stick by to learn more Lots of love from Litto-ways Instagram@littoways

Litto_ways · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 11

There are two things I hate in my life. The feeling of pain and fear. I detest those two feelings!

And now here I stood in my own mates embrace, his claws digging into my flesh, my bones close to snapping, my face stuffed into his chest and I fought hard to find a gap through which I could breathe as my lungs burned.

I was in fear from the pain inflicted by his claws and the fact that the I couldn't breathe, then there was the fear that started gripping me!

Wayne! ..... can't....can't breathe! let..let go, already!!!" I struggled to put across my message and I couldn't say the least that i was thankful I was released before I could pass out. But before I could even stumble back on my feet, my face was clasped in his rough hands, trembling...but I was already to afraid to consider his situation. I wanted to run but I couldn't find myself getting out of his hold while his green eyes pleaded to me to save him!

what did he want me to save him from? I don't know! I found myself drawing him in my embrace despite my mind telling me to stay away for fear of being hurt. The presence of my wolf and the attachment coming from the mate bond didn't allow me to do so!

His whole body shook and I tightened my hold around him. It's ok!" I comforted him but I could feel him shake his head. "It's not! Nothing is ok! I'm feeling like a failure!" he whispered in my neck.

You aren't a failure! I believe in you...as my Alpha and mate! You won't let me down, right?" I asked drawing his face in my hands. He looked back at me and I saw the vibrance of the forest green sprout in his eyes. This gave me courage and I smiled.

I'm sorry I hurt you!" he murmured as he took my face in his hands. I was forced to release his. I'm glad you came....you are here to assure me!" his smiled as he brought his face close to mine. My heart started thumping in my chest knowing exactly what he might do. This was going the my first kiss! Ahhhh! Is my breath ok? I just woke up, it's not okay! Should I pull back? Will he be offended if I deny him? Questions ran in my mind.

Mm." was all I could say and in a heartbeat, his lips touched mine in a gentle hold...short, not probing for more but my whole body erupted with sparks and i felt a tremor of pleasure rack my whole body. Before I could drown in it, he pulled back and I subconsciously followed his lips. Too short!!!!! That wasn't fair!

He chuckled and I opened my eyes to see his looking back at me intensely. I burned in embarrassment looking at his eyes glowing with that teasing light. "Now's not the time darling! Let me clear up this mess and I'll come back so you can kiss me all you want!" he smirked and I knew there was the teasing. I bashfully smacked his chest trying to save myself some face and he laughed. But I remembered he was covered in blood. I freed myself from him and begun inspecting him carefully but he stopped me.

Don't worry! We were attacked sometime back and my presence was needed. This blood isn't mine so don't worry ok?" he said to me but I was still worried. Is the fight over?" I asked as I went to his closet to get a new pair of shirt and shorts since the ones he was in were all ripped.


It is and we didn't suffer any casualties." I assured her as I went to get myself out of the bloody clothes. I was sticky all over and so sure my fur was coated with blood if our enemies, I'll definitely need a shower when I can. Stripping naked up until my pants, my mate walked back to me as she inspected the clothes she had in her hands. She was already taking on the role of caring for me! It felt so warm to be loved and cared for! I smiled despite my mind running miles on how to get back to Terror!

A shriek drew my attention and saw that my mate had covered her eyes while the clothes she had got me were in the floor! I looked around and searched for the threat but there was none so I turned back to her. Hey?"

Why are you naked!" she half yelled at me and that's when I realized that she was blaming me for going around Akimbo! This was not obscene or anything and many males went around naked after shifting though it was more of decency to the females that they wore their trunks. In my mate's case, I'm sure she had never been in a relationship before and so seeing someone naked seemed to fluster her alot. I could see her red face from the gaps of her face she had uncovered and I couldn't help the chuckle. "What are you shy about?" I asked as I stalked to where she stood.

"Don't come closer! I'll be not happy with you! don't go around naked! it's barbaric!" she stuttered with all the excuses she could come up with and it was funny. I wanted to honour her request and stay where I stood but I need those clothes on as Lorcan had been nagging me to go back and address the warriors.

I wasn't going to be able to attend the coming of age ceremony since I had to be out there protecting my mate and the pack on this special day.

The attack from earlier was to disoriente us but my Intel's had got information that the other packs had been attacked while they were basically focused on preparations for the coming of ceremony. Many had been caught off guard at that time, but I had this under control.

I'll be ther in five!" I sent back to Lorcan and cut the mindlink.

Attention back to my mate, her face was still covered helplessly by her small hands. You can open up your eyes now! I'm clothed!" I told her and watched in amusement as she peeped at me through the gaps of her hands! I was surely going to have a great time with her once we are mated but I still had to first handle the wolf named Terror!

I wasn't going to let him destroy or take anything from me!

Engulfing my mate in my hold for a little longer, I placed a.ojgering kiss on her head and sniffed her scent. I'll be back soon! Dont leave the room at all costs, ok?" I asked to make sure she got my message. She drew from my hold. What about the coming of age ceremony?" she asked with a frown.

It's still going to take place but not as it usually does. It'll be taking place in the pack house and once the time has come, someone assigned by me will come to pick you up and take you there." I assured her and she smiled but then her smile fell again and I knew the reason. I'll let him join but you shouldn't go to him ok? I don't like it...already knowing that he has some sort of liking towards you!" he said domineeringly and I knew that this was more than I could ask for. I was going to stay away from Conner for as long as he attended and didn't experience his first shift in a cold and dark dungeon!


Wayne left after kissing my head and hugging me one more time, it almost felt like he didn't want to go but he had to! I was already happy despite the tense atmosphere knowing our pact

was going to be fulfilled despite us not being together. I wondered whether Leila was still mad at me? Anyway, I was going to try talking to her when we meet later in the night.

Looking at the bloodied clothes on the floor, I took them and disposed them off in a trash basket at the corner of the room. and went to bed, I'd rest for a short while and later prepare for my shifting ceremony.

Yes, I was not so enthusiastic about it as I had been while I was with my friends...everything lost meaning the moment we broke apart. Snuggling into the warm covers of my mate's bed, I fell asleep for the rest of the night.


I stalked back to the pack grounds where the pack warriors were awaiting me. I initially had to excuse myself as I couldn't let them see me in my previous state, that would have jeopardised my position in this pack and I wouldn't let that happen, not under any circumstances.

Alpha!" Lorcan came at me matching my pace. They have completely withdrawn but I don't think we should relax on this matter." he said to which i understood. I had also notice his concern which was same as mine. The packs that had been annexed by Terror were formally ally packs and I could easily recognise from which packs those wolves that attacked earlier came from. What I couldn't understand was how they succumbed to Terror! It didn't make any sense and all my attempts to meet with those other Alphas were futile. It was stressing me out!

I took my stand on the podium to address the warriors. They were already aware of who we were going aganist despite all the confusion as we hadn't spotted any white wolf in any of those that attacked us. I just couldn't understand the twisted mind of that wolf!.

Warriors, I do understand your confusion. But that's not our area of concern right now. As per now, our pack is under a threat from some one we all are well aware of. I know we jabei had a head on with him and many of you have heard tales about him. I just want you to not be afraid! He isn't as formidable as he's proclaimed to be, I say this with assuringly because I battled him before and harmed him badly that up until this day, he carries the evidence of his defeat with him." Saying this, I saw how my warriors zeal was boasted. I needed them in this fight and I wasn't going to let them go to it without assurity of their victory.

"We are going to protect our packlands, our homes, mates and pups! And above all, we are going to protect our legacy as the Wayne pack and shall not succumb or bow out heads to any other Alpha for that matter!"

The warriors cheered on with renewed will to see the end of this battle. I was going to see the end of this battle as well!

He has out brothers with him, some of whom his lives he has taken! We must avenge them with blood of his own!" I spoke out loud with determination to avenge out dead pack members and my pack cheered on!

Isn't he trying to make us enemies of our allies by sending them to fight us?" Lorcan who had been deep in his houghrs muttered and I could hear him throughts the mindlink.

Lorcan, whatever he intends, I'm not allowing him into our packlands and that's out priority now!" I said back and cut the link.

And as planned, the warriors were once again divided into four groups each taking their stations, fromt he north, to the west, south and east of the inner boarders of the pack lands. On the outside of our boarders however, I had prepared a gift for our attackers and I was sure they'd like it.

The worst nightmare to any wolf alive!