
Torn Apart.

Mate! He growled viciously, his snow white bushy tail sweeping aganist the earth sending dust particles up...those black eyes squinted towards me, then started stalking my way in a predatory manner but Alpha Wayne was not having it. "No! She is my mate!" he growled back exposing his sharp canines taking on a fighting stance. I didn't know whether is should he running or should I try to pacify the situation. Unfortunately, I was way too scared that my mind was screaming at me to RUN! Have you ever stood at an intersection which left your body feeling two different emotions crawl on your skin at the same time? Fire and ice...my mates clash, the angel and the devil, they can never be in the same space. To have me, either their egos win or my love! The cover image doesn't belong to me and credits go to original owner Stick by to learn more Lots of love from Litto-ways Instagram@littoways

Litto_ways · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

I'm sorry!" I watched as mother broke down in tears at the door, falling to her knees. I felt a pung of pain in my chest as worry started filling every fibre of my being. Helping her up from the floor, I helped her to the opposite room which wasn't my mate's room, I didn't think he wanted some else's scent in his personal space. Opening the door, it was another room, though not as big as the Alpha's, it was high standard. My little sister had been silent the whole time and I saw that she was tense, a trait that wasn't like herself. That got me wondering what really was going on. I helped mom to the sofa in the room then saw my little sister bring over some water in the glass, we handed it over to mom and she drank with shaky hands. I used a small towel to wipe her tears. I'm sorry! she begun again and that me more confused. We should have told you earlier on...we always thought there was something that could be done to out do what was in the future...we are really sorry!" she wailed like a baby and I felt my own tears falling. The only thing that I could do was hold her tight in my embrace and try calming her down. My little sister joined and we hugged and cried.

It was really ironic why I was in tears over something I didn't know, I wasn't the emotional kind but watching my loved ones break down, broke me like their own.


I sprinted through the woods to the last point my pack members were last before they disappeared behind me a few of the other pack warriors. Growling, I signalled them to sniff the perimeters as I looked up to the moon and howled.

Stay here and find any tracks that you can find!" I ordered them sprinted off further into the woods. I'm sure it was Alpha Terror but he was going way too far to dare me! Seems he hadn't had his lesson from years back! I'll sure teach him again!

I ran all the way to my pack boarders and caught a white figure sprinting in the woods and without a doubt, I knew it was the wolf I was looking for. I felt my rage boil and I didn't think twice and I crossed my boarders and leapt to claw his face one more time.


I had got a message from my beta that he had things under control. He had been such a sweet tongue and tried to talk with the packs he had managed to attain, though there had been some resistance, he just had to mention my name and they had to give up. I wasn't diplomatic and I'd have made them bleed.

My plans had been to help my pack settle for better conditions and become welcomed. If they mingled amd mates with other packs, then the hate would die, the faults of my forefathers would die with this Union.

My Beta Kade had told me had got Wayne's pack members and he had managed to restrain them before they put up a fight. He had luckily lured them from their territory being the sly man he was and I couldn't be any happier. I had something that would hurt Wayne's ego so badly that he could run mad.

My train of thoughts broke when I sensed a onimous presence from my side and my instincts kicked in as I dogged the attack that was aimed at me. A loud growl had me looking that way and I saw the man that had been on my mind snarling viciously at me. Funny, that had had crossed over to my territory! My wolf took control feeling this was the only chance he'd ever get to get back at Wayne

Taking aleap at me one more time, I dogded in time and clawed his under belly making him growl and his eyes redden in anger. Let's kill him!" my wolf snarled at me but I ignored him having taken control back from him. Move his pack members from there. Kill some to ensure that he feels we aren't messing around!" My order went through to Kade and as we were still rolling and biting at each other brutally, he came to a sudden stop.

Guess one is down! I smirked at him exposing my bloody canines at him.

Seeing this, I saw how he took another stance searching for a spot to attack but came to a halt again, feeling the bonds with his pack members break, one after the other.

This gave me chance and I leflt him there to wallow in his misery. I was sure he was going to think twice before he made another attack or both of the warrior teams we had with us would die and he'd loose his standing before his pack as the Alpha!


The ringing in my ears told me that what I heard was the truth..but I didn't want to believe it.

This was impossible!

I looked back at the woman I've known all my life as a mother and tears continued to fall,.....she wasn't my mom! She never was! Bit she had been everything...the way she loved me, I never felt detached from her one bit! No! she is my mom! Looking at my little sister who apparently, was my neice? This didn't make sense at all! This was all false...no, this Isn't true?

Shania! Please believe me..we never wanted to lie to you or keep this from you because to me...you have always been a daughter to me." I heard her trying to assure me. And me, my Elder sister!" My neice said as well.

I smiled sadly and looked away feeling the emotions overwhelming me.

The man I've known as my father....is actually my brother. He had run away from our former packlands with me as a baby and brought me over to Alpha Wayne's pack. Because he was kind and welcoming, once my brother proved himself, he was let into the pack and luck struck him when he found his mate in Alpha Wayne's pack, this helped him consolidate his stand here.

The overwhelming emotions were just so hard to bare..... I was grateful, sad, happy, confused? I didn't know what was going on with myself. As I kept wondering, a painful cry broke out that my mom/ sister in law rushed to the window and looked out.

I followed right behind her and saw that three female wolves were howling out in pain, their cry was so heartbreaking that my heart cracked. What's wrong with them?" I wasn't sure what I thought was what was happening.

The bond.....the bond with their mates have broken.....they are being KILLED!" she shook and I paled.

Honey!" she called out loud. I knew she was trying to reach father/ brother!

My niece Sydney came and held onto me and I could feel her finger tips were freaking cold! I led her to the bed and tucked her into the covers. She was unusually silent and it was worrying.

I turned to look back at my mom and she was shaking. What's wrong!" I dashed to her holding her before she fell to her feet. "I can't reach him!" she whispered in fear and was getting restless. I rubbed her upper arm as trying to calm her down but my own internal trumoil wasn't helping. Having a wolf wasn't as good as it seemed since all emotions and everything was always magnified a hundred times. I helped my mom to the bed where my sister lay. She sat down but her body was shaking violently.

The wails on the outside grew more loud and I rushed back to check what was going on and I saw how the pack warriors outside the pack house were trying to calm down now the females who had lost their mates.

From the corner, I saw the pack elders coming to the pack house all seeming tense and this just told me of how things were not good. I wondered where my mate had gone! Is he safe? Will he be alright? Did he take enough pack members?' Those questions flooded my mind.

Conner and Leila! My mind snapped.

Turning to head to the door, Sydney who I had initially tucked in the bed held onto my arm firmly. Don't go!" she said solemnly and I was more confused. What do you mean? Look, I really have to go and check out on Leila and Conner. There must be something really terrible happening out there.

Don't let him see you!" she said her eyes locked on mine but there were no emotions in them. They were blank!

Mom, who had also been growing antsy came and held me back. Don't go out! Let's stay here!" she said though I could tell that she was worried about her mate.

Is there something you aren't telling me?" I asked eyes directed to my mom.

Stay inside. Please!" she chocked on her tears as her grip on my arm tightened.

The emotions, the fear and tension were so much. I had been dragged back into the bed and locked in between my niece andy brother's mate who is also a mother to me for as long as I can remember. Both their arms were drapped over my stomach and I just couldn't escape without alerting them.

Sydney was asleep I was sure of it but my mom had been awake all the time, sobbing quietly.

Mom?" I called out to her and she fell silent. You are not asleep yet?" she tried to conceal the choke in her voice.

I can't bring myself to sleep." I said honestly and slowly turned to look her way. I looked at her and she didn't try to wipe off her tears. I went to wipe those tears away and smiled.

I had failed to get sleep with the threat....what did she mean by don't let 'him' see you? What was that? Mom..." I whispered and she locked gazes with me. "Who is him?" I asked and saw how she stiffened.

Her eyes darted away from mine and she sat up. Along with her I sat up. "Go to sleep! Don't bother yourself with that. We will protect you." she said and got out of bed and went to the window.