
To be with you, to the next

When being pushed to the limit, will one break or come out still in one piece? Does having supernatural power do good? When wielding powers that do not belong to a body that was not meant to hold it, will it shatter? Or will it create distortion to your very existence? Is the you now from the past or the future? Everyone changes with time. For their loved ones, their willingness to give up their lives. And to be with the one you love, one might go over and beyond dimension for them. Even I as the author of this fiction story wonders if there is an end.

Neol · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs


When Xyleria left for the meeting. Liam and Sora stared at each other.

"Are you mom's kid?" asked Sora nervously gripping his crayon.

"Yes, according to my dad, she is my biological mother. I heard my mom is your god mom, which makes you, her godson." Said Liam as he breaks away from the stare and reads his book.

"Biological?" asked Sora clueless about the word.

"It means we are related by DNA or you can say blood-related." Explained Liam.

"DNA?" said Sora as frowns appears on his brows.

Liam was baffled at Sora's intelligence, and drags his chair beside Sora and took out a tablet from his bag and explain to Sora.

"Why do you have a tablet? Can we watch some cartoons?" asked Sora. "My dad bought them for me so that I don't have to bring a bunch of books with me." Said Liam.

"Can we also play games on it?"

"Yes, we can, we can go to the game app store to install some games."

The 2 children played games and had snacks that were prepared for them until Xyleria returned. Xyleria was amused by the 2 kids having their fun and took some pictures. They didn't even notice her existence and went to her desk to finish her work.

Lunchtime was arriving, employees were preparing for lunch as they quickly finish their work. Xyleria decided to go down to the marketing department to check whether Ryuu was adapting well to work. When she arrived on the 35th floor she went to look for Ryuu and saw that he was coping well with work and received many praises from his co-worker. She then went to the toilet, as the toilets are always full of gossip.

"Did you see the new hire? Handsome, capable." Said one of the employees.

"I wondered if he is married. But when he arrived, he was with the vice-president and there was a kid how was like a small version of him," said the other employee.

"Our vice-president is not married, so it means that he is a single father." Said the employee.

"Let not hit a conclusion, we can ask him during break or during the welcome party later." Said one of the employees.

Xyleria heard all these but then realize why are they gossiping so long, don't they have work, so she decided to step out of the cubicle and said "Have you guys finished your work? Since you have been talking for so long here, I assume that you must have finished all your work today."

"V... Vice president! Sorry, we are taking our leave now." Shouted all the gossiping employees. Xyleria walked to the director's office and said, "Seems like we need to reshuffle your department, what do you say?".

The director of marketing was wide-eyed at Xyleria sudden appearance, wondering why is she doing on the 35th floor.

"Hello Vice president, there will be an evaluation that will be held next week. Is there anyone you want to promote or demote?" asked the Director of marketing.

"I'll leave it to you. Do a close check on Area 6." Said Xyleria before she went back to her office.

Each floor is split into 7 areas about 10 tables in each area.

Meanwhile, at Xyleria's office, the door of Xyleria's office opened, and there arrived a young girl walking toward them.

"Hello, Liam and Sora nice to meet you!" as the young girl greeted the 2 children.