
To be with you, to the next

When being pushed to the limit, will one break or come out still in one piece? Does having supernatural power do good? When wielding powers that do not belong to a body that was not meant to hold it, will it shatter? Or will it create distortion to your very existence? Is the you now from the past or the future? Everyone changes with time. For their loved ones, their willingness to give up their lives. And to be with the one you love, one might go over and beyond dimension for them. Even I as the author of this fiction story wonders if there is an end.

Neol · Fantasy
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39 Chs

What do you want to eat?

As lunchtime is approaching, the private lift is on its way to the basement. A young girl who is dressed in a casual outfit was waiting at the lift lobby in the basement carpark. Upon the arrival of the lift, came out the CEO assistant.

"Good Afternoon, Vice-president's guest has already arrived and is waiting in her office." Said the CEO assistant while taking the young girl's backpack.

"Is that so? It was really really surprising to ever hear Ria even mention about bringing 2 children to work." Exclaimed the young girl. "I guess I should pay the 2 children a visit, after all, I'm their mom's boss. Let's go to the 54th floor." Said the young girl.

As the CEO and her assistant arrive at Xyleria's office door, the CEO said that she will be entering alone and the rest of them just standby outside.

Entering Xyleria's Office, she saw 2 kids playing games on a tablet while snacking.

"Hello, Liam and Sora nice to meet you!" as the young girl greeted the 2 children. Both children looked up at the door wondering who was calling them. They saw a young girl standing right before them.

"I am your Mom's boss. If you want to know my name, we must be friends first. You must be wondering why am I doing here? Well, that is because I am curious about you two." Said the Young Girl.

"If you are Mom's boss, please reduce her workload." Said Liam. "You must be Liam, right? Your mom's workload is already the lightest, she does not come to work all the time. So, her work plie increased over time. Aren't I very lenient as a boss? Another boss would have long fired your mom." Explained the young girl. "So, who manages the company when mom is not here?" asked Sora.

"That would be me. Well, I will be hiring someone to take over her place when she is not around." Said the young girl.

"You look so young. How did you manage to build such a company? How old are you?" asked Liam. "Hmm… to answer your question, I started when I was 4 years old. A lot of problems and then winning the crown, then on the lookout for companies to merge. That's about it. Also expanding to different industries. Investment here and there, creating connections." As the young girl tries to explain.

"And you should not ask a girl about her age. All I can say I am a full-fledged adult."

"So, you are just short?" said Sora.

"Little boy, never ever say anything about a girls' height, it could be a sore spot." Said the young girl while pinching Sora's cheeks.

Xyleria was walking to her office, she saw the CEO assistant standing outside. She knew what is happening inside.

As the young girl and the 2 kids were chatting away, Xyleria enters her office. "Good afternoon." Greeted Xyleria. "Oh Ria, you have arrived. We were talking about what we are going to have for lunch. What do you want to eat?" asked the young girl.

"Anything you want." Said Xyleria as she went to her desk to finish up signing documents.

"All right. Then as we discussed we shall eat some Chinese food." Said the young girl as she went to the door and called out her assistant to prepare the limousine and arrange for table size for 8 people.

As lunchtime arrives. "CEO the car is ready." Said the Assistant. The five of them went down to the carpark basement. They met up with Ryuu and Elijah. Thereafter, they all enter the limousine and went for lunch.

"Ms. CEO, can I have a change of job? I want to be Leria's assistant instead." Asked Elijah. "Why? You do not like your job? I heard that you know how to fight. Isn't this the best job for you? And how did you know I am the CEO? Obviously, I do not trust you. Why else I arranged you to be a door guard? Even if I lose my entrance door, I still have another door." Said the young girl as she stares directly at Elijah.

"Leria, you should stand up for me. I am trustworthy!" stated Elijah, looking at Xyleria who is staring into space.

"It's up to her to decide whether you are trustworthy. It is for safety reason, don't take it too hard." Said Xyleria.

The young girl put one leg over the other and said "Have you not heard the fall of a city or family? It starts with accepting people they so-called trust and before you know it is the start of their downfall. You never know when your friend will start betraying you before you even know it is either you die or live a living hell."

The young girl bends forward toward Elijah's ear and said "You must be thinking that I am too sharp for my own good. No worries, you and your liaison can't hurt me." And her assistant pulled her down to her seat. Elijah and the young girl's face had their poker face on with a smile. Nobody knew what happened, but they know it was not good.

Elijah thought to himself, thinking whether he has exposed himself. But there is nothing to fear about this young girl as she was not on the list. But the list to avoid having a collision with.

The young girl ended the conversation with "You should not fear the greedy ones but the idiot ones who serve their masters' head to the enemy… without even knowing" The atmosphere turned cold for only a moment, before returning to normal temperature.

"You should take note of this advice when you go home, Mr. Tachibana." Said the young girl. A wonder how a girl younger than them sounded cold.

Why the advice for Ryuu Tachibana? Does she know something others not know? Or perhaps it is the female's instinct.

"I will protect my papa and family!" said Sora while grabbing the young girl's arm. "Thank you, my dear son. I will also protect you and the family." Said Ryuu.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, the waitress brought them to their reserved table. "Well then, I shall go have my lunch CEO," said the Assistant.

"What are you talking about suddenly? Have you forgotten that you promise me that you will always eat lunch with me? Sit down, will you? Today I am paying for lunch. Feel free to order but remember to finish your food. Oh, right ask the chauffeur to eat with us too." Said the young girl.

"Thank you, I thought I might be in the way," said Assistant who sat beside the young girl as he messaged the chauffeur who is waiting in the car.

While waiting for the food to arrive, "Attention please, I am your boss. I am treating today's meal to get to know more about Xyleria's new family. You must Ryuu, Sora's father. And you must be Elijah, definitely not Liam's father but a comrade of Xyleria. Am I right?" said the young girl.

"That's right! I am Leria's best buds." Elijah said it with pride.

"Ohh… you call her Leria. Heh heh... I call her Ria! I am her boss and closes friend" exclaimed the young girl.

"Leria, I didn't know you had friends?" said Elijah as he was shocked.

"Can you guys don't bring me in your battle, those blind bullets might hurt me" said Xyleria.

Pffftt… HAHAHAAHA... Everyone tried to silence their laughter but could not.

After finishing their meals. "How is Chinese food?" asked the young girl.

"Very delicious!" shouted Liam and Sora. "Eh, he he…" expressed the young girl feeling a bit embarrassed.

"CEO it's almost time for your next appointment." Said the assistant as he scrolls through his tablet.

"Cancel that appointment, I have no intention to collaborate with them. But then I heard that there was a change of personnel, send Mr. Gohane in my stead." Ordered the young girl. "Understood." Replied the assistant as he made the call to Mr. Gohane to attend the appointment.

Lunchtime ended and everyone went back to their respective positions. The 2 kids fell asleep after eating. So currently they are sleeping on the CEO's bed on the 57th floor. "Ria's how is your experience having so many people close to you?" asked the young girl as she sits down on the sofa in Xyleria's office.

"Normal I guess," said Xyleria. The secretary served up puer tea along with some light refreshment and left as though she does not exist.

The Young girl puts her teacup down and asked Xyleria "I really wish you could notify me at least 1 week in advance instead of within 24 hours. Aren't I, your boss? From arranging work for 15 people to adding furniture to your office and etcetera. The number of things I need to sign is ridiculous."

"Funny… didn't you order your assistant to do it instead?" stated Xyleria as she sips her tea.

The CEO's assistant looked away from his boss's eyes, cleared his throat, and said "When the CEO got the document from your Grandfather yesterday, she did everything from assigning 15 people from the agency to their respective position across to different departments.

The background check for Mr. Ryuu Tachibana took a while as it was not within their database and having the government approve both him and his son's identity as refugees. She even personally chose the kid-size table to be placed in your office. All I did was to notify the HR and facilities department about the addition."

The young girl smiled brightly at Xyleria, the hard work she did with 24 hours. "The background check for Ryuu, as expected even Ren can't find it since as you said in the letter that came with the document about them, not from this world. Except for them being in City A's illegal auction. It is a piece of cake to approve someone's identity. Now their fake identity card became real identity cards. HAHA!"

"My friend, you are getting on your high horse again. By the way, did you encounter an accident on the highway on your way here?" asked Xyleria with concern even though it did not show on her face.

The young girl flashback to what happened on the highway.

In a shiny, glossy black sedan car sat a young girl along with her driver. Hmm.. what should I get for the 2 kids? Just the table is not good enough right. I should invite them to my game room, study all the time is a bored to creative kids' minds. Oh, they can help me test our company's new product for the education sector. What a great idea I have. As she scrolls through her phone reading email reports from their branch in Country F.

Suddenly the car braked, and the young girls' head hit the seat in front of her. "ouch! Why didn't I put on my seat belt." As she rubs her forehead.

"What happened?" asked the young girl, looking at her driver.

The driver got out of the car to check on the guy who suddenly fell out of the car's boot in front of them. The young girl also went out of the car to check and saw a guy who was severely injured and ask her driver "Did we hit him?"

"No. But is your forehead ok young lady, it's a bit red," Said the driver while taking out scissors from the first aid kit to remove the ropes tied to the injured man's limbs.

"Put him in the car, we go to the hospital first. Notify my assistant that I will be late" said the young girl as she opens the back seat door for the driver.

What luck, I was going to be the first to greet the kids, now I have a situation to deal with now. "Send my bodyguards to guard this dude in the hospital."

Upon arrival at a private hospital, there were doctors and nurses on standby with a hospital bed at the entrance. As the doctor save the man, the young girl's bodyguards arrived.

"Young Lady, are you injured? Where is the assailant?" asked the leader of the bodyguards.

"No, I am not injured. I need you to guard the man that I just sent to the surgery theatre. Notify me when he wakes up. I need to collect medical and mental damages fees from him. Also, inform Ren to investigate what happened to this dude, I suspect he was on his way to see Yama in the basement."

"Understood!" as all the bodyguard bows toward the young girl. The driver passed a cold compress to the young girl to reduce the swell on her forehead.

After remembering what happened, the young girl said "Not me, someone else. It was unlucky that it happened in front of my car."

Both ladies continue to enjoy their tea and snacks only to be disturbed by the young girl's assistant. "CEO, Vice-president the 2 kids are awake."

"You continue your work. I go play with the kids! Bye! Have fun signing documents and meeting! Remember the reports to be submitted on my desk." The young girl stated and left with her assistant to the lift lobby.

*knock knock*

"Come in," said Xyleria.

All her secretaries walked in with a lot of documents in their hands. There are another 4 high walls of documents to go through before the end of today and 3 meetings to attend to. Xyleria sips her tea and sighs.

The update will be slow... I will do my best to finish this story

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