
To be with you, to the next

When being pushed to the limit, will one break or come out still in one piece? Does having supernatural power do good? When wielding powers that do not belong to a body that was not meant to hold it, will it shatter? Or will it create distortion to your very existence? Is the you now from the past or the future? Everyone changes with time. For their loved ones, their willingness to give up their lives. And to be with the one you love, one might go over and beyond dimension for them. Even I as the author of this fiction story wonders if there is an end.

Neol · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Director’s job on the line

The next morning, Xyleria came out of the locked room and went to her room to change to prepare for work. She went to prepare for breakfast and ask KI to wake them up. As KI went to wake the guest up, Xyleria sets the dining table. After everyone had their breakfast, Xyleria ask them "Do Sora and Liam need to attend kindergarten?"

Both fathers look at their children and said their children do not start school till next week. Xyleria was shocked that both fathers have already arranged for their child's schooling.

"Then who will take care of the kids when you guys go to work?" asked Xyleria.

"I have a lot of meetings to attend today, I will be leaving Liam in your care." Said, William. "I supposed so, then I will bring the kids with me to work. Ryuu, I have your assigned job-ready, so you will be following me" said Xyleria as she signals KI to prepare for departure.

As they went out, there were 2 cars waiting for them. Elijah greets Xyleria as he became her chauffeur and company bodyguard. Xyleria sat in the back with the 2 kids, while Ryuu sat in the front with Elijah.

"Do take care of my fiancée, Mr. Tachibana." Said, William. "I don't need you to tell me, you are just jealous that you are not riding in the same car as her," Ryuu said while rolling up the car window.

William then bid farewell to his son and Xyleria before going to his car.

When the Xyleria's car reaches the company, the company building was as grand as ever, ZΣRO Empire. As the group walks through the company's lobby, they went to the private lift section. They went to the 54th floor where Xyleria's office is located. All the secretary all stands up to greet her, as she walks past them and said, "Prepare some refreshment for 2 kids". And went into her office.

Once they all have settled down.

"Elijah, you have already received your notice to work in the guardhouse, you can go first." Said Xyleria.

"Leria, why the guardhouse, I thought I was going to be your assistant." Said Elijah as he does not want to move an inch.

"My boss doesn't trust you that's why. Give it some time," said Xyleria. The secretary knocked on the door and asked for permission to enter.

"Come in," said Xyleria.

"Sir Einhart, here are the refreshment and the document requested along with the HR manager." Explained the secretary. "Thank you, come back 10 minutes later to brief me." Said Xyleria. The secretary and Elijah left, leaving Ryuu and the 2 children.

"I don't know how capable you are, so I assigned you to work at the marketing and sales department first. You said that you were a CEO in your world, so this might be your best. If you managed to do well, you might be promoted fast. Or perhaps a change of department." Said Xyleria as she signals the HR manager to explain the contract to Ryuu about his job.

"Any questions?" said Xyleria.

"No," said Ryuu and he followed the HR manager out and wave goodbye to his son.

The secretary came in and debrief Xyleria about her workload of the day. The number of files was stacked high, like a wall.

When the secretary left, Liam and Sora looked at Xyleria with pity in their eyes. Xyleria saw their act of pity to her, she asked them to do some coloring, reading by their assigned table beside her. Yes, assigned children sized table.

ZΣRO empire became busy, everyone hard at work. The secretary notified Xyleria about a meeting that will begin in 10 minutes. Xyleria asks the children not to run about while she was gone and asks the secretary if they needed anything as she left for the meeting.

When Xyleria enters the meeting room, she asked where the CEO is. Then the response of the CEO assistant was unusual "She is on her way and will be doing an online meeting with you guys instead." And the assistant turned his laptop toward Xyleria.

"Hello! Ria! You are finally back. I got distracted for a moment that's why I am arriving late. But I can't drag the meeting to a later time can I." said the CEO of ZΣRO empire.

All the nervous employee's minds were like 'We would like the meeting to be push back.' They did not expect the arrival of their vice-president to come today along with the CEO. Just the CEO is already added stressed, but the vice-president arrived for work too.

When they received news about the arrival of their vice-president from the company forum, everyone was rushing to finish their report and the directors were rushing to check the final report and waiting in the meeting room.

They did not expect their CEO who is rarely seen to take part in this meeting. No one knows how to company is still operating.

"Let's begin shall we." Said the CEO. After 30 minutes into the meeting, silence engulfed the meeting room.

"Redo your reports, you guys are paid to work here. You guys can't even give me a proper report. If you think that this is the best you can give, go to the financial department to get your last paycheck. I want all reports to be on my desk by the end of today.

Ms. Einhart, supervise them if the reports are not submitted ask HR to demote them. Well then, have a nice day". Said the CEO as she ends the video conference.

When the meeting ended, all the directors all rush back to their respective departments to redo the report as their high paycheck, position, and privileges are on the line. Anyone in their department is good enough to take over their position anytime. That is how capable ZΣRO empire employees are.