
The World Hopping Drunk

A man who is addicted to alcohol will change universes randomly every time he gets drunk. Follow the adventures of a man who can't go a day without drinking.

Galocktic · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The land of Bonum

*SMASH* The door broke into pieces as if it was glass. "AAAH!" a very surprised man yelped, "Why did you smash the door!". Well, I figured I owed him an explanation for breaking the door so I told him, "Well, I have a curse that makes it so I can not touch doorknobs"

"What is a curse?" The now very confused man asked, "Well" I explained "It is a magic cast on someone to keep them from doing something" "Magic? What is that?" the man asked. Me being equally as confused said, "Magic, you know, the stuff you use to fight, you can also shoot lightning and fire." "Wait do you mean martial arts?" the man inquired. "Wait you guys don't have magic?" I inquired back.

"Well, considering the fact that I am the smartest man in this country, and even I don't know what you are talking about, no we don't. Now, would you mind telling me your name?" "Oh, my name is Mark, now what is your name?" I politely asked.

"My name is Captiosus the 3rd, I am heir to the throne of Bonum and have summoned you here because we need some help." "What kind of help do you need?" I questioned, "Well our kingdom is facing an issue, we are in the middle of a great war and-" "Now wait a minute!" I interjected, "I don't want to be fighting some country's war for them."

"Well if you would let me finish!" he retorted back, "I was going to say, we are in the middle of a war and are short on builders to repair the outer walls of the poorer areas, we were hoping you could help us move some of the materials so our builders don't have to waste time moving them."

"Sure! I am a pretty muscular guy, I'm sure I can be of use carrying things, but why don't you just use horses?" "All of our horses are being used to fight in the war, we don't have any to spare."

"Can you tell me who you are fighting against?" I asked, at least wanting to know who my newest kidnapper was fighting. "Well, we are fighting against the kingdom of Malum, they have committed many atrocities and are the vilest scum I can imagine."

"Why don't you enlist the help of other kingdoms? Wouldn't that make the war easier?" I stated, "There are only 2 kingdoms in the whole world, there is no one else to enlist. Now, shouldn't I get you working? I will be paying you a just wage for your work you know."

"Sure, where do I start?" "Well, that job is the city guards, they will lead you down to the place where you will begin your work, they will also show you where to bring supplies.

Now, try to be more respectful, I ordered my guards to stay outside this room so we could talk one on one, but they do not tolerate any imminent threats no matter how big or small."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked, "You" He chuckled before motioning to the door, "Now, shall we get going?"

"I've never been more ready in my life"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I am going to be writing one ch every day if possible, but I have midterms coming up so that schedule may be a bit wonky.

G. Lock Tic

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