
The World Hopping Drunk

A man who is addicted to alcohol will change universes randomly every time he gets drunk. Follow the adventures of a man who can't go a day without drinking.

Galocktic · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A strange new place.

"Aagh!" I gasped, I was alive, I don't know how, but I was alive. "Where am I? I thought I had died" I muttered as I looked around the area and caught my breath. I realized I was inside what appeared to be a cave with a door at the exit.

"How did I even get here" I wondered, then I noticed that right next to me was a note that said "I'm sure you are confused, but we have summoned you because we are in desperate need of help, whenever you are ready please come through the door, we don't want to overwhelm you so take your time!"

"Well, wherever I am I'm sure they are a whole lot better than the last bitch I was summoned to". I muttered, "At least they are considerate, I might actually help them just because they were nice, otherwise I probably would have run away"

I did some stretches and prepared to head out of the cave, then I realised something, "Wait, am I still cursed by that bitch? I don't want to have my hand fried again!"

After some thought I decided I was going to poke the doorknob and hopefully that would not shock me as much as when I hurriedly grabbed it like last time. So I gingerly reached my hand out and poked it.

BOOM, suddenly I was shot across the room and into a luckily smoother cave wall. "Augh, my back!" I groaned. "Well, I guess that won't work, how am I supposed to get out of here then? Maybe touching the door instead of the doorknob will work?"

I made an observation with the previous 2 door touches, the less surface area that is touching the doorknob, the more concentrated the shot will be, that is probably why the last one fried my hand while this one shot me into a wall.

"Well, now was not the time to be thinking about it, I needed to get out of here and if more surface area is better, then by all means I will give it surface area" I said to myself as I got ready to tackle the door while avoiding the doorknob.

Then, I charged.

The last chapter was kind of blocks of text, so I figured I would try and see what it would be like to thin it out a little and make it a bit less wordy, tell me what you guys think!

G. Lock Tic

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