
Phase Three

Time: 5 Minutes before the Smokescreen

Location: HMS Dreadnought's Airlock

POV: Raven Nr. 89

''Okay, Gents! You all know our part now is to infiltrate and get into hiding positions. No lollygagging! It is our job that Documents, Files, enemy commanders, War materials all get transported out of the compound safe and sound. I have been appointed a temporary leader for this mission, hence I have a temporary 4-star badge. ''I'll go over the plan again briefly, 25 Ravens all land close to one of the entrances the men of Phase One created.

After entering everyone must find the most suitable location to hide and afterwards achieve the highest success rate of capturing enemy Files, commanders, equipment, etc. Radio silence must be held at all cost until the Signal is given. If Discovered, which I hope you will not, you must try to neutralise the target, if incapable you all have enough evidence on you to point fingers at the USA, and that it was a one man's job.

Discovery means you have to die, else they would be on high alert. That is all, IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!'' I finished the speech with to give a boost of morale. ''Nr.89, this is Airlock Operator 6, all preparations are ready, you have been given the green light, I repeat the Marshall has given the green light.'' The Operator said, immediately afterwards the massive airlocks opened up, cold air started to enter into the area 25 of us were waiting.

There were 8 Airlocks in total, 4 on each side, the 100 Ravens were split into 4 groups of 25, each group gets close to one tower, since the HMS Dreadnought is facing with one side to the compound we are all using the 4 airlocks on one side. Some Ravens grabbed their badge which has the Portrait of the Marshall carved on it at the back and prayed to it. 'Radical fucks. I believe in Marshall's ideals, but he is not a god, I will not pray to that man. Even if he orders it.' I was kind off disgusted by the behaviour. ''Okay men On my mark we jump,'' I shouted to overpower the noise of the wind outside. I used my hand to count down to three,




I jumped Outside free falling through the cloud cover, I change position to look above me, seeing other Ravens free falling as well assured me no one fucked up. I looked back down, but what I saw shocked me, 'The doors of the Obj.289s bunker are opening?!?' I exclaimed in my heart, 'But then some of the Black hands must have reported it? What is going on!' I curse the unknown variable. With great difficulty, I removed the Radio horn cover which almost flew off.

I pressed the horn against my ear and tried to contact the HMS Dreadnought midair, Suddenly, ''boom!'' The massive cannons of The HMS Dreadnought must have fired, but too far to make any large or significant noise. 'Did they find out and start to shoot the Obj.289?' I ask myself. 'But then why haven't we gotten the electronic signal that they are starting phase 8?' I pondered over some questions, I still decided to contact them.

With great difficulty I was able to start sending my Signal waiting for it to be received, It was only after falling 3/4th of the way did they pick up, ''This....Nr.... Ob....9... Blas....doors.....ope....ne..d....n..ew.....orde...'' I tried to speak through the Radio, but the noise of the falling made it almost impossible to understand, and something seemed to be jamming the Radio signal. 'I just hope they understood.' I sighed in my heart. 'FUCK!' I checked the situation below me, I was approaching the ground too quickly, the other Ravens already used their wingsuits to move in at the perfect distance before deploying their parachute. I immediately open my parachute, but it was too late, My legs absorbed the brunt of the massive impact, breaking and fracturing my legs. Luckily the parachute caused the damage to not be spread even further.

I look down to my legs, they were almost like minced meat, weirdly I do not feel any pain, I touch the stumps at my hip, still no pain. I forget the peculiar situation of no pain and focus on that my legs are GONE! 'My career at the Organisation is over... it's done, they do not need useless people like me, I will be kicked out, no work, no one will hire me, 'FUCKING WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE!' I curse the organisation in my heart.

I opened the 1st aid box every soldier carries and start to apply 1st aid. 'Now where have I landed?!?' I check my surroundings, I have drifted very far from my destination because I focused on communicating, 'Maybe even kilometres?' I ask myself. I try to turn around to see behind me, 'Holy fuck!' 5 meters away a fire was spreading, the source was a plane which was destroyed probably during phase two. With my last bit of strength, I start to crawl away from the fire.

I crawled a huge circle around the fire, arriving at a tree close by the crashed aeroplane but having ditch in-between stopped the fire. 'Today is not my fucking day I cursed as the pain from my leg finally started to appear, I groan softly because of it, I lost consciousness for about 10 minutes. When afterwards I carefully started to survey my surroundings. I focused my hearing to the max, 'Fuck!' I grab my Mauser C96 and rolled onto my stomach pointing it to the man on the other side of the tree. ''Manfred?'' I said accidentally.

The man opened his eyes upon hearing me speak, seeing me he quickly went for his pistol as well. ''wait!'' I shouted showing my 4-star badge to him, he immediately relaxed and almost fell unconscious again. I crawl towards Manfred, 'Damn he is wounded pretty badly.' I analysed, I crawled forward and opened his pilot clothing showing his chest, I grabbed some heating pads from the 1st aid box and placed them inside the other parts of his jacket to keep him warm. Immediately afterwards I applied disinfectant, cleaned the wounds, and started to with much pain and effort bandaging his wounds on his chest. 'Fuck I am exhausted.' I thought, after helping Manfred I went back to the other side of the tree and fell unconscious again.

Anyone from my readers knows what is happening? :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts