
Phase Two (Part II/II)

Time: 30 minutes into Phase Two

Location: 10 minutes away from the compound by plane

POV: Manfred's

''cough, cough. This is Manfred, we have suffered devastating loses, only 8 ravens including me left, against 300 enemy planes, running low on ammo and fuel. Requesting orders.'' Manfred who was wounded reported and asked over the radio. Phase Two was a partial success, They have cleared away the enemies of Phase three and the other phases to start. ''Manfred I need you back, The other Ravens will have to sacrifice themselves to get you back, THIS IS AN ORDER!'' Kyle shouted over the radio.

''Yes... Sir.'' I said with the last bit of my strength before ejecting out off my plane. 'I am sorry sir, I can't keep that promise. I trust you to lead the Organisation to greatness.' I said to myself, ''In the...Marshall.. we trust.'' I whispered to myself falling down, seeing the massive amounts of planes flying above me, fireballs here and there, 'Is this how the Red Baron really dies? I haven't achieved something significant for the Organisation yet.' I went over some regrets, I try to pull my parachute string only after the 4th try did it open up. I could sometimes see through my blood covered face, I braced for impact with the ground before losing consciousnesses.


Time: 5 minutes after losing contact with Manfred

Location: Bridge of the HMS Dreadnought

POV: Kyle's

''Sir, it is confirmed, Manfred's plane has been lost.'' The Radio operator reported, ''FOR FUCK SAKE!'' I cursed. ''Is there confirmation of a Parachute?'' I ask, ''Unknown, the pilots were too focused on keeping the enemy from killing them.'' The radioman said cautiously. ''Everyone we must not let Manfred's sacrifice go to waste! Send in the Ravens!'' I ordered the men to start Phase Three. Immediately after the order was given 100 Ravens specialising in Night raids jumped from the Zeppelin. ''This Is raven 89, we are inbound to the edges of the compound, using previous entrances created at Phase One to enter.

''Good Keep tabs on the Ravens, But gentlemen, how are we going to fix the Gap that the partial Failure of Phase Two created?'' I ask the others, putting aside that Manfred died, as this Operation is above it. many people started to think of an Idea, but none were satisfactory. ''How about we use the backup hurricanes?'' An Oberst suggested, ''And send them to their deaths, no thanks.'' Rudolf said harshly. The captain stepped forward suggesting an idea. ''I might have a suggestion, but It might put at risk of being known by ground forces.'' '' Let's hear it.'' I said to him, ''The plan is fairly simple, it consists of shooting large amounts of Smoke shells around us, also emitting steam through heating up our eternal water compartments.

The downside is I do not know how long it will last, also firing smoke shells through our main armaments will cause large amounts of noise, which can attract attention in the beginning.'' The captain proposed. 'I also am unaware on how long that would last, but since we have no better options....' I analysed, ''Anyone has any other ideas?'' I ask. No one stepped forward, ''Okay, captain lets do your plan, you have now full reign to finished Phase Two.'' I said to him while sitting back in my armchair. The captain walked over to the intercom to relay the orders, ''All men this is your Captain speaking, we are starting a smoke barrage in 5 minutes please be prepared. Over.'' The captain walked back to his seat. 'Let's hope this works else we will be in big trouble.' I prayed in my heart as sweat started to drip from my forehead.

5 minutes pass in silence, everyone was waiting for the shooting signal, The captain moved him arms straight up before pointing it directly forwards, without any verbal commands all guns unleashed their shells, a fuse so short only a millisecond later it explodes in a ball of smoke, surrounding the HMS Dreadnought in a thick cloud of white smoke. The sound vibrated through the air from the cannons which fired. 'Let's hope for the best.' I said to myself. ''SIR! Manfred is confirmed to have opened his parachute!'' A radioman came running onto the bridge. ''Good, I need some men from Gunther's squad stationed at the tanks to go rescue him, no matter the costs people!'' I ordered them.

I am sorry for the late release again, My studies and work is hitting hard, tomorrow will hopefully see a normal no teaser release

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts