
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 18 "I've been tricked

When the first rays of the morning sun shone on my face, I felt the warmth, I felt a slight itch on my cheek and opened my eyes.

What caught my eye was the face of Cheng Yi, who was dozing with her head hanging, and the touch of that itch was brought on by her hair falling on my face.

Only then did I realize what it was, I was pillowing Cheng Yi's leg!

Am I dead? Is this heaven? Why would Cheng Yi give me a knee pillow?

No, I'm not dead, I can feel the warmth of the sun, I can feel the itch of my hair, and I can feel the wonderful soft touch of Cheng Yi's thigh.

I hurriedly got up and raised my head, and of course not surprisingly hit Cheng Yi's head.



This one gave Cheng Yi bumped up, she covered her head, beeping, with tears in her eyes, obviously giving her a painful bump.

Just as I was getting up and trying to prepare to say something sorry, I discovered something extremely wonderful.

I had just fought with the lone wolf last night, and my trachea should have been bitten by him, and my right arm should have left scratch marks, and my left arm should have left bite marks.

But there was no scar on my body at all, not healed, but not even a scar.

I looked at my body in shock, and Cheng Yi, who was on the side, also saw my appearance.

She stood up, patted the dust on her butt, and got the jump on me before I could even think about speaking.

"Follow me if you want to know what's going on, and go home!"

Now I was really confused and could only follow Cheng Yi honestly in the direction of home.

Cheng Yi walked in front of me, her pace was not as cheerful as yesterday, and the red ribbon on her head was not jumping like that, like the ears of a lost bunny.

Cheng Yi and I got home and found everyone waiting for us.

That's right, Zixin, Brother Hong Wei Da, and Lu Ying were all back.

Sister Huang Ying was sitting at the dining table with her back to us, while the few people who had just returned were also sitting at the dining table, and only Sister Lan Gray was lazily sprawled out on the sofa alone.

"Sister Huang Ying, we're back."

"Really, then sit down."

I, who didn't dare to speak at the side, could only listen to the order and sat down, completely different from Cheng Yi's reaction.

"Sister Huang Ying, let me tell you oh, Mengru he awakened."

Hearing this, everyone showed a shocked expression, except for Sister Rangray who was yawning and Sister Huang Ying whose back was turned to us and whose expression could not be seen.

Sister Huang Ying drew back a little in order to stand up and face us.

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I was looking directly at me, no, to be precise.

My eyes drifted away after a short while, knowing that I had dared to stare at the lone wolf last night.


"Yes! I'm in!"

I snapped to my feet, standing up straight as if I were a soldier hearing an instructor's orders.

"Show your ability."

"Demonstrate ability? What ability?"

"It's the ability you awakened last night."

When I said that, I remembered clearly the black spike that looked like Wolverine.

So I recalled how I felt that night and focused all my strength on my right hand. I felt the power in my hand slowly gathering, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that the blackness had once again spread to my arm.

I imagined in my mind into that Wolverine like shape, and that black color turned into what I had built in my mind as I had hoped.

"Wow, it worked."

Sister Huang Ying put her hands on her chest and looked at me with a very mysterious expression that was very serious, but her mouth was sometimes smiling, sometimes distressed, and her eyes were extremely uncertain.

It was the first time I saw such a shaken Sister Huang Ying.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

As if my words had forcibly pulled her out of her world of thought, Sister Huang Ying shook her head, her eyes became firm again, and reunited with my gaze.

"Oh, no, there's nothing ... Can't say it's nothing either."

"Then what's going on?"

Everyone here looked at the black thorn in my hand with extremely surprised eyes, and only Sister Rangray swept a glance at it and proceeded to yawn.

"Rangray, show it."

Does it mean that other people besides me also have this kind of open ability.

Sister Rangray, who had her eyes closed, opened one eye to look at it after hearing Sister Huang Ying's words, and then gave a long yawn that was as long as if one would think that it was on purpose.

"Ah~~ good."

Then Rangray sister spread her palm, some blue dust began to gather and take shape.

More and more blue dust gathered together and gradually formed a shape, but of course the process was very fast and ended in less than two seconds.

And finally presented on the palm of sister Langley, is a dagger with a blue body, and can clearly see that the handle is wooden, and the blade part is able to shine with a cold steel material.

"Cheng Yi, you come a little."

Cheng Yi proudly puffed out his chest, then stood up and right

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The ball is a bright red ball of fire, a clear, transparent ball of water, a floating ball of stone, a ball of herbs rubbed out of nowhere, a ball of thunder, and a ball of wind with great suction.

I was already dazzled.

"Little Zixin's ability I believe you have seen, between Lu Ying's ability is not very good performance, so it will be skipped first, next go outside, I will show my ability with Hong Wei Da."

Huang Ying sister words end then go forward, I and Hong Weida brother then followed Huang Ying sister to go outside.

Looking at the overwhelmed me, Brother Hong Weida patted me on the shoulder and gave me a thumbs up, and leaked out that trademark loving smile.

I couldn't help but think in my heart that Brother David was too secure, as if he could not stand up if he arrived.

That's right, Brother Hong Weida's image in my psyche is more solid than Sister Huang Ying, not only because of the gender difference, but more so because of the difference in the direct impact.

"Here it is, right, come on Weida."

Brother Hong Weida did a few sets of stretching exercises, then began to build up strength.

Feet staring at the ground, arms pressed against the air, not to say that the Monkey King's a heel hundred thousand eight hundred thousand also has a speed of fifty kilometers per hour.

Sister Huang Ying turned to me with a smile and said.

"Watch, next I show you what I can do."

Said, Sister Huang Ying stretched out her hands, aimed at Brother Hong Wei Da, Hong Wei Da's speed suddenly slowed down, the next each step is like a torture for Brother Hong Wei Da seems to be, Brother Hong Wei Da should not be able to stand it, shouted in our direction.

"Sister, that's enough, I can't take it anymore!"

Sister Huang Ying dropped her hand this time.

"How about Mengru, our ability you can more or less understand a little?"

"Seems like about almost seems like it should be understood."

"Eh ah, you will give me this roundabout."

I actually noticed that everyone's eyes glowed when she was using her ability, Sister Rangray was blue, Zixin was purple, Cheng Yi was orange, Sister Huang Ying was yellow, and Big Brother Hong Wei Da was red.

"What about my ability, it's Reverse Gain, what about Langray, it's Weapon Mastery, Zixin is Mental Infestation, Hong Weida is Positive Gain, Cheng Yi is Out of Body Ability, and Lu Ying is Insight Analysis."

"What about mine?"

"This, you still have to ask Lu Ying,"

Sister Huang Ying turned back to Lu Ying, who was also staring at us, oh no, not staring at us.

Rather, it was me, staring at me with her pupils that emitted green light.

(End of this chapter)