
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 17 "The Lone Wolf"

This wolf was staring at me, and I was staring back at it.

Although neither side was moving at the moment, my gaze and its gaze had met many times in the almost frozen air.

I can't run away because behind me is Cheng Yi. It's true that running away is shameful but useful, but I have a family that needs my protection now, and I can't run away.

"Can't run away, can't run away! Can't run away!!!"

"I'll face it!"

In just a moment, I met its gaze, both sides understood what the other's eyes meant, its paws stomped on the ground and rose up into the air, opening its mouth to attack me.

"No escape!"

I rushed up too, ready to mentally prepare my arm to be torn by his bite.

The wolf's teeth clenched my arm so hard that, strangely enough, I felt no pain, and it was good that I should take advantage of this nerve paralysis to make a move.

The wolf bit my left arm, while my right hand choked it hard.

Its teeth pierced into my muscles and blood flowed out uncontrollably, while my hand choked its neck and its claws scratched my right arm like a cat.

I pinned the wolf to the ground with my whole body strength, and even though the wolf's claws had scratched my right arm into a bloody mess, I still choked it fiercely.

"Pussy, as long as I am not dead, you will not touch Cheng Yi a hair!"

I then shouted at Cheng Yi without looking back.

"You're running away!"

I did not hear the sound of footsteps, the child should be scared silly.

The pain is all over my body, I'll die, I don't know when I'll die, but I'll definitely die.

I hope I can strangle this wolf before I die, and if I can't, I can only hope that this wolf won't eat Cheng Yi again after he eats me.

Damn, it hurts, why does it have to be like this? I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

I left tears of remorse, I'm bound to die, if I want to stay alive I have to open up, but the only thing I have to hang on to now is that my heart is not inside my body, other than that I have no powers.

"Damn it, die for me!"

I lifted my head and smashed it hard again towards the wolf's head.

The wolf also understood what I was going to do, and its teeth gnashed even harder, and its claws scratched even harder.


I knocked my head on the ground.

"Is this all that can be done?"

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Because my eyes had been blurred by tears, I couldn't see exactly where the wolf's head was, and knocking headfirst on the ground instead made my consciousness blur.

I reached down, my hand loosened its strength, and the wolf was thrown away from under me.

That's it, my life ended up being eaten by a wolf, tragic isn't it.

I closed my eyes and waited for the wolf to tear my body.

But I didn't wait for the wolf's bite, instead the sound of the beast's feet stomping on the ground clearly reached my ears through the ground.

"Beast of burden, don't move Cheng Yi."

My left hand viciously pulled the wolf's hind legs, and it directly grabbed the grounder with its head.

Mother Earth, thank you.

My eyes could no longer see, and I could only see the leg of the wolf that my hand was grasping.

I focused my whole body on my right hand.

"Boy, I recognize you."

A voice circulated through me.

Not someone else's, not Trace's, but my own voice.

My right hand was wrapped in a burst of darkness, and three black spikes that looked like Wolverines emerged from my fist.

The blackness, not the blackness that can be seen, but the blackness that absorbs all the light projected on the surface of its object.

I couldn't care less, I reached out and waved the beast's hind legs off.

The beast screamed and fainted, I looked at the broken surface and had to sigh at the sharpness of that knife, the fracture was neat and tidy.

I threw away the hind legs of that beast, holding the bloody body, and walked towards Cheng Yi.

"Ah !!!!"

Suddenly Cheng Yi looked at my back in fear and screamed in terror.

I looked backward, the beast stood up, and I thought to myself that three legs can stand up, is a man.

But then I fixed my eyes and saw a scene I couldn't believe.

The wolf's hind legs were regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In no time, another good hind leg grew out.

I waved the black spikes on my right hand and took a fighting stance to face this guy.

The guy came tearing at me again.

But this time I faced a guy with the black spike on my right hand.

This guy rushed to my black spikes, not surprisingly, was cut into four pieces.

"What the hell is this thing in my hand

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What is it?"

I lifted my right hand and looked at the black thorn, no matter what direction it looked from it was black, no reflection at all.

"All right, Cheng Yi, go home together, that guy is completely lying dead."

However, Cheng Yi still looked at the wolf behind me with fearful eyes.

I turned my head to look at the wolf, which was slowly healing, as if it was a vampire with super regeneration ability.

But this time, I didn't react, and the wolf bit directly into my neck.

Its teeth pierced my trachea and blood flowed into my windpipe.

I struggled to swing the weapon on my right hand, but I could only cut off the lower half of its body, because this black spike was too long and the weight of this whole wolf's body was pressing on my neck, and I soon ran out of strength and fell down on my knees.

I had lost the hope of life, obviously I had somehow turned on and was a very strong kind, why would I still die.

I gave up struggling, and this wolf still bit my neck in death.

In desperation, I could only put my hope for life on Cheng Yi.

I hoped she could run away, and I hoped she could save me.

I looked at Cheng Yi as she slowly removed the red ribbon from her head and pulled out a white ribbon from her jacket pocket and put it on her head.

After that, Cheng Yi stood up from the ground, a faint orange light emerged from her eyes, as well as full of killing energy.

Cheng Yi's left hand reached for the sky, and then, with her as the center of the circle, a flame from nowhere drew a circle with only me, Cheng Yi, and the wolf inside.

The wolf stopped tearing at me. It looked at Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi's left hand was slowly flattened and aimed at the wolf, then her index finger pointed at the wolf and her mouth said something.

Then, the circle of flames with her as the center of the circle gathered at her fingertips, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking again, while the light kept getting brighter, brighter, and brighter again.

Then she stretched out her left thumb, making as if a pistol action, her hand slightly upward, the point of light shot out.

What I could feel after that was the sudden rise in temperature around me, and the wolf just gave a soft cry and lost its voice.

I really couldn't understand what had happened tonight, and now my trachea was broken, blood was flowing into the trachea, my left arm was bitten by the wolf, and my right arm was scratched by the wolf, so I was already a person who was going to die.

I gave up on staying in this world and closed my eyes.

Before I closed my eyes, I could hear that Cheng Yi ran towards me again and then held my head up, after which I lost consciousness.

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