
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 19 "Who am I"

I, Brother Hong Wei Da, and Sister Huang Ying reentered the room and quietly waited for Lu Ying to explain.

"Inside, Mr. Pervert is black, but I'm not sure exactly what ability."

Sister Huang Ying went forward and stroked Lu Ying's head.

"It's okay, we'll figure out exactly what abilities later."

Lv Ying lowered her head in embarrassment, rubbing her two hands together underneath, and she could tell at a glance that she was very afraid to speak in front of everyone.

"It's okay, Lu Ying, go ahead."

"Oh, that ... Then, I'll say it."

Lv Ying cleared her throat and began to tell the story.




A long, long time ago, a big, big meteorite landed on our planet, when it was in the Cretaceous period, this meteorite fell right on the crater hidden in the Antarctic, thus triggering the biological extinction.

The meteorite was really big, but somehow, when our human Antarctic research team finally found it, it looked like a mere one-person tall white ovoid.

Later scientists predicted that if it was originally that big, it would have managed to smash out a piece of the Antarctic inner sea, but this meteorite most likely wore out during the friction with the atmosphere to become what it is now.

And this white ovoid meteorite is transferred in various research institutes, the specific reason why, this point is not officially disclosed.

Of course, this story is to know the specific reason, the reason is that the meteorite hides a great secret inside, it is preserved inside the virus, not the Earth's native virus, but from the distant outer space.

At first scientists used mice for experiments, but small rodents soon died, and the final disposal of the bodies were uniformly incinerated, after scientists experimented with large animals, and found that some of the strong, or in other ways have the longevity of large animals survived.

And no after-effects!

Scientists extracted the blood, body fluids, urine, or tissue cells of those large animals that managed to survive to discover that this is not the way viruses survive in living organisms on our planet.

In general, the survival of viruses in living organisms is parasitic, and the organism will have immune measures, and those large animals that managed to survive only the initial presence of immune

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Active material, and when those large animals are completely healed, there will be no more immune active material.

And they still have the virus in their bodies to survive, this situation is described in Earth terms is a mutually beneficial symbiosis!

These animals are eating much more than before, but more than the usual amount of consumption is missing, scientists speculate that the excess food is to the body of those "new friends", that is, the group of viruses consume energy from the body of large animals.

But it is very bad, this group of large animals once something not to its liking, there will be some magical phenomena, such as the laboratory electrical equipment suddenly failed to appear in front of the animal those experimental personnel suddenly delirious, or a head smashed into the bulletproof glass but nothing happened to themselves.

Eventually, in one failure after another, scientists found the law of the virus, the virus first selects the host, the host does not work, it takes full possession, making the host dead, the body becomes the source of infection.

If the host meets the requirements of the virus, it changes from a parasitic form to a mutually beneficial symbiotic form, with the virus providing the host with capabilities beyond the norm, and the host providing the virus with a place to live and energy.

And the spread of this virus, very strange, can only be transmitted through body fluids, and need to a certain number of levels to successfully infect.

So this virus wants to infect is very difficult, can only be infected by injection, ordinary body fluid transmission can be transmitted by the probability of very small, can only be said to be minimal.

After animal experiments, this precious meteorite sent to the Institute in the laboratory, research found that this meteorite body, is a large collection of energy, but this energy of the internal, not external, if successful research and development, can become a new type of energy.

Institute in the laboratory, a guy moved a crooked idea, he used the virus for human testing, he stole the experimental samples, escaped from the laboratory of research.

Research also because of improper storage of experimental samples, received the appropriate punishment, in the aftermath, the experiment also continued, and suddenly one day the superiors came a new directive, allowing a wide spread selective fishing net to find experimental subjects.

And with the directive, also came down a new leader, this leader, is the year theft of experimental samples, making the research was punished, his name is Wang Pingan.

Wang Pingan threw to the research a detailed list, the list is clearly written on it, they have studied the virus very thoroughly, and the laboratory where the Institute is, is the laboratory to do the first human test of this virus.

It is written on the list that the virus color classification as well as

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Corresponding ability short list white paper.

Red virus - positive gain

Orange virus - in vitro ability

Purple Virus - Mental Intrusion

Blue virus - weapon proficiency

Yellow Virus - Reverse Gain

Green virus - analytical insight

Black virus - unknown (initial virus counterbody)

White virus - unknown (initial virus proper)

And the virus will be selected, they use the white virus, the initial virus proper, for screening, just like the tuberculosis vaccination, they use the white virus vaccine as a step in the school physical for subject selection.

So step by step, we assembled here, we were called fitters, and when we entered this laboratory we could not go out again, and we did not know about how to explain to the parents of the subjects.

Until one day, the war broke out, the reason is the superpower virus, they want to make this virus public, can not let Ryuuze exclusive possession of such a powerful weapon, the research doctor also in order to let us escape the war, we took the research doctor's hope, left the earth.




It took me a while to catch my breath after listening to this narrative.

It turned out that people did not stay in the laboratory for a long time because they were sick, but because they were experimental subjects.

"So, what about me?"

I loudly pressed Lu Ying, who cowered and did not dare to say anything more, and Sister Huang Ying came forward and continued to explain.

"Because you are a black virus fitter, longer than we have been here, but you have not shown the ability, so that has not told you."

It then dawned on me why I was treated differently from the others, why I didn't know anything, why I had been the subject of special care.

And now that I had awakened my powers, what would become of me, would I still be me, who was I supposed to be?

"Who am I?"

I questioned to Sister Huang Ying.

She cast a gentle look at me and said softly.

"You, the Mengru, the Black Virus Fitter, our family, are ... yourself."

(End of this chapter)