

Third Person POV

"Okay. Don't misunderstand us and both Lez and Wood after this. I know you've been together for so long than us and us for like six years or less. But this two deserves their position without a doubt. They prove it every day, months and years. You may know Wood as he is being joker and that jolly but when it comes to councils matters and school, he became different. He's doing his job and became serious. You may not notice it now but among all the members in the council Wood was the busiest one. As he was doing all the editing and all computer stuffs things to do even though he's the vice president, he did it because that's his specialty plus Lez being the president and the busiest among the busiest ones, she was doing all her responsibilities at once." Macreme explained so calmly but serious.

Everyone looked at her… all her classmates and Lez’s friends but was different was… Lez’s friends were so shock and don’t know what to say hearing those words. ‘They misunderstood. Damn it!’ Lez said in mind.

"Uhmm... we don't intend in different matter. I think my friend Reyn, was joking about it but she didn't express it in that way... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but do you think do you have right to lecture us about our friends? We know what we know. Please let's stop this... and be at peace okay?" I said in a pleasing tone to end this and questioned.

Hearing those words made Macreme extremely mad. She doesn’t know anymore as she feels that she wants to spill everything happened to both friends of hers. She gave a deep sigh and said, "Lez is a good leader. And the proof is what you see every day. She changes the environment of the campus in the span of three years and now you're asking if they really are the president and vice president? Well… I'll answer you now… They really deserve that position again and again. They're the best duo we have in the council. Then and now they didn't change despite of how tired they are… they're still being them… approachable and relaxed. And one last thing… don’t. you. Shout. At. Me. I don’t want to say few more just to make you understand this." Macreme added seriously but the tension was still there. She gives a dark presence that could give chills to those who’s near and heard the conversation.

They seem don’t know that every student in the class was all ears to the conversation and was all I can say is that… they’ve agreed to what their president was saying all about. While the two just keep quiet and acting like not hearing those argument.

"Macreme... stop it. You’re the president... for goodness sake!" Vince said trying to stop her but she's struggling and glared at him.

"Yes. I'm the president. That's why I'm clearing this up. Don't try to stop me anymore or you'll gonna leave this class. First of all, Miss So Called Friend of Lez-----"

"Kiara. It's Kiara."

"Ahh yeah Miss Kiara... I'll gonna tell you this. Not only you but all of you. First thing doesn’t misunderstand for what I'll gonna say. Lez and Wood didn't even want the position they have now it takes months to convince and explained a very detailed explanation before the election just to let them run on that position. Lez was elected two years ago and on her first year... do you know how much she struggle during those times? Of course, you don't know that because of your reaction by now. She struggles every day every event every time she was called. But no one was there supporting her. Once she told the adviser she'll quit and will not come back but the adviser told her to continue because it’s too early. She neglected her duties for a month to prove that... she rarely went to school after that but do you know how consistent the school is? They convince and convince her just to comeback and continue. So gonna ask you... where were you when she's having hard times in school?" Macreme explained in a well-mannered tone and still calm after the tension, while both Lez and Wood just doing their thing sitting side by side where earphones plugged on their ears on, trying to avoid this kind of conversations to be heard again. Macreme knew and witnessed everything and also knew that by now, both Lez and Wood hate this kind of talk and she understand why those two are acting like that.

This was the first time Lez’s friends heard this story that surprise them. They—especially Ken and Reyn also Kiara who can’t actually look the two in their eyes which they can’t as the two are lowering their heads listening to a full volume song and as to say… they don’t hear any of those words because of it.

“Gonna add this… they don’t hear any of this conversation at all. They were so sick to them hearing it again and again. And please don’t pity them… they don’t like it and you all knew that. They may be acting like this but they’re soft hearted and at the same time sensitive… especially to this issue.” Mark added to what Macreme said in calm and then smiled.

“Okay okay.. though it’s still processing… could you stop all of this. It’s really feels uncomfortable knowing that you as their newly friends know about this than us… please just st---”

“Ah—now you’re saying this because you feel embarrassed in front of this people because you don’t know this? Ha! In the first place it’s your responsibility to know what was your friends are into and support them.. and this? Ha! Are you really their friend? Tch. This was all giving me shit to start with.” Macreme sarcastically said cutting on what Kiara would complain with.

After those words… a sudden scenario just happened… Kiara and the other girls are still arguing non-stop while the boys… standing and some stopping on what their friends are doing. Ken just remain silent still on process of everything he has heard.





Everyone got shocked and startled at the same time when a loud thud just happened. The classmates knew this kind of situation where they immediately get back on their seat. The quadros look at the person who do that at the same time with the friends of the person who do that. ‘It’s Lez…now we’re doomed damn it!’ Vince cursed in mind.