

Third Person POV

Lez stand up and gently removed the earphones plugging on her ears and look at the persons who are arguing in front of her. She gazes on Macreme which makes her step back that left Vince, Mark and Liel dumbfounded seeing those gazes. She gave a deep breath and…

“STOP THIS NONSENSE DAMN IT!” Lez angrily shouted in front of the quadros which she makes them— well everyone in the class shivers in fear after saying it with authority.

“Remember what position you are, Macreme… you’re the president of this class so please act like one. For you three… what were you doing while your president here making a fuss?” She asked yet the three didn’t answer as they still shiver in fear because of the gazes she put on them.

“Macreme. Out in this class and go to the lounge. Don’t make any move or you’ll leave this class without you notice it. Go. And you… all class A here…council members. Call all the members and presidents to the lounge and wait for me there. If I hear any noises before I went there… prepare yourselves. Understood? Now go.” Lez added seriously and faced the rest of the students left.

“All who’ve heard what they’re arguing… better not to spill any words or phrases outside or you’ll gonna face an early transfer without notice. Vice president?”


“Open the separator and tell 12 A 2-3 to stay and minimize your noises. Combine at once for our together concept for the upcoming event. Call out the vice president of each class to help you with it. Understand?” Lez said with authority as James, the vice president of the class just nods in answering her question.

“And you ten. Let’s talk this at home. No more complaint and GET. BACK. TO. YOUR. SEAT. If I see you uncomplete later, better not come back and find your class for all year. Wood. Let’s go, meeting will start early as expected.” She said emphasizing those words with big eyes.

Lez and Wood went out and directly went to the meeting place for the council’s announcement. Lez and Wood’s friend stayed still as they process every word and connect it to deeply understand what it is. Plus, another surprise of not knowing Class A has three sections for almost a week of them staying in class.

“What the! What did I just saw? Is this for real?” Ram asked in shocked and surprise.

“Ha? Ah. That. Separator was made only for SHS Class A’s. Since students was combined and not been sorted out for strand to be at not like the other section below it. It w----”

“N-no. It’s not that. I mean her…them…being like that… they’re different… she’s mad…he’s quiet… I can’t describe it… It’s just...new…”

Liel was cut off in explaining when a doubt friend of Lez mumbling words who’s still in shock. Others felt that way too… asking themselves what’s different on what they saw earlier to their friends. Lez became so aggressive and show her side which they haven’t seen all their life and the never seen personality before of Wood, his quietness which make them confused why. It’s new for them to see this side of their friends for the first time.

“Well that’s their normal tho. Don’t misunderstand this again… but it really is their normal. If you still don’t believe, then ask anybody around here. Even the two sections right there… ask them one by one… ‘It’s totally normal,’ that’s what you’ll gonna here from therm.” Vince said and smiled a he always does.

Kiara and the others looked at them… it’s a new sight for them to see how all of the class followed and obeyed her in that instant makes them amazed. They’ve never seen such scene for their whole damn life of them being together. “I know… We know… this was just all new for us even though we live together…. We just don’t expect we could see this so early…” Kiara replied with a pleasing smile. “Even us don’t expect it so early… this usually happens within 2nd quarter…but now…I guess it’s understandable….”

All seemed so tense sitting on their chair doing their stuffs… some can’t hold back and doing back and forth on the corner…. “Why are they being so tensed and all?” Ben asked confusedly.

“You’ll knew why when he’s here…” Mark said in low tone.. “What you mean ‘he’s’?” Reyn asked confusedly as if she doesn’t know what really is mean. “He may be a joker but…. He’s deadly when he’s serious.” He added and told others to sit and turned to us… “You may also do it and please….. don’t give us a hard time again…” Mark sarcastically but genuine said to us.

But before we could do what he said…. Lez, Wood and the presidents as also with some of our classmates too, get inside and directly went to the front. “Okay—what the… didn’t she told everyone to sit and wait… why would those people still standing there?” Wood seriously said and looked at to the direction of his friends. They got startled on his seriousness and can’t bear with it as they sit back to their sit.

“Okay… Class A’s 1…2…and 3. Us and your presidents agreed to combine our section for the upcoming acquaintance party. Your presidents talk about the theme for this class and they all agreed for a country attire… We set this meeting early for us seniors to prepare our best to have a memorable and fun last acquaintance party in high school, so better prepare and be ready of it.” Lez explained calm but serious about today’s agenda.

“And guys before I forgot… We’ll be having meeting again one week before the party’s day… so that’s all thank you. You can go home now.” Macreme added and smiled to everybody.

Both Lez and Wood come to their friends direction and seriously look at them. All of them got shocked, they look down as they continue to gaze at them. “At exactly 8pm later, we’ll talk about this. No buts. And don’t be late.” Lez said, “Better follow it or not gonna see the house ever again. Understand? Okay.” Wood added seriously.

The two get out immediately after saying those words to finishing up something before going home, meanwhile at the classroom they were all left speechless and everything comes to their minds… loads as it was too many to understand.

“Fuck! What’s with them?”

“Vince! Is this serious?”

“Damn! I’m not used to this! Damn it!”

“You’ve started it…now bear it. Fuck!”

All of them exclaimed in confusion and shocked seeing the two acted in front of them. Ken and Ben looked at each other then ask the quadros in front of them a sudden question that gives them confusion and all.

“Are you all free today?” Ben asked. “Ha? Ahhh… Are we free today?... hmm I guess so… since Le---”

“Then you’ll all come with us and talk about something…” Reyn grabbed Mark arm and dragged him with her going down the building… “H-HEY.. HEY HEY…Damn… Stop it… s-stop… It’s fucking hurts! Damn it!” He complained to all the drags and touching his arms… “Doing this could make me in da----” he stopped, when he saw Wood looking at them with his raised eyebrows and looks confused, not to far as they’ve stopped in the hallway wherein it almost near in the council’s office, the others doesn’t know except three… the quadros…"Owww… seems someone has been watched… you’re unlucky boy. Goodluck man! I pray for your soul.” Macreme mockingly said looking at Mark, the rest look at her confused. In that state… Mark got a message from someone he doesn’t want to received one, ‘Better not do anything stupid with my girl or you’ll face consequences. I’m watching you.’ Mark deep sighed and look at the trio at the back. “It serves you right Mark…tch.. that message will get you warned… how fast karma is…” Macreme said savagely that makes Mark more annoyed. “YOU---Damn! You better not touch me the next time…you really give me problems all of a sudden..dang..” Mark warned and shake his head meanwhile the rest of the squad were just there listening to all Mark’s whining and mumbling.

“What the----- what did I’ve ever done to make you have problems?”

“Everything. Just don’t touch me, okay? Tch.. I’ll gonna just follow you so lead the way…”

“Wew… that’s an epic stop bro… hahahaa it got you… how so unlucky.” Vince teased Marked which tensed up the annoyance and all.

As they were riding the car going to the business they owned, the quadros still don’t know what’s with all this kidnapping set up, so as the only one Macreme want to clarify all their confusion with everything happening just a while ago.

“What were you planning at? This is not right… asking someone if they’re free and grabbed them riding here with you going somewhere is so freaking confusion. Damn! What’s with all of this?” Macreme started the conversation with all those concerns. “We just need to know everything...” Kiara answered in a worry. “For what? To pity them? Please I beg you… don’t ever show it…” She replied savagely which makes the others wondered.