
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

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7 Chs

3. Arrival

"Okay, I will send you then." - The Being

"Thank you." *bow* - MC

It's seems that the time she studied Japanese really impact her habits. She unconsciously bowing showing thankful expression. The Being then prepare to send her but before that.

"Oh yeah I don't know your name yet" - The Being

"Ahh... Yes I haven't given my name yet. My name is Elin. Elin Volva" - MC

"Then may you have an enjoyable journey Elin Volva." - The Being

"Thank you." *bow* - Elin

For the last time Elin, our MC, bow and show her gratefulness for the being. The Being then move their hand similar to last time, but this time they do it more gently. A white light then shallow Elin. when the light is gone she also went with it.

"What a pleasing soul she is. Unfortunately the world she went are more violent than her world..." - The Being


"Maybe I should add one more thing to protect her, otherwise she would live in danger after all." - The Being


"And... Thats done. She will be safe with this. And yes!! It's okay!! I am not playing favourites!! And I should check her time to time, just to be safe. Yes!! just to be safe!! What? It's not like I am worried about her or anything." *ehem* - The Being


"Anyway, let's continue my work then. I will see you next time Elin." - The Being

The being smile before decide to continue their work again. Their work never over. They want someone to takeover and do their job, but nobody had fits their rank for millenniums. They also wished Elin to have an enjoyable journey in her new life for last time.


~In a Forest~

A white light shine brightly in a forest. It's still in the morning so the light are really noticeable for for the forest occupants. The animals nearby can feel some disturbance, some animals are running from the light while the others are too stunned by the event.

After the light is gone a female human figure can be seen. The female is pretty tall, she have a white hair with a really bright and noticable blue eyes. She looks fit and have a nice figure and healthy body. She seems to really taken care of her body. 'She didn't'. The female is standing, she then looks at her surroundings.

"I am glad they don't just send me in middle of bustling road, but forest.... really?" - Elin


She then looks bellow, looking at her body. Her body is fitter and have a nice figure. It's been a while since she saw it like this. She been neglecting her overall healthiness after she enter university and have to dealt with numerous homework. And those damn kanji... She doesn't want to remember all the night she had to do to memorize it. Her Sensei is not helping neither by giving her and her classmate at least 100 kanji per week to memorize. Anyway, she is looking better than ever. At least her body since she haven't seen her reflection after all.

She then looks at her surroundings. She lived in a city and rarely going out other than working and here in front of her are a big forest waiting for her. But instead of panicking she begin thinking carefully what she should do. She would be surprised if she see her right now, but she doesn't have an ability to see other person in third point of view, how unfortunate. And she was quite a scatterbrain after all.

"HEY!!!..." - Elin

She truly lost her mind after all, she begin imaging things.

"What is this really?" - Elin


"Anyway lets see... I never learn any survival skill. Well, I know I should search for water first. And for the foods... I never hunt before so lets just collect some fruits like berries. Hopefully I don't encounter any wild animals or goblins... Let's start walking then" - Elin

She then start walking searching for water. She walk for 3 hours before she heard a faint water stream, she then walk towards it. Strangely she is not tired and she never encounter any wild animals and the monster that had escaped the dungeon a very long time ago. Some kind of aura are preventing them for coming at her vicinity, of course she doesn't realized about it.

"Ah. Finally, a sign of water. That was quite an enjoyable walk. The forest feels nice and I can breath more easily, the scenery also really beautiful and I haven't encounter any monster yet." - Elin

She talk alone about her experience. It would be weird if she does it in a crowded area but she is alone. She then continue to walk into the forest. Along the way see begin to notice some berries in the bushes nearby. She is relieved that she can secure food and water at least for a while.

She then reach the river. The river looks clear and calm, there is also a large clear area in both side of the river. She can also see fishes and plants inside the river. She once again relieved that at some point she also could try to catch some fish.

After that she looks at the surface of the water. Even if the water is clear she can see a faint silhouette of her reflection. She is shocked she knew that her white hair and blue eyes are really rare but she doesn't knew she would look this attractive. She took a resolve that she would take care of herself better than before. It would be a waste after all.

*Elin Appearance*

Fortunately for us, our proudfull MC realised where she is and stop thinking about herself. She then try to taste the water. The water feels really fresh undisturbed by other matters. She then search for some plants with long shaped leaves and stick to make pad and cover for tonight accommodation. She doesn't know when the night start, but it's never too late to prepare. Surprisingly she looks really reliable now.


"Okay That should do it." - Elin

She finished her works. A small one person tarp can be seen beneath a tree, it's looks crude but sturdy. The 'nice looking' tarp akin of a survival shelter you see in a survival TV program. Some berries can also be seen nearby on a crude looking bowl made from leaves. She really satisfied by her work and decide to sit while looking at the river stream for the of the day. After all even though she is strangely not tired she wants to settle down for a bit.

She is enjoying her time looking at nature around her while eating the berries she collected before. She then noticed another sign of life. She can see bird, squirrel, and other small mammals enjoying their time. The forest beginning to show their inhabitants after she settled down.

"This is really beautiful, should I just live in here? Even if now I can't built a permanent shelter, I can learn to do it eventually." - Elin


"Well, hopefully I can. And the monster too. What should I do?" - Elin


"Nah... I want to go to the dungeon. lets begin planning then!! I don't want to die immediately after all!!" - Elin

She begin to think that living in here is not that bad with a place to settle down, food, and water are obtained. But she decide to think about it more and for the next hours she planning her new life in this new world. She is really excited about this, this is another world after all with dungeon, other race, god, and cute girls. And of course HER, She is in this world. She don't want to f*ck up when the first time she gonna meet her. She continue her rest of the day planning what she will do.


Thank you again for checking this works. This is truly a blast. Especially when I do it during works or when during break. Idk, I feel more fresh when I am working because I am not bored thinking new ideas I want to implement in this work.

If you have any idea you can tell me and I will consider it.


Elin: Bright one, Shining one from Greek origin

Volva / Völva: Witch in Norse mythology

I am also researching flower word from Japanese that I feel fit with Elin for her skill. And I think I know what I want.

Well, back to research and quick read in the novel or the wikis.

Also if you by any chance are inspired by my work and decide to implement it in your work I am okay with it.

Anyway, thank you once again. See you next time.