
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

GAHU_GEHA · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

4. First Encounter

She begin to think that living in here is not that bad with a place to settle down, food, and water are obtained. But she decide to think about it more and for the next hours she planning her new life in this new world. She is really excited about this, this is another world after all with dungeon, other race, god, and cute girls. And of course HER, She is in this world. She don't want to f*ck up when the first time she gonna meet her. She continue her rest of the day planning what she will do.


「− Reach Orario

 - Get Valna

 - Get good

 - Meet her :)

 - Happily live together forever after」

A list of wish can be seen on a dirt. What a thoughtful and descriptive plan. Elin really wrote the finest plan ever. The gods and goddesses might just have fullfill their desire to have fun in the lower world if they have a chance to read her plan and decide to go back to heaven.

"HEY!!" - Elin

Truly a marvelous finest of plan written by our Elin.

"STOP IT!!" - Elin

Elin got irritated and pouts looking above her. It's seems that living in a forest really taking a toll on her mind.

*sigh* "It's not that bad... Okay, maybe it is. And what's with with that? Why is it happening again? It feels as if someone is mocking me and it's irritates me." - Elin

*sigh* "I mean, really? What should I do? I don't even know where I am or which forest this is. Hopefully not the elven forest, they are not really friendly with other race after all... Well, I should not make any assumption before meeting them." - Elin

She is calming down thinking like when she wanted to built a shelter earlier, her mind become more calculative. She is thinking what would happen when she meet other people for the first time and not to make any assumption. Her mind keep pondering about what she should do, it's seems that her mind is better for a 'now' situations rather than for planning.

She then looks at her surroundings again, it's already in the afternoon and the sun will begin to shy away. It's seems that it's really takes her a few hour to craft her 'master' plan. She decide to check the forest for the last time before dark to search for a dinner. She takes the basket she made earlier, got up, and walk toward the forest. Of course she is searching not too far from her shelter.

As she is walking in the forest she also notice another potential foods. Mushrooms. She wants to collect and eat it later but she remember that most mushroom is poisonous... She decide to continue her walks and continue her search. But, after a couple of minutes she decide to collect some berries and hurrily goes back to the shelter. She is racing against time after all. It's begin to get dark and she forgot that she haven't made a fire nor she have any ability to do it, hopefully the shelter can takes most of the cold.

She then reach her shelter. The shelter is still in a good shape indicating that no one had come to check it and it's getting really dark. Because Elin don't want to deal with darkness, she decide to just fill her belly before ending her day and going to sleep.

The night has come while Elin is sleeping. You also can see some small nocturnal mammals also nearby enjoying their life. But weirdly not any big carnivorous animal or monster is at vicinity. It's seems that the another gift that the Being gave before is really effective and Elin of course still haven't suspected about it. Hopefully in the future when Elin decide to go to the dungeon she will eventually meet the 'fabled' infamous monster, otherwise she would reach the end of the dungeon in no time.


A light is shining through the forest while a chilling temperature can be felt. You can also heard bird singing their songs while small mammals are eating their fillings. A female figure can be seen still sleeping in a shelter, her hair is disheveled showing she's been moving around while sleeping uncomfortably. Line of lights also coming through the leaves of her shelter, while some line is also hitting her eyes. Morning have come to the forest where our moderately cute Elin is.

"Ughhh...." - Elin

It's seems that Elin has woken up. She moves around for a little bit before opening her eyes slowly and closing it again. She is doing it for a while until she have the energy to get up. She then goes to the river for a drink. after she all fresh up, she is tidying her disheveled hair. She then realized that she haven't gone for a bath since she arive in this world. After some thinking, she then follow where the stream is going. After all, she doesn't want to pollute the water where she is been drinking. After few hundred of meter she decide to take a bath.

A naked female can be seen bathing in a river. She is quite pretty and quite have a nice figure. Anyway, it is our Elin. Any other people seeing this would immediately fallen in love. But they will suffer and possibly die in undefinable cause if they try to get too close to her though...


Anyway, the water is quite cold, but it's really refreshing for her. She had washed her clothes before drying it in the sun on top of a branch. Right now she is cleaning herself thoroughly. In this cold water she begin to clear her mind, she decide that she should walk and take the risk to go to any nearby settlement. Even though it's still only been a day she is quite excited to reach Orario after all. Her 'master' plan yesterday have start to coming into reality.

After she have a bath she then wait her clothes to dry for couple of minutes before wearing it again and going back at her shelter. As she reach her shelter she took a notice the items is not in the same place as before. The bowl had moves and some berries is outside of the bowl. The shelter also not in the same condition as before.

She thought about it. While she wish it's another person that checked her shelter, she also scared by that possibility. After all this is inside a forrest, if another person is also in here there is a high change that they have experience or had received falna. She also doesn't know if they have nice intention or not.

She thought about it more. But then a small squirrel came from bushes nearby and going into the berries, it doesn't seems to be scared with Elin. She is perplexed by the squirrel, while looking at it some hummingbird also flying down to eat the berries. She conclude that the one that messed with her shelter and foods is the animals of the forest.

She is not mad about it, she then try to pet the squirrel and the birds and they seems to not mind with her touch. She keeps playing with them while some birds and small mammals also coming to eat and play with her. Right now she truly looks like a d*sn*y protagonist.

"You guys is really cute..." - Elin

"But why are you guys is not scared of human. Did you guys never meet any of us?" - Elin

Of course none of the animals is answering her. She keeps playing with them for sometimes until the animals suddenly ran or fly away from her. She is surprised by this once again. When suddenly...


A sound of string being pulled can be heard.

"Don't move!!" - ?

Elin then heard a feminine voice with authoritative tone from her behind. She is not responding shocked by the event.

"Who are you!!? Why did you come so close to Alf's Royal Forest!!?" - ?

It's seems that her thought yesterday have come true. Well at least she know where her whereabouts are. She is close to Alf's Royal Forest, the house of the high elves.


Thank you once again for checking this.

It's already saturday so I don't have to work today. Maybe I can write more, but honesty I want to research more about danmachi.

And Elin finally met another person, she finally not alone.

On side note, I am going to check the other chapters typos as I seems to do it a lot. Also I am adding Elin picture in chapter 3 and here while I am also considering adding it in auxiliary volume.

*Elin Appearance*

Anyway, thanks you once again for checking my work. If you have an idea or correction, I will concider it.

Goodbye, Have a nice weekend.