
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

GAHU_GEHA · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

2. Judgement


Meanwhile with our MC

Our female mc can be seen standing with her closed eyes.

".... Is it over. Wait I still alive. Well I don't feel scared anymore, infact I can't feel any of my feelings..." - MC

She began to thing about all that happened. After processing all of the event that happened she want to she where is is.

"Well here goes nothing!" - MC


She was shocked. in front of her there are two being with different feature. Right in front of her the previous creature or at least thats what she think can be seen kneeling. The other being are sitting in a throne while looking at the the creature with judgemental looks. The creature in front of her can be seen trembling. She would probably also feel scared but for some reason other than shocked earlier she can't feel anything.

"Wh... why... did you summon me....* -

The Creature

The creature keeps trembling. Meanwhile the being keeps looking at it. This is happening for minutes, it's as if the being wants the creature to confess. A thick pressure can also be felt while the being is waiting.

"I am... sorr...." - The Creature

"Your kind have broke another rule, you should know about it" - The Being

"But..." - The Creature

"We can't have a living person in afterlife, thats what we have established eons ago yet your kind attempt to bring another soul again. Did you think it's going to work with previous how many attempts was?" - The Being

The being ask calmly with soothing voice, they seems not to be angry just baffled with why the creature and its kind keeps doing this.

"I didn't know..." - The Creature

The pressure thickened as if the being know that the creature are lying. Their eyes sharpened looking at the creature.

"Wh.... why.... why!!! why can't we have all the power and glory. Why only you bastard have it!!" - The Creature

The creature lost their composure, all off their anger thats been build up begin to surface and explode at this moment. They don't care anymore, their envy are too big. They glare at the being.

The being keeps looking at the creature calmly, they not surprised as if they know what kind of reaction from the creature.

"You know the drill, I will send you to be judge again. You can go to underworld again if you want to." - The Being

"NOO...!!! NO!!! at least let me bring this human!!!" - The Creature

"No, you know we can't." - The Being

"You bastard!!! keep your fatass in those throne, someday we will have our divinity and overthrow you!!!" - The Creature

The being doesn't say anything, they then move their hand. With a sweep of motion suddenly the creature are thrown into the abyss.

"Noooooo...." - The Being

*sigh* "Now that that is over, lets see." - The Being

The being then look at our MC, they also look at her with judgemental looks like before. Meanwhile our MC Suddenly know whats to do. As if some kind of effect on her body like before, she poured out all of her life experience from child until she were draged into the sludge. All of her good and bad things that she did are being poured out while the being are listening.

"... and then I fully submerged into the black sludge. After that I can feel I arive at some kind of place but strangely I can't feel any of my emotion. Even when you judge the creature before and when I tell all of my experience I should be scared but I don't feel anything." - MC

Our MC tell her story calmly, she then feels sorry about the bad things that she did. She feels that all of her life are insignificant, she feels regretful with how her life was.

The being smile at her, different with most of other being they judge she feels regretful about her life. Other soul maybe does it because they were in front of them, but this soul feels that her life can be better, she feels that her life are full of regret.

"Thank you for your honesty, in this plane your emotion are suppressed. Only your deepest emotion can appear and I glad that you felt genuine regret about all the bad things you did. You don't do it because you are scared of me but that is what your genuine feeling are." - The Being

The being are genuinely pleased with our MC. Instead of judging her they feels that our MC should have a second chance.

"I am glad. Now that I know you better. I want to give you another life. What kind of new life do you want?" - The Being

Our MC is shocked, she honesty think that she should be thrown like the creature before. She begin to confess her deepest desires.

"I... I want to live with my memories intact, I want to be a better person." - MC

"I am really glad, but thats not what I asked. What kind of place do you want to go?" - The Being


"Another place as in an another world? Is that even possible?" - MC

"Yes while human in your world haven't realized how big the universe are, there are indeed another world. Even Fictional world exists and all fictional story are just human in your world feeling connection with another world and write story about it." - The Being

Our MC is shocked, she don't know that all of anime and manga she consume is real. Are those hent*i story also real... Those NTR story too... Anyway, she then began thinking about all of the story she read, but one story really appealing for her.


"I... I wants to got to danmachi world. I want to go there, explore city of orario, go into the dungeon." "and meet her..." *blush* - MC

The being keep smiling at her. Her blush are thickening, she is embarrassed. This plane is really showing her deepest desire.

"It's okay, I can do it. Okay, I will send you there. Any power you want, it's a violent world after all" - The Being

"Ah... I want to be good at magic, I want to impress her!!!" - MC

It's seems like this plane keep showing her deepest desire. She is really embarrassed, she just want to be thrown like previous creature and gone from this plane.

*giggle* "Okay, I will give you a development ability similar to Bell. At what time do you want to arive" - The Being

"At least 3 years before the canon start. Oh yeah, can I have a skill to block charm?" - MC

"Of course. Is there anymore things you want?" - The Being

"No, I already grateful you gave me a second chance." - MC

"I am glad. btw i will change your looks to be more refined. You doesn't really keep your body fit and healthy after all. You should take care of your body better, you actually looks attractive after all." - The Being

"..." "Thank you, I know I was a lazy person. I will try my best!" - MC

"Okay, I will send you then." - The Being

"Thank you." *bow* - MC

It's seems that the time she studied Japanese really impact her habits. She unconsciously bowing showing thankful expression. The Being then prepare to send her but before that.

"Oh yeah I don't know your name yet" - The Being

"Ahh... Yes I haven't given my name yet. My name is....." - MC


Thanks you for any of you decide to check this work. I don't really know what to feel about this isekai scenario, let me know how you thoughts are? If you have any idea I will consider it and at my best ability write it into this work.

Anyway, once again I only write it while I am free in my work. So I don't really know where this gonna go.

Thanks you once again.