
Stealing The Fruit

That day finally came.

Golden Mush Fruit was a special and rare fruit, it only turned to mature when the sun rose to the middle of the day. From a flower to mature fruit, it required a period of ten days. But there would be some unexpected conditions as well, just like rain. If the tenth day was a raining day, the fruit wouldn't grow to mature but waiting until the next day which the sun was hung at the highest position in the middle of the day.

Ground Rhino, being classified as one of the most dangerous species in this forest, was guarding the Golden Mush Fruit. As Cecelia mentioned before, it was about to reach its adolescent stage, thus required the fruit to strengthen its body, increase body toughness and thicken its foundation.

Nearly all its attention was spent on the fruit, as it was fear that the fruit would be taken by other creatures during its absence. Other creatures also longed for this fruit as well, once they get this fruit and consume it, they could push themselves to a higher level.

For instance, the white snake before, if it could have the fruit and ingested the fruit. This surely highly strengthened its body and probably wouldn't be bullied by the Ground Rhino, but ironically, the snake could kill the Ground Rhino.

Actually, many other beasts in the forest were attracted by the fruit. But once they saw the Ground Rhino was guarding this fruit, they immediately escaped away from the scene. Confronting the Ground Rhino was the same meaning as seeking death for them

Roughly ten more for the sun to reach the highest position of the day.

At this moment, the Ground Rhino suddenly smelled the aroma of cooked food and this made its stomach grumbling. It turned its vision to the direction of the smell, found that cooked deer meat was not far away from it, around 50 meters.

On the other hand, Kane was hiding beneath the shadow of a huge tree, kept observing the Ground Rhino. The food was prepared by Kane. He hunted a deer this morning and used it as the first step of his plan to trap the creature.

Cecelia had no ideas about his plan, she just awakened in the morning. At the time of she waked up, she saw Kane was cutting the deer meat, his skill had improved but yet to reach the level to be called an experienced person in cutting meat.

Seeing that Kane focused on preparing his plan, she didn't disturb him. Until now, she eventually spoke out her questions as curiosity had overwhelmed her head.

" What is your plan? Why do you put cooked meat on there? "

Kane turned his head to Cecelia and spoke: " This is the first step of my plan. If it will be a success or not, it depended on my luck. "

" From my guess, I bet there must be a few days no any foods enter its stomach, it surely was very hungry. It treats the fruit like its precious, dare not leave the fruit too far away. And, I don't think the other beasts in the forest are stupid enough to go near the Ground Rhino and become its foods. Franking speaking, I don't have any proves or evidences to my guess, but this is the only way I can figure out to draw its attention and make it move away from the plant. "

Cecelia asked again: " It is just cooked meat putting there, and the Ground Rhino just needs a minute to finish the cooked meat. How do you plan to delay it until the fruit turned mature, roughly ten more minutes to go? "

" Look, a thread is on my hand. The other end was tied to the meat. Once it walks near to the cooked meat, I will pull it slightly and slightly to make it away from the fruit."

Kane's eyes lit up, continued to explain his plan.

" I had collected some information before planning. A few days ago, I had a chat with an old villager. He told there is one type of herb which can cause the effect of paralyzing, normally use it for paralyze the pain of the wound and the effect is mild. But if this type of herb is consumed with bluegrass, which can be found in the village, this can cause a person to be paralyzed a few seconds. But this paralyzing effect will be reduced when it comes to the tough beast, maybe can paralyze it for one or two seconds. "

" Only one or two seconds? I think it is meaningless. " Cecelia replied. What she thought was right, when the time the Ground Rhino ate the meat and found itself being paralyzed, it surely would rush back to and guard the fruit.

Looking at Cecelia's puzzled face, Kane took out some flower buds and spoke: " Surely, one or two seconds used to delay time is meaningless. But these few seconds are the most important and critical part of my plan. "

" Once it is paralyzed, I will throw these flower buds to its eyes and cast a fireball. This kind flower buds are special, they will produce an explosive effect and release the pollen inside them if the flower buds experienced a certain amount of heat. And the pollen hurt its eyes, made the Ground Rhino lose its vision. The pollen is somehow sticky, only water can rinse them out."

" This is all my plan and what I can figure out to trap the creature. Success or fail? I don't know. "

Two minutes had gone, Kane saw there was some movement of the Ground Rhino. Kane could make sure that the creature had smelled the aroma of the cooked meat.

Although there was approximate half an hour passed after the meat cooked. But the aroma still remained. This was because Kane used the method which he learned from his neighbor, they usually would use a large green leaf, looked alike banana leaf, to wrap the food. This helped to reduce the heat loss of the food and trap the food's aroma.

The Ground Rhino raised the front part of its body by standing its two front legs, back part laying on the ground with the other two legs bending. Staring at the Ground Rhino, Kane could tell what he guess was right, it surely had a long time do not eat any foods.

" Come on! I know you're hungry, you can eat the meat as you wish. Come here, hurry. "

Kane spoke inside in his heart. Seeing the creature was about to be hooked by his bait, some excitement showed on his face. While the seriousness was thicker on his face as well, his plan didn't allow him to make any mistakes, even small mistakes.

If he failed, not only he couldn't get the Golden Mush Fruit, he may be noticed by the creature and being crushed by its feet, or swept by its tough tail.

With the passage of time, he found his hand covered with cold sweats, breath slower and deeper to calm himself.

Just after a few seconds, the Ground Rhino sat back on the ground. Occasionally, it would turn its head to the direction of that aroma, finally pressed down its desire.

Kane:" … "

Cecelia:" … "

Cecelia spoke briskly: " Just now, there is a lot of confidence on your face upon explaining your plan. But now, the thing turned on to the way you unexpected. There is not too much time left for us. "

Kane: " Life does not always go on as our plan. How can I give you a confirm answer? "

Cecelia replied in a hurry : " I don't care. You are the one who said wanna train yourself as a warrior and magus at the same time. So, you must get the fruit, no matter what way you use to get it. "

Kane: " How can get the fruit? I have no match to fight with the Ground Rhino, I am still young and don't want to die in this way. "

They argued with each other, only two minutes left.

Kane couldn't help sighing and the idea of giving up slowly come into his mind. The fruit was precious and good, but the fruit belonged to the one who was capable to get it.

" Wait! I feel the ground trembling, I guess there must be something getting near here. " Kane told Cecelia in hurry.

" I can sense its energy as well. From the frequency of ground trembling, there is a two-feet standing creature walked near here. This creature was weaker than the Ground Rhino, but at least it was capable to fight with the Ground Rhino. "

Cecelia used her sensing power. From the energy flow, she told a lot of information to Kane.

" Maybe, we still have hope to get the fruit. It is time to throw away my old plan, act spontaneously to the current conditions. "

" Win or lose? It all depends on these two minutes. "

Kane's brain was processed maximum, tried to figure out a new plan and catch a chance to steal the fruit.