
Preparation For Battle

Three days had gone since the day of ranking up.

Three days left for the maturity of the Golden Mush Fruit. Kane had yet to have any ideas to steal the fruit from the fierce creature - Ground Rhino.

When it came to the strength possessed by this creature, he clearly understood that that was no way for him to fight the Ground Rhino front-to-front as this mean seeking for death.

Three days ago in the forest, he had reached Rank One Magus with an expanded soul sea. Now, he could learn more powerful magic compared to Fire Ball magic.

While the time was not too much for him to learn new magic. Plus, his body was weak as some common villagers, no chance for him to fight with his fists and kicks. As it was just like hitting a stone with an egg, the egg crushed while a stone was still a stone.

Thus, if he did want to get the fruit, he needed to figure out some tactics to trap the creature, by doing so to avoid direct confrontation with it.

On a decrepit house, above an old bed, a young man was sitting there. Frowning bows, serious face, and eyes staring on the ground aimlessly. From his expressions, this young man surely faced some problem that may be impossible for him to solve it.

Kane spoke: " Oh, no! Nothing comes into my head, three days had flown already but I cannot find out anyways to steal the fruit. "

The gap of physical strength between them was huge as if the distance between the sky and the land. Moreover, he only knew one basic magic in his head. This magic was not powerful, although its momentum was strong to be able to strike a deer, this force was meaningless to be used on the heavy-mass such as Ground Rhino.

Scratching head with both hands, thicker on frowning bows until the force was huge enough to press a small insect to its death. Some sound was created from his mouth, filling with impatient and stressful.

" Although I am Rank One Magus now, I have much more spiritual energy in my soul sea, but I could only cast low-level magic. Two days ago, I went into the book realm again, there are ten more books that appeared on the bookshelves. Most of them are supportive magic, and some are low-level magic as Fire Ball. Only Thunder Strike may come in handy during confronting with the Ground Rhino, but that is not possible for me to learn it in just a few days."

Kane thought inside his heart. For his condition, he was just like having a treasure mountain but he found no way to spend them.

About the Thunder Strike magic, this magic was a higher level than Fire Ball. When a magus cast Thunder Strike, a black cloud from his hand. It then was controlled by the user's mind until reaching the position of the target and struck on it. The power was quite something but had no match to the true lightning strike.

" Even if I can learn this magic in one week, but I am not so sure will this magic can hurt the creature. From what I remember, Cecelia once told him that this creature is just in the childhood stage, yet a Rank two worrier is needed to fight against it while the winner will be uncertainty. "

" I am full of spiritual energy in my soul sea but I find no way to use my energy. "

Kane thought inside his heart. For his condition, he was just like having a treasure mountain but he found no way to spend them.

Staring at the sky, an idea came into his head.

" Maybe I should get out to get some wind and refresh my mind. Perhaps I can get some inspiration from what I see in the village. "

Upon thinking to go out, he immediately jumped out of bed and went outside the house.


About the ten magic, the other two magic had raised his interest.

[ Magic Name: Moving Wind ]

[Type: Wind, Supportive ]

[Description: Allow the user to make himself light and feel a lower weight. This magic was divided into three stages, the first stage will lower the weight of the user by ten percent, the second stage will be thirty and the final stage will allow the user to feel lower weight by half. ]

The second magic :

[ Magic Name: Ice Shield ]

[Type: Ice, Defend ]

[Description: This magic requires the user to learn basic Ice magic before learning Ice Shield magic. Produce some ice that penetrates from the ground to create a wall in front of the user and block the attack of enemies. ]

The others were creating three lightning ball on palm, basic magic of ice element, the magic of producing dust and so on.


Walking on the street of the village, Kane found nothing interested him. The normal life of villagers, women did their house chores, while the man went to the forest for hunting. It had been the fourth day for him living in this village.

After leisure walking of roughly ten minutes, the situation of this village made him curious. He found out one that he didn't notice before.

" Why there are no teenagers or young villagers in this village. Most of them were old and aged and where are their children? "

Except for John who stayed in this village, Kane had yet to see anyone around their age. The villagers were old with white hair, the youngest man has looked like 40 years old if John and he were not counted.

Kane dispelled this thought from his mind and spoke: " This was not any matter important. Don't put concern on this, I did best to get some ideas from my surroundings to deal with that Ground Rhino. "

Upon the time of thinking, he suddenly walked before a workshop of a blacksmith. This workshop is not far away from his home but away from the residential area of the village. If the village could be said that its all buildings were constructed in a round shape, the workshop was away from this round circle shape.

As Kane too focused on planning how to steal the Golden Mush Fruit, he didn't notice that he walked into shallow side forest, and ended up coming before a workshop.

This workshop was a two-floor building, and this premise was two and half fold larger than the normal house of the villager. The first floor was the workshop for the blacksmith, the second surely was the place for them to carry on their daily life - eating, sleeping, napping and much more.

From the quietness of this building, Kane could tell that there was no any work carried out by the blacksmith. Plus, the ground floor was closed by two big iron doors.

At the same time, a little girl had drawn his attention, she looked alike eight-year-old child. The girl was sitting before a small campfire, she would occasionally throw something or materials she collected from surroundings into the fire, for burning those. Some excited smile was shown on her face after seeing those were burnt and created some effect or sound.

" What a naughty girl who likes to play fire? " Fire was dangerous to be played, many told Kane since young. But, children always like fire and water. They would like to burn something with fire, played in the rain or water pond.

This girl was the same as the children in his world. However, when Kane was young, he once silently took his father lighter and burn some leaf and brunches. He was then punished by his father after knowing his naughty acting.

When came to his childhood memories, he slightly sighed and shook his head.

" Although playing fire was funny, but it was too dangerous. I must tell the girl to stop playing fire as it is good for her. "

Kane went near and was ready to advise the little. Just upon starting to speak, he saw the girl threw a few plants with ball-like buds and a thin stem.

Just a second, the buds experienced some heat and exploded. Much pink color pollen emerged out from and being blown by the wind to the girl's eyes.

" My eyes! Somebody helped me! " The girl cried out and rubbed her big eyes.

" Don't worry, I will help you. " Kane's face turned serious. Looking for a way to help her, a bucket of water fell into his vision.

Without hesitation, Kane hugged the girl beside him and carried to the front of the water. Kane spoke in a hurry : " Girl! There is a bucket of water before you. Hurry up and clean your eyes. "

Due to closing eyes, the girl waved her small hands in order to touch the bucket. Some tears were falling down from her eyes, this made Kane feel pity to her. Kane quickly held her hands and led to the water. Once she could feel the presence of the water, she immediately used the water to rinse her eyes.

After a while, the girl could slight open her eyes. Not fully opened as the feeling of pain was overwhelming her eyes and filled with deep red color lines.

Kane asked with a convincing voice: " Are you alright? "

The girl: "…"

Kane: " It will be alright. You probably needed some rest. "

After a moment, the girl slowly returned back to her normal condition. She appreciated Kane's help and showed an innocent smile, which was a smile only belonged to children.

The girl: " Thank you, big brother. Without you, I surely don't know what to do. My name is Emily, nice to meet. "

The innocent smile was thicker on her face. The smile really made others feel pleasant, but no dirty thought.

A slight smile was shown on Kane's face as well. Kane spoke: " It is good to see you that you are alright now. I'm Kane, nice to meet you too. "

Emily's expression instantly changed upon thinking somethings. Putting her hands on the back, waving her body slightly and eyes turned to the left then right many times. It seemed she had something to speak out but didn't dare to mention it.

" Err… Big brother. Can you make it a secret? "

Kane asked: " About what? "

Emily: " About the incident just now. Please don't tell my father, if my father knows this, he surely will punish me heavily. "

Some fear could seem on her face as it came to her father. Upon seeing some hesitation on Kane's face, she rushed to his side, hold his hand and waved. Pity face was shown on her as if she was targeted by a suspicious uncle and begging for help. Her eyes turned watery, seemed like water would pour down at any time.

Kane was stunned and didn't know what he supposed to do, how could he don't tell this incident to her father. But Emily's begging made his heart shook.

" Alright. I won't tell your father. But promise me, don't play the fire again, is it a fair? " Kane spoke after a long sigh.

" Thank, big brother. I promise you. " Her pity face and watery eyes changed instantly like the weather in the sky. After knowing Kane wouldn't her naughty act to her father, she acted like a happy bird now.

Upon thinking the explosive sponge, some ideas came across his mind.

" Emily, where do you get those plants? "

" Just not far from here. " She pointed a direction to Kane, showing the location of those plant."

After knowing the plants' whereabouts, Kane appreciated the girl and ready to leave.

" Big brother. Are you leave now? "

" Yes, I have something to do. " Kane replied.

" Will you visit me again? "

" Next time. " Slightly smile was given to the little girl.

Time flew, the day for the maturity of the fruit was just around the corner. At that day, Cecelia finally waked up and taught Kane a technique that would reduce the risk of consuming the Golden Mush Fruit.

Kane had his own plan to trap the Ground Rhino, but he couldn't estimate how would the thing go on. Would his plan success? Or maybe he would fail and be crushed into bloodshed by the creature?

Too much uncertainty on his journal.

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