
Rank One Magus, Aggressive Ranking

" Argh… "

The moaning sound in low voice could be heard, Cecelia knew that Kane was really suffered from the pain. The severe pain of preventing spiritual energy from his soul sea to break the barrier.

" Are you alright! " Cecelia claimed.

" This is nothing! Compared to the intense pain I experienced before in the jungle. "

Numerous cold sweat poured down from his head. Kane surely had a hard time but tried hard to convince himself this pain was nothing compared to the previous hurt upon casting Flame Burst.

" Endure it! I can get more power if I manage to make it! " Kept muttering to himself, this convincing voice helped to motivate him to go further and endured for a longer time.

Cecelia replied, " Well! Don't lose your focus, I am using my energy to help and cure your soul. Thus, feel free to press your soul by preventing the spiritual energy to break your soul barrier. "

Upon pressing the rampaging spiritual energy, Kane could sense that green color energy was flowed to his soul sea and wrapped it throughoutly. The energy was curing his sea soul, making him feel warm and lesser pain.

Three minutes had passed, his cloth and pant were already wet up by his sweat.

" Argh… my head! My conscious started to become blurred, I feel like I will collapse in no time. " Kane's condition wasn't good, he understood it clearly.

" You fool! Don't lose your focus! " Cecelia shouted loudly. Her bow frowned tightly, worrying on her eyes became thicker. Was Kane couldn't endure any longer? Should she just told him to break the barrier, no need to press himself by avoiding the spiritual energy to break his soul barrier.

Soul barrier, this was an abstract concept of cultivation. Humans believed that themselves possessed endless potential inside their bodies, but being blocked by some barriers, these barriers were called soul barrier.

Only by breaking these barriers, one could get a wider soul sea inside his mind. In fact, Kane could just break these barriers by just allowing the spiritual energy breaking these barriers and he could eventually reach a level of Beginner Rank 1 Magus.

But Cecelia had her own view of breaking the soul barrier as she could tell that was a great chance to expand greatly one's soul sea. By avoiding the barrier being broken at first, and allowed the spiritual energy pushing the soul sea to grow larger.

" Maybe I should ask him to stop right now. That is no need to let him push himself too much. "

By looking at Kane's suffering face, Cecelia thought inside her heart. While she was going to say those words, she stopped suddenly as she saw Kane's face.

Although Kane showed suffering expression on his tender face, but no sign of giving up. Tightly frowned his bows, clinched his fists forcefully and biting lips with his teeth to the point some blood could be seen on his lips.

Cecelia knew that Kane was not just an ordinary young man. His dedication, his mind and his soul had shown his true personality. Once he decided what he supposed to do, he would not return back and made it until a result came up.

" Good boy! Maybe you really can be a cultivator of magus and warrior at the same time, I could tell from your soul. " Cecelia sighed helplessly with a slight smile on her face.

" I must not lose my focus as well. " Cecelia was reading some secret script from her mouth, much more green color energy flowed into Kane's body.

At the same time, Kane was fighting with his rampaging spiritual energy. Inside his mind, he felt as if one day had already gone although the fact was only three minutes flew, the pain was timeless!

" How can I lose to myself?! Someone who couldn't even win himself, how he gets what he urged for? "

Kane put great effort to make himself calm his mind and find peace in his heart. At the time of hardship, only a positive mind could bring him to go further way.

" Act like usually. Breath and calm yourself. " Kane took a very long breath, a few seconds of exhaling air to his lungs.

Pain! Pain! Pain!

After a long of feeling pain, Kane slowly found calm in his mind and peace in his heart. How much time had passed? He had no idea.

He found himself slowly get used to the intense pain as if some normal feeling to him. His facial turned back to normal, without biting lips, frowning bows and clenching fists.

Maybe something we couldn't get used to something, but we found it was acceptable after a long time of enduring or doing it. This was the same as Kane's condition. The intense still remained, grown stronger with the passage of time. Yet, Kane's face was normal like he was sitting on the ground leisurely.

Cecelia had yet to notice his instant change, she focused on reducing the damage on Kane's soul sea. Upon sensing the energy flow of Kane, Cecelia found it weird about his spiritual energy flow.

It was like boiling water previously, rampaging inside his soul sea. But now, like a waterfall, flowing in all directions as if a center source of energy inside his soul sea.

5 seconds more!

Kane started to lose his calm, he had reached his limit. All his clothes were already wet up by his cold sweat, his head was full of sweat as well as if someone poured a bucket of water on his head.

4 seconds more!

" Argh…!!! " Kane roared due to suffering.

" Endure it for 4 seconds more! You can do it! " Cecelia cheered him up.

Kane muttered, " I felt like… I am going to… col…lapse… "

" I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! "

3 seconds…

2 seconds!

1 second!!

" ARGGGGGGGH…. !!! " Kane screamed to the sky.

At this moment, a spiritual pressure emerged from his body to all directions. It was like a strong wind blown to his surroundings, making the trees and brushes being blown until those threes deviated much from its original position.

The pressure of Kane's busting spiritual energy could be felt by some creatures in the shallow forest, they were scared by this pressure. As if they faced some fierce enemies in front of them.

While the pity little fairy was blown away as well…

After stressing himself for a long time, he finally went through it. The sound of breaking barrier was echoed loudly in his soul, he could even tell that his soul sea kept expanding at a high rate. The spiritual energy flowed inside at fast flow as if he was a vacuum to cultivate this energy, filling his soul sea.

As the moment of the barrier being broken, all his stress emotion was gone off. Instead, he felt very comfortable and good as he was pressing himself so long. Finally, he went through it, the sense of fulfilling, victory was overwhelming his soul currently.

" I like this feeling! That was great! I felt like all my stress, pain and suffer released to nowhere. It makes me feel good as of a fish that was struggling to get back to the water, it nearly loses its life but eventually struggles back to water and swim freely in the water. "

Observing himself, his body was full of energy. Compared to his condition before stepping into Rank 1 Magus, his potential was limited. But once he reached this rank, his potential was released, a sense of weak was lower greatly inside his heart.

" From my sense, my soul sea grows larger than, roughly three times larger than before. "

After sensing his soul sea, he turned around his head to look for Cecelia.

Cecelia seemed exhausted and flew back to his front. " You are bastard as always. Show no grateful to those who help you. "

Cecelia was talking about the matter of she being blown by the spiritual energy that emerged from Kane's body. She was weak already and needed resting after using too much energy on helping Kane, yet she was being blown at the time her condition was bad.

After hearing her words, Kane remained speechless. No any single words came to his head, he didn't know that the effect of his ranking up, only felt sorry to this pity fairy.

Without a second thought, he put Cecelia on his shoulder.

" You have helped me a lot, it is time for you to rest. " Kane spoke warm words to Cecelia with a smile.

Cecelia's eyes were heavy to the point she needed great effort to open eyes. She was even hard to sat up straightly " Well… I will return back to the realm of Heavenly Divine Book for resting. "

She suddenly disappeared from Kane's shoulder.

Kane spoke in a low voice, " I hope you have a sweet nap. "

He headed back to the village along with his hunting reward.